Topic: Kim Davis Loses In Court Again | |
Ms, with all respect, I'm going to give you a hypothetical comparison to this. I want you to answer honestly with regards to legality ONLY. A devout Hindu becomes the head of the FDA. To him, the cow is holy, and he starts failing every business that processes any products that contain dairy and beef. If a slaughter house fails a FDA inspection for cleanliness, they cannot LEGALLY sell ANYTHING as food to ANYONE. McD's BK steak houses and grocery stores will run out of meat and dairy IF enough or large enough suppliers shut down. Many people will start asking questions and getting angry because there is not new stock being supplied. This supervisor is inquired by Congress, the CDC has nothing like mad cow disease cases or foot and mouth disease as LEGAL EVIDENCE for shutting down the processors dairies and slaughtering. This devout Hindu not only tells congress and the CDC that all these places fail because they slaughter and sell parts of holy animals, but cannot be cleansed enough to resume processing ANY OTHER MEATS due to the RELIGIOUS SINS committed in the slaughter of cows. Is he LEGALLY sound in his reasoning? The facilities cannot process anything without FDA approval. no, based upon this first sentence "a devout hindu becomes the head of fda,,,,to him the cow is holy' he took a job knowing the job and knowing cows were part of it WHEN HE STARTED, by accepting the job he accepted it WITH THAT JOB DESCRIPTION but more closely to kim would be 'a devout hindu becomes the head of fda, and THEN fetuses become defined as food,,, because fetus, in his religion , are human beings,, he refuses this ALTERATION to the original outline of his job expectations , and fights for a religious exemption to allow him to inspect everything BUT fetuses for consumption, like he did when originally accepting the position' based upon a situation where the definitions change AFTER the job is accepted,,there would be legal standing to challenge being forced to participate with those new definitions if they require him to support something (eating fetuses) that conflicts with his religious convictions,,, The 14th amendment HAS NOT CHANGED. Her SWORN LEGAL OATH for LEGAL OFFICE HAS NOT CHANGED. She IS NOT in a position of RELIGIOUS AUTHORITY. She IS NOT performing RELIGIOUS CEREMONYS, she isn't performing ANY CEREMONYS. Her OBLIGATION is LEGAL. Her office is LEGAL. Her work is LEGAL. Her title is LEGAL. Her 'boss' the COURTS, are COURTS OF LAW. Her RELIGIOUS BELIEF doesn't supersede ANY LAW IN ANY COURT IN THE UNITED STATES. it sure doesn't, and those Christians who found slavery amoral didn't have beliefs that SUPERCEDED law either, or those who struck out against segregation and jim crow, but thank God they made the sacrifices and stood up to those laws even to the point of breaking them,,,,, fighting a system that made certain people feel they had to CLOSET 'who they are' by just pushing some other group there instead is WRONG,, whether its 'legal' or not Wrong. You know you're wrong. There is nothing RELIGIOUS about slavery statutes that used to exist. They were, at the time, LEGAL binding contracts of sale or records of ownership of ANY PROPERTY, to the COUNTIES STATES AND the IRS have didlly squat to do with RELIGION. Jim crow laws were, at the time, LEGAL. They had no RELIGIOUS authority. These PEOPLE are LEGALLY RECOGNIZED AS PEOPLE. Not as Christians, or good Christians or saint's or ANYTHING HAVING TO DO WITH RELIGION. Legally. never said religious statutes I said religious convictions that caused people to feel the statutes were wrong,,,, all humans are people, not part of the argument siblings are people but we still exclude them from their 'fundamental' rights on the basis of )right to personal choice 2)support of two person unions based on its importance to those in the union 3)protection of children,to have stability, though children are neither a mandate or condition of marriage 4) because marriage is CENTRAL to the social order which provides a 'constellation' of 'benefits' in exchange 5)equal protection (to the 'benefits' hetero couples receive) |
please paste the part of the decision that stated such? I'm not going to paste the whole thing because it goes on for 17 pages. However, here is a link to the document so you can read it yourself. On the papers numbers within the document it starts on page 10 but the PDF page is 15. let me sum up what it actually said we are going to support same sex marriage based upon five things 1)right to personal choice 2)support of two person unions based on its importance to those in the union 3)protection of children,to have stability, though children are neither a mandate or condition of marriage 4) because marriage is CENTRAL to the social order which provides a 'constellation' of 'benefits' in exchange 5)equal protection (to the 'benefits' hetero couples receive) Yes, and equal protection IS the 14th amendment. HYPOCRITICAL LEGALESE , basically,,,,since marriage still has groups that aren't 'equally' supported like first degree relatives Until someone challenges the state laws that prohibit such a marriage there is no constitutional ruling on it. Therefore, it's not hypocritical. but back to the point,,,, no supreme court decision is retro active, or alot of bigoted families wouldnt have their wealth as it would have been taken as proceeds from illegal behavior when slavery and jim crow were eliminated so this was a NEW law that changed her description,,,, While the ruling does not allow people in the past to get married (because that would be impossible). It does make marriages legal for people that went to another state or even country to get married. By the way, stripping someone of slave made money would have been as simple as civil lawsuits, but good luck finding a judge that would have ruled in their favor at that time. The Supreme Court does not make law. They interpret constitutional law. Therefore, there was no change in Kim's job except for the fact she became aware of what the law entailed. |
