Topic: Rosebub- Obama Is Not Welcomed | |
I wonder what they'll say about Carson basically calling the victims pusses. "I wouldn't just stand there and let him shoot me. I'd say 'come on guys, attack him'. He might shoot me but he wouldn't get all of you." (pusses) Newsflash-- Obama isn't running for President. He's in his second term, which means that logically and technically he's NOT politicizing it. He stands to gain nothing if Americans are touched by his response to a tragedy. Especially when that shooter was ex military. The shooter was discharged from the Army for a suicide attempt btw. This may not have occured to you but the people who ARE 'cashing in' are the ones who are misidentifying this as a RELIGIOUS 'problem' with an NRA SOLUTION. I don't care if you don't like the President or Hillary or Biden. That's not the point here. The problem is the Army the VA, the shooters friends and family didn't get this Vet the help they knew he needed and he went off the deep end. You can't challenge the fact that the the shooters mental state and the mistreatment and or neglect is what caused this. If this guy hadn't snapped there wouldn't be a body count. You or any other anti gun control person having 5 more guns than you have now wouldn't stop what happened. Unless you can run really fast. I don't think this was a gun control problem. I don't know particulars about how he got the gun but I know that more guns wouldn't do a damn bit of good in stopping this kind of premeditated punk *** stupidity. I think Carson is ok, he's not the worst person in the world but what he said was dumb as hell. The biggest problem I have with what he said is that he actually took the time to think about it before he said it. To make it worse, someone DID charge this a hole and got shot 7 times in the process on his daughter's bday no less. Thanks to him more people DIDN'T die that day. It was only plastered on EVERY media outlet pictures of the guy on the stretcher, in his hospital bed, even video from the hospital thanking everyone for their well wishes and support, there's even a gofundme page for him. Ben should have known that, and the reporter should have challenged him on the spot for missing that VITAL piece of information. Carson DOES stand to gain from this since he IS running for President. Regardless of what you think! Too many African Americans on the Left can't stand a successful Member of their own Race! Call them all sorts of Invectives! They rather gravitate toward Frauds like Obama! You know Conrad, that's what they said about the last election and judging by the majority in the house and Senate we see these predictions don't always play out in reality. People were slamming Obama before he was inaugurated and not wanting to go down with the favorability polls the democrats broke camp and look where they are. At home watching cspan. They left him high and dry because people didn't like him for a week or two. Divide and conquer. Unfortunately for republicans the tea party was simultaneously breaking the GOP cohesion and now we're polling non republican non politicians against incumbents and former office republicans in the politicians own States AND across the board. Reb, tell us, inform us, or at least those who don't know, how long does it take for a body with no vitals to 'go cold'? There were undoubtedly many other criminal cases that took place orwere tried in the times between the shooting and the press release and statements made about Oregon. How 'enthusiastic' did Obama come across in response to MEDIA questions on THAT event. There is a distinct difference between answering questions AT A NEWS CONFERENCE, and an appearance someone plans (not too well because apparently Carson missed some of the MAJOR DETAILS of the incident). He spokeabout Ft Hood, he spoke about Ft Meade, he spoke about Chattanooga, all military targets. Being the COMMANDER IN CHEIF, that's kinda part of the job description. He also spoke about Gaby Giffords, Sandyhook, the El faro sinking because he cares about more than just our military. Not all Presidents do this, but one who doesn't explore combating the ills of our society BEFORE and after they are evident is negligent. He could have said 'oh well....' and not mentioned the incidents or he could do what the people (who weren't turned away at the poles illegaly)or he could use the power that the constitution and the people gave him to take on difficult problems like he did with the Bush created bailouts, soaring gas prices, unemployment, gun crimes, bringing our troops home. These were mostly issues that the people who elected him said they wanted to see changed which was a big part of why he got elected (twice). He had to win a primary before he got elected (twice) and on the campaign trail these are issues people said they wanted him to do, or at lest try. Besides,one has to be quite stupid to vote for that Narcissist twice! I can understand,once,but TWICE? ![]() |
Newsflash-- Obama isn't running for President.
