Topic: Ratings please?
Rock's photo
Sat 10/10/15 06:12 PM
Just did the first real updates to my profile since joining.

How badly, did I screw it up?

Jaan Doh 's photo
Sat 10/10/15 07:09 PM
Heya Rock Gnome,

In my opinion its good,
Lots of interest's
And mysterious enough to make people want to know more

misstina2's photo
Sat 10/10/15 08:44 PM
flowerforyou It was interestingflowerforyou

SitkaRains's photo
Sat 10/10/15 08:46 PM
WEll You know the first thing I am going to get you on..
You quit smoking. get a new picture my friend.
Your profile is you so therefore it is good.

Frankk1950's photo
Sun 10/11/15 12:05 AM
I'm not going to propose until you tell me what C.E.A stands for.
Guess I'll be waiting a while.As Rains said it's you,but then I don't believe half of it.You probably like it that way.
Well done :thumbsup: