Topic: The Power of Failure
alsoraya22's photo
Sat 09/26/15 11:10 PM
Failure teaches people that they are just like everybody else, and that success is gained from hard work and determination. When people fail at something important in their lives and decide to try again, they tend to regain their confidence and persist with great resilience. Many of the best lessons people learn in life come from the mistakes they have made and the knowledge they gained from their mistakes. Do we have to fall in order to learn or do not need it

dreamerana's photo
Sat 09/26/15 11:17 PM
perhaps this might be true in things that involve relationships.

failing in a relationship makes a person doubt themself and wonder if the problem lies within oneself.
it has made many great people feel like they aren't worthy of love

no photo
Sat 09/26/15 11:53 PM
You can't learn to walk before you learn to fall, what is wrong with mistakes, there could be another way to the solution not known about :wink:

The only thing bad about mistakes is if you make the same ones again...

alsoraya22's photo
Sun 09/27/15 01:46 AM
The Power of Failure There is a common misconception that failure is a bad thing. Many people who fail at something are often called losers, but if those people learn from their losses, they are actually winners.

no photo
Sun 09/27/15 01:57 AM

Failure teaches people that they are just like everybody else, and that success is gained from hard work and determination. When people fail at something important in their lives and decide to try again, they tend to regain their confidence and persist with great resilience. Many of the best lessons people learn in life come from the mistakes they have made and the knowledge they gained from their mistakes. Do we have to fall in order to learn or do not need it

This is 100% true.
But in order to learn i duno if you really have to fall but in my experience my mistakes taught me a lot & it's what made me learn about life & everything & how fkd up the world is....anybody can fall but it's upto how you get to where your ambitions lye drinks

no photo
Sun 09/27/15 01:58 AM

The Power of Failure There is a common misconception that failure is a bad thing. Many people who fail at something are often called losers, but if those people learn from their losses, they are actually winners.

Success is not perfection
Success is 99.9% failure
Success is slightly above average shades

no photo
Sun 09/27/15 02:52 AM

Failure teaches people that they are just like everybody else, and that success is gained from hard work and determination. When people fail at something important in their lives and decide to try again, they tend to regain their confidence and persist with great resilience. Many of the best lessons people learn in life come from the mistakes they have made and the knowledge they gained from their mistakes. Do we have to fall in order to learn or do not need it

no photo
Sun 09/27/15 05:08 AM
I read this interesting book on becoming rejection proof. This man who wrote the book was able to overcome his fear of rejection be it from relationships or the work environment and so on. By actually setting himself up to be rejected. An example he asked for another burger like asking for a free pop refill. Some times he actually got his request met he asked for donuts to be made into Olympic rings the employee instructed their baker to fulfill his order.

So you never know unless you try sometimes being rejecting or failing is a stepping stone to success it is all in how a person looks at the situation.

chronicliar75's photo
Sun 09/27/15 05:35 AM
Edited by chronicliar75 on Sun 09/27/15 05:37 AM

perhaps this might be true in things that involve relationships.

failing in a relationship makes a person doubt themself and wonder if the problem lies within oneself.
it has made many great people feel like they aren't worthy of love

I will drink to thisdrinker

Do we have to fall in order to learn or do not need it

Failure teaches us. yes.
But so does experiences of other people.

Failure teaches us. yes.
But so does books, movies, TV Programs, and others.

Everyone fails at one time or another in one's life
that is what makes us humans.

But we do not need to fail every time we need to learn.
We can still be cautious, gauging, thorough & diligent
and still learn without failing.

It is the effort we give to things we want to learn,
that would matter in the long run.
If we really wanted to learn.

no photo
Sun 09/27/15 11:10 AM

Failure teaches people that they are just like everybody else, and that success is gained from hard work and determination. When people fail at something important in their lives and decide to try again, they tend to regain their confidence and persist with great resilience. Many of the best lessons people learn in life come from the mistakes they have made and the knowledge they gained from their mistakes. Do we have to fall in order to learn or do not need it

Life is a journey to failure and success, a continuous struggle to attain something that we desire. Failures are part of life. If you don't fail, you don't learn and you will not know and appreciate success. For behind every man's success is a failure. Most of us fall at a certain time in our lives , some manage to stand up and others fall again. But some people are lucky to get what they want in life without so much effort. Learning does not necessarily mean we have to fail because we can learn from the different sources of knowledge such as books, environment, other's experiences, new technologies, etc. but most of all the best teacher is our EXPERIENCE OF FAILURE. Because, in failing we learn to be strong , to persevere and be more determined to reach our goal. The taste of SUCCESS is better and truly appreciated when we have worked hard to achieve it.