NEWSFLASH genius...he ADMITTED to politicizing it in his statement just a few hours after the incident happened. He used a tragedy to push agenda. It doesnt matter if he can run again or not, he can help decide who gets a chance TO run and carry the "no gun" agenda...Im sorry if you cant see that.
He's in his second term, which means that logically and technically he's NOT politicizing it. But, in reality, you can....which is why your earlier post was an attempted deflection....cant let Dear Leader look bad. Reb, tell us, inform us, or at least those who
Alot longer than it takes for Obama to use an innocents death to push a narrative....
don't know, how long does it take for a body with no vitals to 'go cold'? As for the rest of your postings, I dont argue gun control with gun control supporters who dont know the difference between a magazine and a damn clip. I still have never heard a good reason to keep law abiding American citizens from owning whatever firearm they want.....and I asked, in another thread, for any SPECIFIC solutions to the mental health angle...and got zero. You dont wanna own firearms? Fine, I have ZERO issue with stay the frick outta my God given, Constitutionally upheld right TO own firearms. Now post some rambling, ten thousand word reply that is all over the place.... |
Edited by
Fri 10/09/15 03:05 AM
2 days ago.
Obama visit to Roseburg stirs local anger about his support for gun control after shooting | ------------------------------------- 13 hours ago Shooting victim, Chris Mintz, reportedly released from hospital in Roseburg | Local | Eugene, Oregon -------------------------------------------------- 5 hours ago ![]() Oregon senators call for gun control after Roseburg shooting | Local & Regional | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News |
“You got into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” — Barack Obama
The Worst Obama Quotes(87 quotes) ------------------------------ I think that I am a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.” 10 quotes that haunt Obama - POLITICO |
Newsflash-- Obama isn't running for President.
NEWSFLASH genius...he ADMITTED to politicizing it in his statement just a few hours after the incident happened. He used a tragedy to push agenda. It doesnt matter if he can run again or not, he can help decide who gets a chance TO run and carry the "no gun" agenda...Im sorry if you cant see that.
He's in his second term, which means that logically and technically he's NOT politicizing it. But, in reality, you can....which is why your earlier post was an attempted deflection....cant let Dear Leader look bad. Reb, tell us, inform us, or at least those who
Alot longer than it takes for Obama to use an innocents death to push a narrative....
don't know, how long does it take for a body with no vitals to 'go cold'? As for the rest of your postings, I dont argue gun control with gun control supporters who dont know the difference between a magazine and a damn clip. I still have never heard a good reason to keep law abiding American citizens from owning whatever firearm they want.....and I asked, in another thread, for any SPECIFIC solutions to the mental health angle...and got zero. You dont wanna own firearms? Fine, I have ZERO issue with stay the frick outta my God given, Constitutionally upheld right TO own firearms. Now post some rambling, ten thousand word reply that is all over the place.... Deflection.... Oregon mass shooting, mentally ill veteran charged by another veteran who was shot 7 times. EVERY MASS SHOOTING HAS discussed the mental health issue. It's murky waters which may as well have a toaster tv and radio in them since MANY of the MENTALLY ILL SHOOTERS were veterans and or otherwise law abiding citizens. ANY legislation for gun control has to meet 3 huge oppositions. 1 veterans (possibly mentally ill) NRA (possibly mentally ill veterans as well 3 republicans (likely all of the above). Even terrorist mass shootings bombings, have tip toes the mental illnessess slack line and been blasted by EVERYONE who is dumb enough to think that A gun control measure/ legislation means nobody can buy or possess ANY firearm. Obama admitted what to who when and where that his visit to the families was a platform to stump a political agenda for who? Was there any video of his visit, photos of him with the families and contact information to gun control lobbyists? That's not deflection, it is the truth that the President made a point of NOT politicizing, rather taking that time to privately express his condolences to the families with NO MEDIA PRESENT. Show me 1 picture of video clip to the contrary. I'm not talking about protest pics of citizens with signs, I mean photo or video of the PERSONAL adress to all but ONE family who didn't attend the meeting. As for a solution to the mental health angle, has ANYONE from the government arrived at your home demanding you turn in your firearms? Has ANYONE in any branch of government announced an all out ban on firearms threatening jail time for ALL citizens who don't IMMEDIATELY turn in their weapons? Ban starts with the letter B Confiscation starts with the letter C CONTROL also starts with the letter C but the spelling and meaning are not the same. Which God gave mankind the right to own a gun? I can't find it in my Bible. You must be reading the Quran again. |
Newsflash-- Obama isn't running for President.
