Topic: Transgenders In Girls Locker Room Or NO Money | |
segregation..... the action or state of setting someone or something apart ![]() and not all segregation is bad,, by that example, because being 'set apart' is part of the consequence of being 'individuals' we have people with degrees and people without, some jobs wont hire the latter,, is that 'segregation'? is that therefore bad'? we have children and we have adults, society allows adults to do many things that children cannot,, ,is that 'segregation' and therefore bad? we have people with penises and people without,, doctors only give pap smears to the latter,,, are they 'segregating',, is that bad anatomy already SETS US APART,,reality coopting the struggle blacks went through doesnt work whenever any and every time a group of people wants to bully their way onto others,,, |
outcast a person who has been rejected or ostracized by their society or social group... made to feel an outcast and inadequate" outcasts have it bad,, people who are overweight are outcast, so are loud people,, people who are not attractive are outcast, so are people who smell,, the differences,, some outcasts experience ostracization for things they have nothing to do with, ,, like those who dont have tradtionally attractive features others are outcast because of how they CARRY themselves,, something they have COMPLETE control over,,,, and there is nothing ostracizing about having male and female bathrooms or designating the penis as male or the vagina as female,, its BASIC anatomy across the animal kingdon,,,, |
Males putting on a dress ... That could happen now .. Honestly ... how often does it ??? It is not regulated . As I said earlier .. Being transgender does not imply being a pervert or sexual predator .. And that seems to be how you are defining them . As men who put on a dress to access female toilets with the intention to rape and assault young vulnerable girls . it rarely happens because men are still expected to use a MANS bathroom, so a man in a dress who often times will still look like a MAN would most likely draw attention but now, that a person with a penis no longer has an expectation to use the Mens room, it would be 'discriminatory' to give pause or question that same situation,,, I havent said anything about transgenders being perverts or sexual predator, because I care nothing about the label one way or another,, I have said, there is an expectation that MALES (any animal/human that produces seed) to use a mens room, and FEMALES (any animal/human whose anatomy receives the SEED to create life) use the womens room that male(with a penis) can be straight, gay, bi, transgender, transexual,, I really dont care,, if there is a penis it doesnt belong in the bathroom with HUMANS that have vaginas if the penis is not there,, go for it,,,,,easy peasy bad comparison for two simple reasons one: strangers arent roaming in and out of my bathroom at home on a regular or ANY basis and two: my bathroom at home has a lock and ONE toilet so only one is there at a time ...public bathrooms dont have that privilege,,, |
I was raised in a large family .. Boys and girls using the same toilet . The penis has no power .. Laughing .. As you say .. It is just anatomy and biological function . For those who chose to become transgender .. It is not just about anatomy .. It is about identity. That is the distinction :-) well perhaps they should 'identify' with the fact they have a penis,,,lol |
I was raised in a large family .. Boys and girls using the same toilet . The penis has no power .. Laughing .. As you say .. It is just anatomy and biological function . For those who chose to become transgender .. It is not just about anatomy .. It is about identity. That is the distinction :-) well perhaps they should 'identify' with the fact they have a penis,,,lol LOL... the "distinction" is whether someone has one or not... |
Males putting on a dress ... That could happen now .. Honestly ... how often does it ??? It is not regulated . As I said earlier .. Being transgender does not imply being a pervert or sexual predator .. And that seems to be how you are defining them . As men who put on a dress to access female toilets with the intention to rape and assault young vulnerable girls . it rarely happens because men are still expected to use a MANS bathroom, so a man in a dress who often times will still look like a MAN would most likely draw attention but now, that a person with a penis no longer has an expectation to use the Mens room, it would be 'discriminatory' to give pause or question that same situation,,, I havent said anything about transgenders being perverts or sexual predator, because I care nothing about the label one way or another,, I have said, there is an expectation that MALES (any animal/human that produces seed) to use a mens room, and FEMALES (any animal/human whose anatomy receives the SEED to create life) use the womens room that male(with a penis) can be straight, gay, bi, transgender, transexual,, I really dont care,, if there is a penis it doesnt belong in the bathroom with HUMANS that have vaginas if the penis is not there,, go for it,,,,,easy peasy bad comparison for two simple reasons one: strangers arent roaming in and out of my bathroom at home on a regular or ANY basis and two: my bathroom at home has a lock and ONE toilet so only one is there at a time ...public bathrooms dont have that privilege,,, public and private have different meanings as well... |
