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Topic: A Spoiled Generation Or Advanced Ones "
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Fri 09/25/15 10:27 AM
I'm quite old-fashioned, I'm afraid.

no photo
Fri 09/25/15 10:40 AM
I grew up in the 80s & 90s....the technology is helpful for business & communication. Other then that its not much use for me

2Fly4Wings38's photo
Mon 09/28/15 08:13 AM
wow that's great so you for the technology today? let me say this I 'm for it too but every once in a while I like the old fashion way of things.

isaac_dede's photo
Mon 09/28/15 02:14 PM

safer and easier only so long as technology doesnt malfunction and we are again in need of some more 'natural' abilities and adaptability,,

Yes, but my point is, that that danger has ALWAYS been with us. Always.

As soon as we figured out how to grow more food by farming, the population grew, and became dependent on farming always being done. When a big climate change happened, people died off in droves.

Once we set up large nation states which didn't require the entire population to fight roving bands of hunter-predator peoples every day, the population grew, and fewer of them learned to fight using crude weapons. Empires arose, and vast oppressions of large populations occurred as a result, and again, the disaster of War reaped thousands upon thousands of lives.

I agree, these things have always been there,, but by replacing options we become weaker

by adding options we become stronger

when tech is used to REPLACE other ways, we are weaker, especially when that technology does more of the work FOR us

when tech is used to COMPLIMENT other ways, we are stronger, especially when a balance is struck between being able to do the work ourselves while knowing how to utilize the tech to do it for us,,,

can you give an example of an old way that has been replaced by a new way because of technological advancements?

where that is actually a bad thing?

TMommy's photo
Mon 09/28/15 02:45 PM
when I was a kid the phone was attached to wall in the kitchen and had one of those really long twisty cords.

if you broke down at side of road you had to walk to the nearest garage or house and ask to use the phone to call a tow truck

cell phones can help with that as long as you do not break down in a dead zone or your battery isn't dead

however, cell phones are now the cause of some accidents

no photo
Mon 09/28/15 02:52 PM
and quite honestly if you have your cel phone stuck in your ear when i slow down going by your car with the hood up i prolly won't stop

Kindlightheart's photo
Mon 09/28/15 03:25 PM
I like the ability to play around on sites like this...but if something tragic happens on our planet that messes with electricity we are screwed...we depend on it too much and kids today are technically smart but can't do much of anything without it...ohwellflowerforyou

justme659's photo
Mon 09/28/15 04:04 PM

No argument with that, just a shrug. We get what we get. People have often tried to force the retention of older tech and skill sets, but so far the closest they've come has been to erect things like small replica towns where a few actors and crafts people life life in the old way, for the entertainment of tourists.

He probably downloaded the patterns from the internet.

2Fly4Wings38's photo
Tue 09/29/15 08:44 AM
to waterloosunset,
hey buddy you right illiterate....lol nicely put

2Fly4Wings38's photo
Tue 09/29/15 08:45 AM
to Isaac_dede

you its funny I always wanted to grow fruits and vegetables not to get off the topic but you inspired me to organic grow food....

2Fly4Wings38's photo
Tue 09/29/15 08:47 AM
to unknown_romeo

I agree I grew up in the 80's and those hands on experience was great . it gave me a value of hard work or thought but I got to admit, I do love technology today. its is faster and easier

2Fly4Wings38's photo
Tue 09/29/15 08:48 AM
to friendly_woman

well you maybe old fashion but to me your quality. if all the technology shuts down over night well, at least you will be still relevant....so look at that okay!

2Fly4Wings38's photo
Tue 09/29/15 08:53 AM
To Tmommy,

me too we grew up in a era of hands on experiences. I remember the phone on the wall, I remember defining words in the Webster dictionary. I remember analogue tv with a antenna attached to the tv. I also remember if you wanted to see a movie you had to go to the matinee or evening showing. now a days, you want a movie---YouTube or Netflix. you want to make a call you a had at least a quarter for the public phone. now we have touch pad phones and video Skype.

2Fly4Wings38's photo
Tue 09/29/15 08:54 AM
to eric22t

yes safety first partner,

2Fly4Wings38's photo
Tue 09/29/15 08:55 AM
to kinlightheart,

you like the advanced technology....that's good to hear. me too

2Fly4Wings38's photo
Tue 09/29/15 08:55 AM
to kinlightheart,

you like the advanced technology....that's good to hear. me too

2Fly4Wings38's photo
Tue 09/29/15 08:59 AM
to msharmony aka my favorite follower....

I totally agree with you . its depends on how you use the advanced technology. you know all that stuff was past to us with our star cousins the alien beings thru crash sites and working along with them in there agenda. night vision which our military and police use is from the eye balls of the greys. Kevlar bullet proof vest from the iron of the ships. I know you may think this hilarious but its truth. Cell phones from the hands of the tech in there ships. bottom-line none of this is possible with out our star cousins.

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