NEWSFLASH genius...he ADMITTED to politicizing it in his statement just a few hours after the incident happened. He used a tragedy to push agenda. It doesnt matter if he can run again or not, he can help decide who gets a chance TO run and carry the "no gun" agenda...Im sorry if you cant see that.
He's in his second term, which means that logically and technically he's NOT politicizing it. But, in reality, you can....which is why your earlier post was an attempted deflection....cant let Dear Leader look bad. Reb, tell us, inform us, or at least those who
Alot longer than it takes for Obama to use an innocents death to push a narrative....
don't know, how long does it take for a body with no vitals to 'go cold'? As for the rest of your postings, I dont argue gun control with gun control supporters who dont know the difference between a magazine and a damn clip. I still have never heard a good reason to keep law abiding American citizens from owning whatever firearm they want.....and I asked, in another thread, for any SPECIFIC solutions to the mental health angle...and got zero. You dont wanna own firearms? Fine, I have ZERO issue with stay the frick outta my God given, Constitutionally upheld right TO own firearms. Now post some rambling, ten thousand word reply that is all over the place.... Deflection.... Oregon mass shooting, mentally ill veteran charged by another veteran who was shot 7 times. EVERY MASS SHOOTING HAS discussed the mental health issue. It's murky waters which may as well have a toaster tv and radio in them since MANY of the MENTALLY ILL SHOOTERS were veterans and or otherwise law abiding citizens. ANY legislation for gun control has to meet 3 huge oppositions. 1 veterans (possibly mentally ill) NRA (possibly mentally ill veterans as well 3 republicans (likely all of the above). Even terrorist mass shootings bombings, have tip toes the mental illnessess slack line and been blasted by EVERYONE who is dumb enough to think that A gun control measure/ legislation means nobody can buy or possess ANY firearm. Obama admitted what to who when and where that his visit to the families was a platform to stump a political agenda for who? Was there any video of his visit, photos of him with the families and contact information to gun control lobbyists? That's not deflection, it is the truth that the President made a point of NOT politicizing, rather taking that time to privately express his condolences to the families with NO MEDIA PRESENT. Show me 1 picture of video clip to the contrary. I'm not talking about protest pics of citizens with signs, I mean photo or video of the PERSONAL adress to all but ONE family who didn't attend the meeting. As for a solution to the mental health angle, has ANYONE from the government arrived at your home demanding you turn in your firearms? Has ANYONE in any branch of government announced an all out ban on firearms threatening jail time for ALL citizens who don't IMMEDIATELY turn in their weapons? Ban starts with the letter B Confiscation starts with the letter C CONTROL also starts with the letter C but the spelling and meaning are not the same. Which God gave mankind the right to own a gun? I can't find it in my Bible. You must be reading the Quran again. Obfuscating much? |
Which God gave mankind the right to own a gun? I can't find it in my Bible. You must be reading the Quran again.
