Topic: Murdered 9 Year Olds Mother Uses Donations To Buy Car | |
as I said , I don't know their financial situation money is money, and whether I have 5 of my own and 7 of another or 7 of anothers and 5 of someone else,, it still means I have 12 and its futile to pinpoint if the four I spend was from my five or their 7,,so I don't play that game, when I don't know anothers financial situation now if the donations are enough for the price of the funeral, but the cars price IMPEDES the payment of the funeral, that's another story but if both are paid,, than the goal(alleged goal) of the contributors was met She spent the WHOLE thing on the car, nothing for the funeral. That is why the father is now trying to raise money for a funeral. just because the father is raising money isnt proof that she spent it all,,,but IF she did, than that is low |
Edited by
Mon 11/09/15 11:43 AM
I didn't read any detail in the op nor did I say anything about her race(not sure the op did either) so perhaps that's not MY hangup ![]() I don't know her family situation either, and a new car is a very healthy investment for reliable transportation with kids,, I just got one myself and the difference is UNBELIEVABLE from the clunkers I was used to,,,, I KNOW I can safely get my daughter anywhere I need to and no reliance on anyone else,,,,its quite amazing really I cant imagine the 'quality' of having to wait around on a bus in an area where people are shooting kids? can you? or worrying about breaking down in some clunker in such a place? and I don't know what funds were used for what, which was the original point so If I am donating, to me, it should be out of the goodness of my heart, and if there is some left for something else for that person, Im not the type who is going to consider it sweat off my back ' ,,that's just me, whatever race the recipient is,,, yes, until that " recipient" fly's by you in a nicer car then you Lol... BTW...She's black, and yes you did know don't pull that "I didn't know the race BS".. Like you did when you stated that you didn't know most football player were black... Lol.. that actually cracked me up... you may have tunnel vision.. but your not blind, right? But just in case you really didn't know ( no chance), Hockey players are all white. Basketball... black... ( except the coach and some token white European players) Baseball... mostly Latin.. so , there ya go... your PC incorrect lesson of the day, compliments of Devildog. Lol... ;) dont assume what I know, especially about something as trivial as sports , which I DONT Follow as to the rest, I dont ASSume a quick google search comes back with these facts 68.1 percent of nfl players are black, (which wouldnt mean that any mention of a football player means it is a black person) 93 percent of hockey players are WHITE 8 percent of baseball players are BLACK but none of this would cause me to ASSume mention of a player was a description of their race that would be like ASSuming mention of an american meant white people, because the MAJORITY in america are white its not political correctness, its factual accuracy and how was I supposedly to 'know' the race of this woman,,,? |
![]() That is what her son would of wanted. He son would have wanted justice and cooperation with the police to find his killer or killers. These parents(and I use the term VERY loosely) are bottom feeding lowlifes who are profiting off their own son's death. This is definitely a new low. She is not a suspect. She could of paid for a cremation in advance or upfront & left. And still corporated. * a big funeral is really... just for the press .. in this case & may make her a target * If she had any real survival instincts she would of left. I think the boy ![]() ![]() But none of that happened. Let's not forget..this boy " was on his way to grandma's house ". It is a shame she (legally) couldn't handle this. Only the mom had a ONE time only, shot of any kind of normal life.... & she blew it. She chose a material object & social media for sympathy, & then complains ![]() Her quote: “I am so tired of ya’ll social media and ya’ll Facebook people bashing me." she even on it? Especially now.. ? Putting her whole life & every move out there. If she wanted 'star treatment' , then being criticised is part of it. Maybe some morning talk show like "Good Morning America " will pay for a trip to New York, buy her a dress & hand her a teddy bear to hold & cry over as a shrink interviews her. And she can go on F@c@book saying, "Hey y'all guess where I'm at? And they have room service ". Ghetto Fabulous She can post on F@c@book now how no one cares. ![]() And find something to blame it on. She may not be a suspect but she can be charged with three crimes that I can think of so far. Lying to a police officer, obstruction of justice and hindering an investigation. Saying the father wasn't a gang member, not cooperating with the investigation, in fact putting obstacles in the way. She never cared about that little boy, if she did she wouldn't be handling the situation like this. They also closed the fundraising account the mom had because she spent the whole amount raised on a new car. |
![]() That is what her son would of wanted. He son would have wanted justice and cooperation with the police to find his killer or killers. These parents(and I use the term VERY loosely) are bottom feeding lowlifes who are profiting off their own son's death. This is definitely a new low. She is not a suspect. She could of paid for a cremation in advance or upfront & left. And still corporated. * a big funeral is really... just for the press .. in this case & may make her a target * If she had any real survival instincts she would of left. I think the boy ![]() ![]() But none of that happened. Let's not forget..this boy " was on his way to grandma's house ". It is a shame she (legally) couldn't handle this. Only the mom had a ONE time only, shot of any kind of normal life.... & she blew it. She chose a material object & social media for sympathy, & then complains ![]() Her quote: “I am so tired of ya’ll social media and ya’ll Facebook people bashing me." she even on it? Especially now.. ? Putting her whole life & every move out there. If she wanted 'star treatment' , then being criticised is part of it. Maybe some morning talk show like "Good Morning America " will pay for a trip to New York, buy her a dress & hand her a teddy bear to hold & cry over as a shrink interviews her. And she can go on F@c@book saying, "Hey y'all guess where I'm at? And they have room service ". Ghetto Fabulous She can post on F@c@book now how no one cares. ![]() And find something to blame it on. She may not be a suspect but she can be charged with three crimes that I can think of so far. Lying to a police officer, obstruction of justice and hindering an investigation. Saying the father wasn't a gang member, not cooperating with the investigation, in fact putting obstacles in the way. She never cared about that little boy, if she did she wouldn't be handling the situation like this. They also closed the fundraising account the mom had because she spent the whole amount raised on a new car. Woa.. This is going from bad to worst. I see your point. |
Give it a month...
