Topic: Jumping Ship! Major Clinton Donor's Switching To Biden!
Lpdon's photo
Sun 10/04/15 01:45 AM
Edited by Lpdon on Sun 10/04/15 01:45 AM
Some Hillary Clinton donors are defecting to Joe Biden, resisting entreaties from the Democratic front-runner’s campaign to stand by her despite slipping poll numbers.

A few of the fundraisers have gone public with their presidential preference. Others have quietly decamped and signaled their intentions to the Draft Biden 2016 super PAC that is working to prod the vice president into the race for the White House.

“Instead of being ready for Hillary, we’re waiting for Joe,” said Bill Bartmann, the founder and chief executive of CFS2 Inc., and onetime donor to Clinton’s friendly super PAC. Bartmann’s switch in allegiance prompted one Clinton campaign official to contact him and ask: “Why are you doing this?” he said.

Clinton fundraisers say they don’t expect many supporters to switch teams, should Biden enter the presidential primary race. Her campaign didn’t respond to a request for comment.

Biden’s growing support base demonstrates the threat he could present in chipping away at Mrs. Clinton’s donor ranks, and her campaign is taking steps to stave off high-profile defections. The increasing support for the vice president also creates additional pressure on Mr. Biden to take a third shot at the White House.

A decision may not be imminent, though, as Biden allies say he may wait until after the Oct. 13 Democratic debate to announce his plans. Some of his advisers have noted that launching a campaign and preparing for a debate simultaneously might not be the best strategy, said one Democrat familiar with the Biden team’s planning.

In the meantime, the Draft Biden organization is securing commitments as the vice president’s public standing is on the rise, while Clinton appears more vulnerable. A Wall Street Journal/NBC poll released this week shows that Biden is running stronger than Clinton in head-to-head match-ups against leading Republican candidates.

Bartmann was an early supporter of Ready for Hillary, contributing $5,000 to the pro-Clinton super PAC, in part, he said, because it appeared inevitable that the former secretary of state would be the Democratic nominee.

Clinton’s handling of questions about the private email server she used as secretary of state troubled Bartmann and eventually prompted him to consider his options. He now says he wants to “be as helpful as the law allows” in donating to a Biden presidential bid.

Hillary's going down harder and faster then the Titanic!

Rock's photo
Sun 10/04/15 09:45 PM
Hilary's campaign is going down faster than Monica Lewinsky.


no photo
Sun 10/04/15 10:14 PM
Im waiting on the "I only deal in facts and not right wing conspiracy by people who I thnk arent as smart as I think I am" post....its coming

no photo
Sun 10/04/15 10:32 PM
I wanna see a Joe Biden and George Hamilton ticket.

I wanna see a commercial where Joe Biden and George Hamilton are walking along a California beach together, wearing leopard print speedo's and gold chains, hitting on every 20 year old that walks by, with their secret service detail in t-shirts that read "conserve water, shower together!"

And then they play volleyball against Donald Trump to the song "Danger Zone."

That would make my Sunday.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 10/05/15 05:46 AM

I wanna see a Joe Biden and George Hamilton ticket.

I wanna see a commercial where Joe Biden and George Hamilton are walking along a California beach together, wearing leopard print speedo's and gold chains, hitting on every 20 year old that walks by, with their secret service detail in t-shirts that read "conserve water, shower together!"

And then they play volleyball against Donald Trump to the song "Danger Zone."

That would make my Sunday.

Tune in to CNN..... could happen rofl

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 10/05/15 07:15 AM

mikeybgood1's photo
Tue 10/06/15 07:04 PM
Joe Biden, aka 'the vodka enthusiast'. This is a guy whose party can't get a hand on peoples guns fast enough, but his suggestion to people was that if they thought there was a prowler on the property, they should go outside and fire both barrels on their shotguns.

Great plan. It says "I'm over here, and I'm holding an empty gun!"


SitkaRains's photo
Tue 10/06/15 07:08 PM
This doesn't surprise me in the least. I honestly believe Hillary will do exactly what she did last election. Bad mouth and run herself into the ground and then the Dems will hold Biden up to be the "Golden child" and she will come our a head.

She doesn't care about the White house as much as she does money and power and honestly IMO the power she wants is better welded outside of the White House.. She and her husband has been doing it for years.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 10/07/15 10:53 PM

I saw on the cover of the "Inquirer" (a rag.... I know) that Hitlery is claiming she is dying of cancer now with only 6 months to live.

When your campaign is in the crapper I guess a pity party is the next best thing to your dashed hopes of a victory one bigsmile

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 10/08/15 12:17 AM

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 10/08/15 04:51 PM

The choice between Hitlery and crazy uncle Joe is like asking if you prefer to be hanged or strangled