Oooohh...hell no, you did not just say that! ![]() MY previous post... ![]() Nets Hype Muslims Targeted in Chapel Hill Shootings 12 Times More Than Christians in Oregon By Kristine Marsh | October 7, 2015 | 1:02 PM EDT "If African Americans or Muslims had been singled out, President Obama would have gone ballistic, Al Sharpton would be calling for street rallies, and CAIR would be asking for congressional investigations. But because Christians are being cherry picked for murder, there is no call to arms. Indeed, many major media outlets aren't even telling the truth. It's obvious — 'Christian Lives Don't Matter' — either here or abroad.” Nets Hype Muslims Targeted in Chapel Hill Shootings 12 Times More Than Christians in Oregon Analysis Breakdown: MRC Culture watched the evening news broadcasts from ABC, NBC, and CBS the three days following each shooting, Feb. 11, 12, 13 and October 2, 3, and 4 respectively, noting each time “Christian,” “Muslim" or "Islam,” and “religion" or "faith” was used. Total time spent by the networks evening news broadcasts covering the Oregon shooting, 38 minutes, 57 seconds : 3 mentions of “Christian;” 11 mentions of “religion” or “faith.” Total time spent by the networks evening news broadcasts covering the Chapel Hill shooting, 15 minutes, 9 seconds: 36 mentions of “Muslim” or “Islam;" 48 mentions of “religion” or “faith.” * I guess we better take those guns off all the white Christians so they don't shoot anybody. 'Humm.. a mass shooting you say .. this might work. They don't want to issue gay marriage licenses or bake gay wedding cakes or vote Democrat anyway' * The good the bad and the ugly full soundtrack:59:3sec If you can NOT see that Obama's whole game plan is to take LEGAL guns off those that have them...Veterans, Christians, Jews, Non Democrats, Constitutionalists, Patriots , Business owners, Hunters, Collectors ... Etc. So they can NOT defend themselves against Islam, this adminstration or the UN.. & if they do own a weapon (use it or not) can & will be a arrested or worst , then you are either in denial or just as bad as him & would NOT be welcomed in the town or state of Oregon ... to do crocodile tears & agenda speeches over their dead. devil: |
Deflection.... You certainly know about that.....
Oregon mass shooting, mentally
ill veteran charged by another veteran who was shot 7 times. EVERY MASS SHOOTING HAS discussed the mental health issue. It's murky waters which may as well have a toaster tv and radio in them since MANY of the MENTALLY ILL SHOOTERS were veteran and or otherwise law abiding citizens. ANY legislation for gun control has to meet 3 huge oppositions. 1 veterans (possibly mentally ill) NRA (possibly mentally ill veterans as well 3 republicans (likely all of the above). Even terrorist mass shootings bombings, have tip toes the mental illnessess slack line and been blasted by EVERYONE who is dumb enough to think that A gun control measure/ legislation means nobody can buy or possess ANY firearm. Obama admitted what to who when and wher that his visit to the families was a platform to stump a political agenda for who? Was there any video of his visit, photos of him with the families and contact information to gun control lobbyists? That's not deflection, it is the truth that the President made a point of NOT politicizing, rather taking that time to privately express his condolences to the families with NO MEDIA PRESENT. Show me 1 picture of video clip to the contrary. I'm no talking about protest pics of citizens with signs, I mean photo or video of the PERSONAL adress to all but ONE family who didn't attend the meeting. As for a solution to the mental health angle, has ANYONE from the government arrived at your home demanding you turn in your firearms? Has ANYONE in any branch of government announced an all out ban on firearms threatening jail time for ALL citizens who don't IMMEDIATELY turn in their weapons? Ban starts with the letter B Confiscation starts with the letter C CONTROL also starts with the letter C but the spelling and meaning are not the same. Which God gave mankind the right to own a gun? I can't find it in my Bible. You must be reading the Quran again. Youre all over the place. let me help ya... ![]() maybe you can find your point. |
Roseburg Resident: Obama Coming Into ‘Lion’s Den’ « CBS Seattle President Obama greeted by 300 angry pro-gun protesters in Oregon |
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Edited by
Sat 10/10/15 03:27 PM
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Is this a democrat/ republican thing?
