Topic: The Gallows | |
yeah so I consolidated....sue me
![]() ![]() Dance Music in the hollow music in the swell dance a dance of timin dance to wake the dead swing me from the stars swing me on the floor tell me that you'll dance tell me i dance well i'll tell you it's my partner i'll tell you you move well sing a verse or two with me sing a verse of love watch me smile wide for you watch me smile true sit me in the corner sit with me would you enjoy the dance we had enjoy and don't be sad thank me for the time that was thank me from your heart A Story wind moans soft in waiting crowd restlessly anticipates tread of boots from the hall jingling keys awake cold steel turns in the lock the preacherman awaits a few words to ease one last walk i take in the courtyard fate awaits six steps to raise me high no last words to say darkness as the hood is placed now only the noose remains lever's pulled and night descends creaking of the hangman's rope gently as I sway Dark dark is the path i walk cold is the air i breathe sharp are the words of hate heavy is the load i bear shame is the claok i wear dark,cold,sharp heavy shame darkens my every dream freezes my every thought sharpens my every need weighs on my every deed cruel are the wounds that bleed damning the judgements of me leaden are the skies above mocking are the things I seek laughter is the thanks i recieve cruel,damning,leaden mocking laughter pain my only friend punitive my reward heavy my every thought derision my applause light is the touch love lost is a soul alone bitter is the drink of life sad is a story told dream is a faded scene light,lost,bitter sad dream soft my lonely sighs spent my energies stinging my tears fall sorrow my daily meal a long dark lonely road is all that faces me The Weaver keen as a razor it has run me through 'tween gaps in armor to pierce my heart wielded by one untrue with skill of surgeon and craftsmans eye you wove the web of lies with cold, dead smile you twisted the blade and danced the puppet to the tune you played with song then done you cut the strings and sighed, sated smile for what you'd done one more dead husk in the web you wove one more devoured soul to sate your lust and still, you spin your web of lies to decieve,to justify to hide your sin as fickle as fate in an autumn wind your story, your hunt will they never end spin as you will and weave your webs only to entrap yourself in your gossamer thread The Horseman's Wyrd tearing at this heart o mine claws of razored steel bleeding out my lifes blood upon a blackened field laughter in the background as poisoned clowns dance with glee smiles revealing dripping fangs as they rend what's left o me scattered 'cross the killing field starbright shreds of love fading in the darkness as the Horseman descends from above wicked, gleaming scythe of lore pierces my torn heart as the Horseman speaks my wyrd never with rended soul, love shalt thou seek The Price in the waking moment as revelation hits all your dreams and plans are just a pile of sh*t the failure of the conscious mind to cope with everyday drives away all sanity and in the end you'll pay you dreamt a dream of everything that shattered just like glass the tinkling of the falling scenes sounds out "kiss my as*" when everything you wanted and thought you had at last trickles through your fingers the dreams fade so fast as you plan your little plan and dream your big dreams remember all the roadwork Man just isn't what it seems the pain and sorrows linger like a knife wound in your back it's just the price we pay in life to keep us in the black Anew And now the morn has come All aglow for me and you The birds awake in Sol's soft glow The world is bright and new Another dance to life's melody Another chance to start again In a new day's golden glow The Willow Weeps Oh how softly the willow weeps When no longer can it's roots reach The waters of love that run so deep Oh how softly the wind doth sigh As through withering leaves it blows On limbs that no longer reach so high Oh how the woodsmans axe doth sing As the heart grows dry with passing time Till all love is ash in the fires ring The Field In a field of brokens dreams I wander lost inside of me I see the faded memories Their twisted visage mocking me In a field of broken dreams I wander lost inside of me I spy a patch of unbroken green It's lush life calling me In a field of broken dreams I wander lost in search of me In the heart of growing green There blooms a new dream for me The Answer can it be true what has been said of captured hearts and drowning pools and those who see the trancing light that guides them on to you and joy ever bringing smiles and longings for another dose of you from what i have seen i must say that all is true for i have looked and cannot bring my eyes to look away Need how to say what is to be my wanton need to