projected date of completion of her new book
"My Battle against Satan" : december 1st 2015.... kim will immediately begin the book signing tour at a Half-Priced Books store in your for her table in the *Religion section..... |
same sex marriage is the law of the land now,, got it don't agree with it, and still admire those who will not be bullied into going against their religious convictions and participate in a process to propogate behaviors against their religious doctrine,,, |
Except THAT LAW has not changed. No new "Same-sex marriage Bill" has been passed so that HAS BEEN her job all along. All the supreme court did was issue a LEGAL review and compel those who were RELIGIOUSLY opposed to ALLOW THE PEOPLE THEIR FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND EQUAL PROTECTION AND RIGHTS under THE SAME CONSTITUTION THAT APPLIES TO ALL OTHER CITIZENS. Had they not done so, they would CONDONE the COUNTIES STATES AND IRS to not recognize these PEOPLE as HUMAN BEINGS and as COUNTIES STATES AND A COUNTRY AS AUTHORITY OF LAW to DENY THEM THEIR FREEDOM RIGHTS AND PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW. LAW not religion. Not personal belief. Not homphobia. U.S. Law applies to all citizens. Even ones we don't personally agree with. There is nothing on the marriage LICENSE that says I agree that these two people should be together in HOLY MATRIMONY for all the days of their life and if they conduct ANY SIN to include a SINFUL SEXUAL ACT that I (Kim Davis) will be personally responsible for said sin directly to God even though I was not present and did not encourage or participate in THAT sinful sexual act, payable with my soul's eternal damnation in the hottest of the fires in all of hell for eternity. Straight people commit RELIGIOUSLY sinful sexual acts too. and they don't mandate others SIGN OFF on them Everyone who Kim Davis HAS issued a license to that had 'interesting sex lives' did. She didn't go hunt any of them down and revoke their license. Their sexual sins are not her responsibility either. She ran forPUBLIC OFFICE. No same sex couple googled 'most homophobic lady in Rowan County' an conspired to write her in on the ballots. If her religious convictions (bull5#it) will not allow her to "execute the duties of her office faithfully without favor or partiality" as she swore an oath to just like every other County Clerk, then she's got to wave goodbye to that $80,000 paycheck. That's her problem. |
Except THAT LAW has not changed. No new "Same-sex marriage Bill" has been passed so that HAS BEEN her job all along. All the supreme court did was issue a LEGAL review and compel those who were RELIGIOUSLY opposed to ALLOW THE PEOPLE THEIR FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND EQUAL PROTECTION AND RIGHTS under THE SAME CONSTITUTION THAT APPLIES TO ALL OTHER CITIZENS. Had they not done so, they would CONDONE the COUNTIES STATES AND IRS to not recognize these PEOPLE as HUMAN BEINGS and as COUNTIES STATES AND A COUNTRY AS AUTHORITY OF LAW to DENY THEM THEIR FREEDOM RIGHTS AND PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW. LAW not religion. Not personal belief. Not homphobia. U.S. Law applies to all citizens. Even ones we don't personally agree with. There is nothing on the marriage LICENSE that says I agree that these two people should be together in HOLY MATRIMONY for all the days of their life and if they conduct ANY SIN to include a SINFUL SEXUAL ACT that I (Kim Davis) will be personally responsible for said sin directly to God even though I was not present and did not encourage or participate in THAT sinful sexual act, payable with my soul's eternal damnation in the hottest of the fires in all of hell for eternity. Straight people commit RELIGIOUSLY sinful sexual acts too. and they don't mandate others SIGN OFF on them Everyone who Kim Davis HAS issued a license to that had 'interesting sex lives' did. She didn't go hunt any of them down and revoke their license. Their sexual sins are not her responsibility either. She ran forPUBLIC OFFICE. No same sex couple googled 'most homophobic lady in Rowan County' an conspired to write her in on the ballots. If her religious convictions (bull5#it) will not allow her to "execute the duties of her office faithfully without favor or partiality" as she swore an oath to just like every other County Clerk, then she's got to wave goodbye to that $80,000 paycheck. That's her problem. here is the difference: when issuing a license we cant assume what specific type of sex (interesting or not) a hetero couple will have, but there IS a moral sex they could be engaging in there is NO SUCH OPTION for same sex couples, so the ONLY sex they could be having is amoral,,,, no need to hunt them down, its obvious once the gender is known,,, |
yep same sex marriage is the law of the land now,, got it don't agree with it, and still admire those who will not be bullied into going against their religious convictions and participate in a process to propogate behaviors against their religious doctrine,,, Should they be stoned? Drawn and queertered? Have their fingers lips penises nipples testes breasts labia and clitorii cut off? Would that satisfy God's LEGAL will? |