I doubt, that ratchet will even remember her own kid's name. |
Murdered 9 Year Olds Mother Uses Donations To Buy Car
What?!?! Next thing you're going to tell me: - homeless people don't use all their money for nutritious food, shelter, bettering their lives. - all homeless people aren't vets like their signs say and are truly homeless and not just people that beg for a living. - all donated money doesn't go to needy people. That there are huge administrative fees. That there are charity administrators driving around in mercedes wearing italian suits. - that people like buffet and gates start foundations not to make the world a better place, but to get around taxes, where they can hire their kids and relatives for exorbitant salaries, and build investment portfolios centered around companies that are the antithesis to their stated charity mission. And god forbid you tell me things like: - there's massive food stamp, welfare, insurance, health care, social security, unemployment, disability, government program fraud. - men that say "I'll call you later" don't actually call you later. I just couldn't believe any of those things. This woman is a complete aberration. I don't know what kind of precedent she is going to set, but I'mma skeered. |
This is why I don't donate to anyone other than people I know directly....So that list includes my older brother (a missionary in Papua New Guinea), and for a cousin who was schedule to get married, but her fiancé and their daughter who were in a car wreck and both died at scene.
This is as bad as the people that fly to these mass tragedies like hurricane Katrina claiming to have lost everything they owned, and have people donate to them....then WAY later it is discovered they diidn't live in the area, and had a house and family elsewhere, some people can be vile, while others I jusy think are stupid, as im guessing is the case of the mother in this OP |
People gave money for the boy's funeral not anything else. If I had given money, I would expect it to go for that. If something is left over, donate that money in the child's name or put it into savings for the siblings.
People gave money for the boy's funeral not anything else. If I had given money, I would expect it to go for that. If something is left over, donate that money in the child's name or put it into savings for the siblings. Bingo... you don't buy a friggin car with blood money...what kind of Mother or Father would do that!.. disgusting... but some see no problem with this....just turn that blue tooth on.. crank up the tunes.. cruise around town... and thank Jr. |
I didn't read any detail in the op nor did I say anything about her race(not sure the op did either) so perhaps that's not MY hangup ![]() I don't know her family situation either, and a new car is a very healthy investment for reliable transportation with kids,, I just got one myself and the difference is UNBELIEVABLE from the clunkers I was used to,,,, I KNOW I can safely get my daughter anywhere I need to and no reliance on anyone else,,,,its quite amazing really I cant imagine the 'quality' of having to wait around on a bus in an area where people are shooting kids? can you? or worrying about breaking down in some clunker in such a place? and I don't know what funds were used for what, which was the original point so If I am donating, to me, it should be out of the goodness of my heart, and if there is some left for something else for that person, Im not the type who is going to consider it sweat off my back ' ,,that's just me, whatever race the recipient is,,, yes, until that " recipient" fly's by you in a nicer car then you Lol... BTW...She's black, and yes you did know don't pull that "I didn't know the race BS".. Like you did when you stated that you didn't know most football player were black... Lol.. that actually cracked me up... you may have tunnel vision.. but your not blind, right? But just in case you really didn't know ( no chance), Hockey players are all white. Basketball... black... ( except the coach and some token white European players) Baseball... mostly Latin.. so , there ya go... your PC incorrect lesson of the day, compliments of Devildog. Lol... ;) dont assume what I know, especially about something as trivial as sports , which I DONT Follow as to the rest, I dont ASSume a quick google search comes back with these facts 68.1 percent of nfl players are black, (which wouldnt mean that any mention of a football player means it is a black person) 93 percent of hockey players are WHITE 8 percent of baseball players are BLACK but none of this would cause me to ASSume mention of a player was a description of their race that would be like ASSuming mention of an american meant white people, because the MAJORITY in america are white its not political correctness, its factual accuracy and how was I supposedly to 'know' the race of this woman,,,? Is the internet your life???, I already gave you the break down.. the old fashioned way.. I watch the games. How would you know this woman was black?... because it has black written all over it...and you knew it.. that's why you chimed in so fast.. was I wrong MS?.. is she in fact not black? your folks are as predictable as you ;).. |
Assuming,, constantly
I didn't 'chime in' , I participated like the five posters BEFORE me did and 'black all over it',,, means nothing to me except that it is ASSumed that I am a bigot who immediately attributes negative descriptions to a certain race of people,,, fortunately for me,, I'm not just more of that 'projection',,,, and no,, the internet is no more my life than it is all those people who start these posts or contribute to them, right BESIDE my posts,,,,lol |
I would say this has , 'ghetto' written all over, not 'black' sorry race isn't an indicator of 'ghetto' no more than 'white' is an indicator of success. ..despite what some people and the media wish it to be.