I thought gun control has been on the cards for decades, isnt the problem cia or others who pull the strings? |
Is this a democrat/ republican thing? I thought gun control has been on the cards for decades, isnt the problem cia or others who pull the strings? not when the republicans are in office, rarely come ups then... only when the whiny liberals start talking does it ever come up... |
Which God gave mankind the right to own a gun? I can't find it in my Bible. You must be reading the Quran again. Oooohh...hell no, you did not just say that! ![]() MY previous post... ![]() Nets Hype Muslims Targeted in Chapel Hill Shootings 12 Times More Than Christians in Oregon By Kristine Marsh | October 7, 2015 | 1:02 PM EDT "If African Americans or Muslims had been singled out, President Obama would have gone ballistic, Al Sharpton would be calling for street rallies, and CAIR would be asking for congressional investigations. But because Christians are being cherry picked for murder, there is no call to arms. Indeed, many major media outlets aren't even telling the truth. It's obvious — 'Christian Lives Don't Matter' — either here or abroad.” Nets Hype Muslims Targeted in Chapel Hill Shootings 12 Times More Than Christians in Oregon Analysis Breakdown: MRC Culture watched the evening news broadcasts from ABC, NBC, and CBS the three days following each shooting, Feb. 11, 12, 13 and October 2, 3, and 4 respectively, noting each time “Christian,” “Muslim" or "Islam,” and “religion" or "faith” was used. Total time spent by the networks evening news broadcasts covering the Oregon shooting, 38 minutes, 57 seconds : 3 mentions of “Christian;” 11 mentions of “religion” or “faith.” Total time spent by the networks evening news broadcasts covering the Chapel Hill shooting, 15 minutes, 9 seconds: 36 mentions of “Muslim” or “Islam;" 48 mentions of “religion” or “faith.” * I guess we better take those guns off all the white Christians so they don't shoot anybody. 'Humm.. a mass shooting you say .. this might work. They don't want to issue gay marriage licenses or bake gay wedding cakes or vote Democrat anyway' * The good the bad and the ugly full soundtrack:59:3sec If you can NOT see that Obama's whole game plan is to take LEGAL guns off those that have them...Veterans, Christians, Jews, Non Democrats, Constitutionalists, Patriots , Business owners, Hunters, Collectors ... Etc. So they can NOT defend themselves against Islam, this adminstration or the UN.. & if they do own a weapon (use it or not) can & will be a arrested or worst , then you are either in denial or just as bad as him & would NOT be welcomes in the town or state of Oregon ... to do crocodile tears & agenda speeches over their dead. devil: Oh yes I did because what somebody else said was ridiculous. The bible doesn't contain the word gun at all. No version New or Old Testament mentions guns cannons rifles or any other firearms. Projectile weapons, the sling that slew goliath, bows, spears, but no guns. So to say you have a 'God given right' to own a gun is stupid and borders sacrilege. Oregon and Chapel Hill have 3 things in common, colleges, guns and murder. In Chapel Hill, three people of a DIFFERENT RELIGION and DIFFERENT RACE were targeted AS SUCH and executed. In Oregon, a CHRISTIAN BIRACIAL shooter asked his victims AS HE REACHED THEM ' "What is your religion?" Because he DIDN'T KNOW. If he HAD TO ASK he COULD NOT HAVE TARGETED THEM for their religion. He is reported by survivors as asking 'who your god is because we will both be meeting him soon.' Someone who is THE SAME RELIGION as their victim CANNOT be targeting them for RELIGIOUS REASONS. One 'victim' he randomly let go "because it's your lucky day" not because you aren't an infidel or idolitor or because 'I don't see your religion as a threat'. Same religion, same race(s), same nationality, Chris Mintz the hero of the day was also a FELLOW VETERAN. The shooter was MENTALLY ILL and SUICIDAL. He wasn't culling Hare Krishnas and releasing Mormons. He saw himself as sending the victims to meet their respective God and or creator. I don't need a map thanks. |
Is this a democrat/ republican thing? I thought gun control has been on the cards for decades, isnt the problem cia or others who pull the strings? not when the republicans are in office, rarely come ups then... only when the whiny liberals start talking does it ever come up... The House and Senate are overwhelmingly Republican now. Congress has more power than the President. |
Attention America: What REALLY Went Down in Roseburg! ![]() Seems BAMA has slightly miscalculated! |
Oh yes I did because what somebody else said was ridiculous.
