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Topic: Cop Bashing Tarantino Called Cops For Help
Lpdon's photo
Wed 11/04/15 09:08 PM

Tarantino, like all of Hollywood, is an attention whore who will say anything for, well, attention. And the fact that he is an attention whore makes me wonder what restroom he will use...the one with the dlck on it, or the vagina? Liberals and the decisions they have to make.....

Bltches about violence while making violent movies....what a hack.

He will use the one with the vagina.

no photo
Wed 11/04/15 09:19 PM

for any who wish to engage in the OP topic, and not the topic of ME,,


Ill be checking back,,,
I did that...never posted to you...but you decided to reply to me...

Watch out other posters laugh She's a spinner!

She speaks her mind and I admire her.

inshape61n's photo
Wed 11/04/15 09:49 PM
He had better hope that the next time he needs the police like shots fired,
they might take their time in responding like they are now doing in
some cities!

no photo
Thu 11/05/15 12:58 AM

verb: boycott; 3rd person present: boycotts; past tense: boycotted; past participle: boycotted; gerund or present participle:

withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest.
synonyms: spurn, snub, shun, avoid, abstain from, wash one's hands of, turn one's back on, reject, veto

: to refuse to buy, use, or participate in (something) as a way of protesting : to stop using the goods or services of (a company, country, etc.) until changes are made

transitive verb
:to engage in a concerted refusal to have dealings with (as a person, store, or organization) usually to express disapproval or to force acceptance of certain conditions

a punitive ban that forbids relations with certain groups, cooperation with a policy, or the handling of goods.
from the name of Captain C. C. Boycott (1832–97), an English land agent in Ireland, so treated in 1880, in an attempt instigated by the Irish to get rents reduced.

Interesting how this peaceful protest of 'hitting them where it hurts' (in the pocket), started picking up American momentum again in 2008. :thumbsup:
What happened then? * sarcasm *

no photo
Thu 11/05/15 01:14 AM

He had better hope that the next time he needs the police like shots fired,
they might take their time in responding like they are now doing in
some cities!

Your reading my mind again :thumbsup:
Let's think like a criminal...:wink:
The perp- Swimming trunk guy, had his clothes stashed somewhere.
Left the scene, put clothes on, got in his car & just sat there... On purpose. He knows the law. spock

The Arnold Schwarzenegger "I'll Be Back" Supercut: http://youtu.be/-YEG9DgRHhA/

msharmony's photo
Thu 11/05/15 11:59 AM

for any who wish to engage in the OP topic, and not the topic of ME,,


Ill be checking back,,,
I did that...never posted to you...but you decided to reply to me...

Watch out other posters laugh She's a spinner!

She speaks her mind and I admire her.

uh oh,, was he talking to you?..lol


thanks,,,,,in the public forum, its nice to be able to contribute opinions alongside everyone else,,,waving

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