Yesterday, November 5, 2015
Dept of Ed Orders Chicago High School to Allow Transgender Student to Use Girls’ Locker Room Dept of Ed Orders Chicago High School to Allow Transgender Student to Use Girls’ Locker Room Spencer Irvine, This is getting out of hand, isn’t it? The U.S. Department of Education has ordered suburban Chicago’s Township High School District 211 to permit a transgender woman (born male) “full use” of the girls’ locker room … or lose out on federal funding. The ACLU brought the complaint on behalf of the student in 2013. The district’s policy was to allow the student use of the locker room, as long as she showered and dressed in a private area. The feds said this is a no-no “because it subjected the student to stigma and different treatment.” ------------------------------------- [ Chicago Showers Locker Room Policy with Criticism November 5, 2015 Tony Perkins, In one Chicago school, girls are getting a lesson in anatomy their parents never bargained for. In the latest chapter of madness at the Department of Education, the federal government is ordering Township High School to allow an adolescent boy full access of the girls’ locker room because he “feels” female. And by “full access,” we mean the ability to strip down in the company of young girls and parade around nude. Using Title IX of the Civil Rights Act to justify this outrage, the DOE is forcing impressionable girls to experience the fear and discomfort of sharing facilities with a naked boy. Two years ago, when the issue first surfaced, the school district rejected the idea flat-out. Then, when the family filed a legal complaint, administrators tried to accommodate the teenager by hanging a curtain in the locker room where he could undress. Even that was “too discriminatory.” One of the boy’s advocates, an LGBT activist at the ACLU, insisted that he was being grossly mistreated. “It’s not voluntary; it’s mandatory for her. It’s one thing to say to all the girls, ‘You can choose if you want some extra privacy,’ but it’s another thing to say, ‘You, and you alone, must use them.’ That sends a pretty strong signal to her that she’s not accepted and the district does not see her as a girl.” Obviously, the district doesn’t see “her” as a girl, because he isn’t one! And now, as Breitbart’s Ben Shapiro points out, an entire 12,000-child student body is suffering for it. Under this administration, we’r CCCe operating under the tyranny of subjectivity — where all truth is relative. The culture now exists in a world of its own definition, untethered from reality — or even basic biology. “Science became the enemy, since it establishes provable truths; it had to be quashed and quelled,” Ben writes. “Language became the enemy, since definitions exclude people and things not covered by those definitions; it had to be perverted and hijacked.” But if, after the Houston victory, the government thinks parents will sit back and take this assault on common sense, believe us: they have another thing coming ----------------------- Today :November 6,,2015 OBAMA FORCES GIRLS TO SHOWER WITH TRANNY TEENS: ------------------- Prior to Obama's ..mandating over 5,000 had signed a petition against it. Including parents of former students. 4 Community leaders & a crowd (exact number unknown), have protested peacefully with signs. To no avail. But, this isn't over. |
welcome to the growingly homogeonous USA...
welcome to the growingly homogeonous USA... Ugh..believing that ^^ might be easier than the truth. But both you & I know better ![]() Shalom ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 11/06/15 02:14 PM
Sweet Youtube video title TRANNY TEENS: ![]() |
Perhaps the solution is to abolish separate male/female toilets and have individual unisex toilets .. Single room facilities ... that anyone can use ![]() I'm all for this. The only problem is that it would be more expensive. But we could put these stupid gender/bathroom arguments behind us. |
Males putting on a dress ... That could happen now .. Honestly ... how often does it ??? It is not regulated . As I said earlier .. Being transgender does not imply being a pervert or sexual predator .. And that seems to be how you are defining them . As men who put on a dress to access female toilets with the intention to rape and assault young vulnerable girls . I think part of the though process for the people who are afraid of this is that: it is too easy for someone to just _claim_ to be transgender, and therefore perverts and predators can pretend to be transgender in order to gain access. Its not that transgenders are predators, but that predators can pretend to be transgender. |