Let's look at a FAR MORE precise of an indicator. or in the case of ghetto lack there of. Sorry to break it to people. ..white people(and other races as well) live in ghetto neighborhoods as well, and most likely their education level is similar those around them. Now back to the OP, this woman while in the wrong, probably didn't understand the ramifications of what she was doing, im making so ASSumptions here for sure (but probably accurate none the less) she's most likely a high school drop-out with little to no follow in education, never been to a financial class, and the money she made from the gofundme account was probably the most money she's ever seen in one place in her life, and she probably viewed it as 'free-money' because that's most likely what she's been living off her whole life, 'free-money' money she didn't earn so doesn't really 'understand' how to properly utilize it. It's sad, but not surprising that she made poor decision with this money, she's probably used to being told what to do with money. ..I.e foodstamps are 'food money' 'housing allowance' 'house money' someone else is most likely enforcing these decisions, so again not surprised by this |
![]() That is what her son would of wanted. He son would have wanted justice and cooperation with the police to find his killer or killers. These parents(and I use the term VERY loosely) are bottom feeding lowlifes who are profiting off their own son's death. This is definitely a new low. She is not a suspect. She could of paid for a cremation in advance or upfront & left. And still corporated. * a big funeral is really... just for the press .. in this case & may make her a target * If she had any real survival instincts she would of left. I think the boy ![]() ![]() But none of that happened. Let's not forget..this boy " was on his way to grandma's house ". It is a shame she (legally) couldn't handle this. Only the mom had a ONE time only, shot of any kind of normal life.... & she blew it. She chose a material object & social media for sympathy, & then complains ![]() Her quote: “I am so tired of ya’ll social media and ya’ll Facebook people bashing me." she even on it? Especially now.. ? Putting her whole life & every move out there. If she wanted 'star treatment' , then being criticised is part of it. Maybe some morning talk show like "Good Morning America " will pay for a trip to New York, buy her a dress & hand her a teddy bear to hold & cry over as a shrink interviews her. And she can go on F@c@book saying, "Hey y'all guess where I'm at? And they have room service ". Ghetto Fabulous She can post on F@c@book now how no one cares. ![]() And find something to blame it on. I've got no sympathy for the mom, she lied to the police and should be put in jail. |
I would say this has , 'ghetto' written all over, not 'black' sorry race isn't an indicator of 'ghetto' no more than 'white' is an indicator of success. ..despite what some people and the media wish it to be. Let's look at a FAR MORE precise of an indicator. or in the case of ghetto lack there of. Sorry to break it to people. ..white people(and other races as well) live in ghetto neighborhoods as well, and most likely their education level is similar those around them. Now back to the OP, this woman while in the wrong, probably didn't understand the ramifications of what she was doing, im making so ASSumptions here for sure (but probably accurate none the less) she's most likely a high school drop-out with little to no follow in education, never been to a financial class, and the money she made from the gofundme account was probably the most money she's ever seen in one place in her life, and she probably viewed it as 'free-money' because that's most likely what she's been living off her whole life, 'free-money' money she didn't earn so doesn't really 'understand' how to properly utilize it. It's sad, but not surprising that she made poor decision with this money, she's probably used to being told what to do with money. ..I.e foodstamps are 'food money' 'housing allowance' 'house money' someone else is most likely enforcing these decisions, so again not surprised by this She didn't know what she was doing was wrong? Hell a 1st grader knows it's a no no to lie to the police. |