Topic: Rate my profile
RazzLoveLorn's photo
Thu 11/12/15 10:13 PM check out and rate my profile...i may not b your most eligible bachelor...but if ur lukin for some serious fun, m ur guy...n loaded too ;)

no photo
Fri 11/13/15 02:03 PM
Photos are fine. The blurb is passable if English is your second language and women don't mind "textspeak."

However, all things being equal the blurb is not very good and will not add anything to your chances of attracting a woman. Good luck!

no photo
Fri 11/13/15 06:05 PM
Edited by TBone5280 on Fri 11/13/15 06:35 PM check out and rate my profile...i may not b your most eligible bachelor...but if ur lukin for some serious fun, m ur guy...n loaded too ;)