feel from you your sweet lips on mine to lose myself in your embrace at days end as we lay entwined your hot breath upon my skin stoking the flames of my desire to suffer but a taste of you would be a pleasure so divine The Phrase each day that comes and goes finds it harder not to say every parting as our time ends finds me closer to the phrase every soft sounding of your voice finds me futher in a daze every thought I have of you finds me wanting you to stay each time we say goodbye finds me trying not to say...... I love you Opportunity good things come to all my friend but can we recognize them we tend in fear and insecurity to over analalyze them when what should be done is seldom what we do take the gift bestowed my friend and run with it till the end for how many times can opportunity come calling at your door to have it hemmed and hawed over before it comes no more so next time you hear that rapping open your door and let it in accept the good that comes your way given by fate with a smile Place once there was a place all mine i could go to for escape for a time forgetting the troubles i could not out pace to hide from fear and responsibility becoming a child for a time and play the games i out grew as adulthood staked it's claim but as all things we once knew it changed as time went by subtle alterations hid it from my eyes as i looked to return to that place i once knew |
![]() Dance: This poem may seem upbeat, a little light-hearted at first, but it leaves me with a sad, empty feeling at the end. Keeps me wondering why the dance had to end. The imagery in it is great though, (swing me from the stars/swing me on the floor), and I’d have to say those are my favorite lines along with (watch me smile wide for you/watch me smile true). I get the impression that this about a relationship, started strong and fast, whisked you off your feet, and comes to an amicable end into friendship. Just my opinion though. A Story: I think I read this one 10 times over when I first saw it I was in such admiration. You really took me down those last steps to the HangedMan’s destiny. My favorite line out of this one is actually that last one, where you chose to put a soft twist into such a brutal act. Dark: I just want to give you a hug after that. To let us in and show us the anguish that weighs on your soul is to say the least, brave and open…the open window to a human being when they are feeling at their lowest. I particularly liked the layout of this one. It’s writing that shows a lot of forethought and effort. The Weaver: (with cold, dead smile/ you twisted the blade/ and danced the puppet/ to the tune you played) WOW…I don’t know who this is about, but I know I’d never want to give them the time of day after this “verbal lashing”. Your wordage keeps me riveted, drawn to your message, painting me into the picture you’re drawing. The Horseman’s Wyrd: I picture a man, on his knees, in a barren field; the clouds are dark and the sky and field painted midnight and black, the way dusk brings in. He’s in tattered clothes, sliced straight through, with blood soaking its edges. Stained cheeks with blood tears, looking heavenward, waiting for some glimmer of a sign. A hint of madness shows in his eyes as he has a revelation that one will never come… The Price: This is the first poem I’ve ever read of yours. I remember thinking that you were disappointed in life and what it has brought you. I remember thinking that I wanted to get into the head of a man who could write such depressing things, and still leave me in awe over the “beauty” of the words. Anew: No more beautiful words could be said about a new beginning. The Willow Weeps: This one leaves me heartbroken. Just like the willow which stands for melancholy, you suffer in love too. The Field: I love this one because it shows your turning point. Where your broken heart starts to mend and believe again (in the heart of growing green/ there blooms a new dream for me). The Answer: I was breathless after reading this one. A love poem cannot be matched to this…well, except for one, and you wrote that one too…lol. But geez Hanged, I cannot pick one line, one thing I like about this one best. You could woo the pants of Mother Teresa with this if she were still alive. Need: Is it getting hot in here? The Phrase: This one left me speechless before and it still does. Opportunity: I like the message this poem portrays…carpe diem. Take the opportunities and don’t question it, just enjoy. Place: This is so true for everyone. It’s the old adage “you can never go home again”. I like the way you express it. You have a great gift with words Hanged. Please don’t stop writing. The world will be at a loss without your thoughts. |
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Damn JB....thank you for the review. Exactly what I was looking for. Glad you enjoyed them.
