Topic: Warrior Solitaire
ZenSoul79's photo
Wed 09/23/15 11:09 PM
The reeds bend in the wind

a stiff breeze is on the air

as my feet bring me to parts unknown.

I am reminded of something one of the old masters

once implied about the longevity of nature,

so harmonious with all around it.

A reed is not rigid like a thick tree trunk

a reed can bend with any amount of force,

water can flow and crash with a sound and fury

against the hardest rock,

and bamboo can bend to the will of the wind,

and yet still stand.

You must be able to be flexible and adaptable

as your natural surroundings, young one.

for this world can be harsh enough with your heart to see

fit to break it and shatter it if enough pressure is applied.

I heed my master's words,

regarding the ways the reeds before me flow in waves against the oncomig gusts.

The moment passes.

I keep in mind the guidance of the masters.

And I continue on my path.

Solitary. But strong. Upright.

And flexible.

As any warrior worth his skill should be.