The bible doesn't contain the word gun at all. No version New or Old Testament mentions guns cannons rifles or any other firearms. Projectile weapons, the sling that slew goliath, bows, spears, but no guns. So to say you have a 'God given right' to own a gun is stupid and borders sacrilege. I certainly didn't say 'guns' were in the Holy Bible. If anyone said, 'God given right to own a gun'.. It is a common expression. Because for anyone to believe or assume or desire any one under The God of Abraham (Jew/Christian) to NOT defend themselves is ludicrous & a stereotype. Kind of like Christians are suppose to be silent & passive & excepting of all things. Wait.... Sorry... I had to laugh. ----------------------------------------- Oregon and Chapel Hill have 3 things in common, colleges, guns and murder. In Chapel Hill, three people of a DIFFERENT RELIGION and DIFFERENT RACE were targeted AS SUCH and executed. What's a criminals aren't #1 on the persecution list any more ? Kind of like illegals are now the pampered group. Hummm.. It all must be pretty scary after all these years. ----------------------------------- In Oregon, a CHRISTIAN BIRACIAL shooter asked his victims AS HE REACHED THEM ' "What is your religion?" Because he DIDN'T KNOW. If he HAD TO ASK he COULD NOT HAVE TARGETED THEM for their religion. He is reported by survivors as asking 'who your god is because we will both be meeting him soon.' Someone who is THE SAME RELIGION as their victim CANNOT be targeting them for RELIGIOUS REASONS. One 'victim' he randomly let go "because it's your lucky day" not because you aren't an infidel or idolitor or because 'I don't see your religion as a threat'. Referring to the shooter as Christian is like referring to Hilter as Christian. Apparently Hitler couldn't tell who was a Jew, an intellectual, a homosexual etc, by looking at them. He saw lots of people, over 6 million as threats. Referring to the shooter as biracial is kind of like the world referring to Obama as black when he ran for President because liberals wanted a black President. Wait... Sorry, I had to laugh. Because that didn't happen. If it did..then a black criminal sought out & slaughtered Christians in Oregon because he is a wasp of Satan. * Blacks don't suddenly become un-black when they commit a crime (sorry CNN & MSNBC.... Hhhaa) or all black when they run for office. (sorry for your lost CNN, MSNBC, & BBC...)* --------------------------------------- -randomly let go "because it's your lucky day" not because you aren't an infidel or idolitor or because 'I don't see your religion as a threat'. There was nothing random about who got shot in the head(Christians) & who stated otherwise. " This is your lucky day", was sarcasm because he hated Christians. Humm.. I can't help but wonder how the survivors feel about the world knowing the only reason they are walking around & not 'home' is because they don't have Jesus? Jews & Christians have always been a threat to Satan/evil, you may want to pull out one of those Bible versions & read why. Some of us know how the battle ends. ---------------------------------- The shooter was MENTALLY ILL and SUICIDAL. He wasn't culling Hare Krishnas and releasing Mormons. He saw himself as sending the victims to meet their respective God and or creator. Women who kill their own children see themselves as sending them to met the creator & believe they are saving them from a horrible existence. The shooter targeted Christians because he hates them & believes he was doing the non Christians a favor. Of course he was crazy, ALL mass murderers who commit hate crimes are. Of course he killed himself, he had nothing to live for & was gutless. He never wouldn't of survived prison anyway. And someone else would of killed him..perhaps a biracial cop doing his duty at the scene of a hate crime. -------------------------- I don't need a map thanks. Sorry for the misunderstanding, nobody gets my maps. |
Is this a democrat/ republican thing? I thought gun control has been on the cards for decades, isnt the problem cia or others who pull the strings? not when the republicans are in office, rarely come ups then... only when the whiny liberals start talking does it ever come up... The House and Senate are overwhelmingly Republican now. Congress has more power than the President. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
From Conan's post.. Thank you!
Attention America: What REALLY Went Down in Roseburg! ![]() Martina McBride - God Bless America (LIVE): 9 Year Old with AMAZING VOICE Sings National Anth…: |
Edited by
Sun 10/11/15 05:39 AM
Is this a democrat/ republican thing? I thought gun control has been on the cards for decades, isnt the problem cia or others who pull the strings? not when the republicans are in office, rarely come ups then... only when the whiny liberals start talking does it ever come up... The House and Senate are overwhelmingly Republican now. Congress has more power than the President. Not while Obozo is in office... and his RINO boner rules the House |