Topic: Two pees in a pod
TawtStrat's photo
Sat 09/26/15 07:25 PM
Some people say that opposites atract and others might disagree. Sometimes you see these people bickering and you think that they are like two pees in a pod. Just like each other. Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee.

Do you think that when you see a couple like that that someone just needs to bang their heads together or do you think that they should just go their opposite ways?

no photo
Sat 09/26/15 08:16 PM
Do opposites attract? If they want to take the time to work things out.

jacktrades's photo
Sat 09/26/15 09:18 PM
I am friends with a couple like that, they always argue but they have been together for almost 30 years now so what ever works I guess works.

no photo
Sat 09/26/15 09:22 PM
when you see a couple like that that

I mind my own business unless they go on a dating site forum and start a thread asking for the opinion of a stranger.

It's their relationship.

The only time I'd consider "bang their heads together" is if they were having a detrimental effect on my life.
But mostly, I'd just distance myself from them rather than try to impose my idea of how their relationship should be.

do you think that they should just go their opposite ways?

Only if I'm attracted to her and want them to break up so I can have a shot.

no photo
Sat 09/26/15 10:34 PM
The main reason why i get involve with a woman is for happiness. If we are not happy together, and there are constant disputes, then it is time to end the relationship and move on. Life is too short to waste time on a unhappy relationship. I love me first

dreamerana's photo
Sat 09/26/15 11:39 PM
attraction of opposites might not be such a terrible thing.
imo a couple gets out of a relationship what they put into it.
dating opposites might help balance each other out. if they respect each other, there could be a lot of opportunity to learn from each other and broaden your horizons

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sun 09/27/15 10:24 AM
Edited by IgorFrankensteen on Sun 09/27/15 10:25 AM
I'm at one with the first thing that ciretom said, about it being none of my business.

However, I vowed never to chase other people's mates, no matter how attractive they are to me, a long time ago, however. Bad business all around, that.

As for the "sayings," such as "opposites attract," I have come to attribute a lot of them less to insight or wisdom, than to people giving in to the urge to try to say something pithy or clever to fill silences.

I think a better saying would be something along the lines of "sometimes people aren't as opposite as you think they are."

Kevin's photo
Mon 09/28/15 01:10 PM
Two pees meaning a pissing contest? Generally does not work out.

NoCatfish2's photo
Mon 09/28/15 01:36 PM
Okay, I didn't want to seem like I was picking on Tawt's spelling, but since somebody mentioned it . . .

Peas would be in a pod. Pees sometimes involves a pot. bigsmile

no photo
Mon 09/28/15 09:02 PM
Opposites do attract but unfortunately only for the short time. Passion is gone and they are separated.