![]() ![]() ![]() Thanks Chelle i am glad you like them. Oh and thank you. ![]() |
The Broken Man
The Broken Man Howdy folks! step right up! come see the broken man! step inside! it's just two-bits! come see his tears drops fall! sorry ma'am! no kids allowed! it's just to sad to see! right this way! just step inside! his pains on display for all to see! gather round! listen close! you'll hear the breaking of his heart! thank you folks! hope you enjoyed the show! coma again and bring a friend! we'll be here! three shows a day! for the rest of his sad life! |
The Gathering Divine Sitting in the darkness of the gathering divine whiling away the hours recalling all i left behind mocked by wraiths of memories that have slipped from my grasp trying to piece together the puzzles of my past Retracing every step I took to find where i went wrong hoping for a second chance to take the path untrod i find that i am following the last pinpoint of light shining in thedarkness of descending eternal night past thewraithsof yesterday a new puzzle taking shape showing all the broken dreams and the choices that i made twas not a broken road i walked but a path that led me here to peer beyond the the blinding light and catch a glimpse of you to gaze into your liquid depths and lose myself in you finding after all this time someone to call my own someones hand to hold and lead me down the path out of the darkness of the gathering divine |
![]() Once again I am in awe of your soul my friend ... I have come to see, learn and feel a side of you that so amaze's me,,, Hugs to you ![]() ![]() |
A Cup of Bitter Woe
here i sit all alone upon my throne of bone stuck again in a hell i created on my own listening to the suffering screams of another lost soul's painful end no longer does the suffering sate my hunger, nor fill my empty soul so bring to me another cup of woe and let me drink it's bitter brew and quench my burning hate if but for a moment til i rend yet again the wings from upon an angels back in joyful glee to see her pained expression awed in shock to find she is abandoned her faith fueling the sulphurous fires the pitiful wailing feeding my minions still i sit upon my throne of twisted bone in the midst of my own hellish fate one more cup of bittered woe to drink another tortured soul thrown to feed my hate |
i came upon a field of green filled with wildflowers fluttering among the blooms a single butterfly multi colored facetings as sunlight danced upon it's wings it led me on a merry chase over hills and through the vales ever elusive, evading me til i could chase no more upon the 'morrow i'd return armed with a silken net the chase resumed in earnest but no closer could i get til the day i laid my net upon the greening ground and paid no heed to beauties wings allowing it to come to me with the softness of a kiss it lit upon my hand everyday i now awake to my precious butterfly |
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Just awesome pieces faves are A story & Butterfly,...beautifully written
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The Broken Man: REALLY like this one...I like the mocking tone of expresses the way people can't seem to get enough of seeing other people's misery. Sad how some people tend to make an event out of other's lives...guess that's why soap operas are so popular.
The Gathering Divine: It’s the Price meets Anew…where your realize that where you thought you were disappointed with life, had it not happened like it had, you wouldn’t be looking at the new beginning that’s currently in front of you, and you seem to be grateful for it now…JMO. Love the wordage on this. You use adjectives like a painter uses a brush, placing each one with just the right steady, careful stroke. A Cup of Bitter Woe: I can't say enough how much I like this. It reminds me of something you might see in Shakespeare, the dark edginess to it...this one's right up my alley. Butterfly: Ellusive little things those butterflies...but oh so worth the catch! This is absolutely beautiful. Oh but to instill myself in your thoughts and reside there, I’d never grow bored. ![]() |
Thank you all for the kind words. Glad you enjoyed them.
JB, thanks for the in depth reviews. Love them. ![]() |
A Treatise on an Unending Cycle
a hunt began in bloodlust to sate a never ending hunger brought to all involed in love a rather horrid ending broken hearts and shattered lives and dreams abruptly ending children torn from loving arms with wounds never mending pride accelerates a festering and leads to souls poisoning feeding squirming maggots and breeding future tears for an ever perpetuating state of self inflicting cannabalistic feasting leading to an overload of of sadness never ending |
You are so descriptive in everything you write, it’s not hard to lose yourself in the picture. Another great one Hanged.
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I stand up and applaud you,,, most awesome write indeed,,,
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hey Mom, did you notice Butterfly?? One of my favorites....
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ohhhhhh Jelly yes,,, A beautiful piece,, I have sat back and re-read all of them a couple of times and Still i can not come up with a favorite,,, Me thinks our friend here has an incredible talent,,, writes with love in his heart and wisdom in his soul,,,,,
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Awwwwww....Thank you. You two are to kind.
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