yep same sex marriage is the law of the land now,, got it don't agree with it, and still admire those who will not be bullied into going against their religious convictions and participate in a process to propogate behaviors against their religious doctrine,,, Should they be stoned? Drawn and queertered? Have their fingers lips penises nipples testes breasts labia and clitorii cut off? Would that satisfy God's LEGAL will? where are all these extreme leaps coming from? I never even implied anything like. the thing that satisfies God is simply TURNING Away from sinful behaviors,, that suffices,,,lol |
no, what she believes to be wrong is what these people DO,,,sex always comes with a choice, she believes the CHOICE of laying down with the same sex is wrong Marriage is not the same thing as sex. You can be married and not have sex and you can have sex without being married. If her stance is she thinks it wrong for these people to have sex then she is definitely protesting the wrong thing. that is not about who someone 'is' , its about what someone 'does' I can choose to be promiscuous, or choose to be abstinent, I can choose to sleep with men or woman or both If you can choose to be sexrally attracted to or fall romaticlly in love with someone of the same sex then you are either gay or some variation of bi. that's all about BEHAVIOR and the opinion about those behaviors is not about 'who someone is',,,, she is treating it differently on something they are choosing to DO,,,simple,,, Their behavior is a direct outcome of who they are. I agree, bigoted would be treating differently ONLY because one is 'different' Something else we agree on. that is different than treating someone as if they are WRONG because you believe their actions are not only 'different' but 'wrong',, the way this woman is being judged and treated differently for 'who she is', because its different than what the ruling class are willing to be 'tolerant' of She is not being treated differently for who she is. She is being treated the same as everyone else that is currently a County Clerk and refusing to do her job. I have not heard her say she believes anyone 'should be put in hell for eternity' Maybe not but it's not hard to figure out. She is basing all of her protest on religious grounds. She has ever said "Because it's a sin". She has also said she is a christian. According to the christian religion sinners go to hell because they deserve to. having to be unemployed wont affect people? worrying about being sued and having to endure lawsuits for not complying wont affect people? If she did her job she wouldn't have to be unemployed. slavery and jim crow only affected blacks, but thank goodness so many 'illogical' whites opposed it,,, ![]() Infact Jim crow did affect white people. Granted not nearly as much as it affect black people. White owned businesses were being denied the opportunity to sell to a completely untapped market. Not to mention empathy. Then again, empathy seems to be lacking from this entire conversation. |
where are all these extreme leaps coming from? The Bible, that's where the extremes came from. Maybe you should read it if you want to call yourself a christian. |
Except THAT LAW has not changed. No new "Same-sex marriage Bill" has been passed so that HAS BEEN her job all along. All the supreme court did was issue a LEGAL review and compel those who were RELIGIOUSLY opposed to ALLOW THE PEOPLE THEIR FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND EQUAL PROTECTION AND RIGHTS under THE SAME CONSTITUTION THAT APPLIES TO ALL OTHER CITIZENS. Had they not done so, they would CONDONE the COUNTIES STATES AND IRS to not recognize these PEOPLE as HUMAN BEINGS and as COUNTIES STATES AND A COUNTRY AS AUTHORITY OF LAW to DENY THEM THEIR FREEDOM RIGHTS AND PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW. LAW not religion. Not personal belief. Not homphobia. U.S. Law applies to all citizens. Even ones we don't personally agree with. There is nothing on the marriage LICENSE that says I agree that these two people should be together in HOLY MATRIMONY for all the days of their life and if they conduct ANY SIN to include a SINFUL SEXUAL ACT that I (Kim Davis) will be personally responsible for said sin directly to God even though I was not present and did not encourage or participate in THAT sinful sexual act, payable with my soul's eternal damnation in the hottest of the fires in all of hell for eternity. Straight people commit RELIGIOUSLY sinful sexual acts too. and they don't mandate others SIGN OFF on them Everyone who Kim Davis HAS issued a license to that had 'interesting sex lives' did. She didn't go hunt any of them down and revoke their license. Their sexual sins are not her responsibility either. She ran forPUBLIC OFFICE. No same sex couple googled 'most homophobic lady in Rowan County' an conspired to write her in on the ballots. If her religious convictions (bull5#it) will not allow her to "execute the duties of her office faithfully without favor or partiality" as she swore an oath to just like every other County Clerk, then she's got to wave goodbye to that $80,000 paycheck. That's her problem. here is the difference: when issuing a license we cant assume what specific type of sex (interesting or not) a hetero couple will have, but there IS a moral sex they could be engaging in there is NO SUCH OPTION for same sex couples, so the ONLY sex they could be having is amoral,,,, no need to hunt them down, its obvious once the gender is known,,, What LEGAL marriage license has a 'Promise to have sex with this person but put all RELIGIOUS responsibility for whatever kind of sex we chose to have on KIM DAVIS' soul for reckoning' section. It's a LEGAL DOCUMENT. That's it. She signs she stamps she collects $80,000 and says whatever the hell she wants to say about them behind their backs in church or on public television or in the newspaper. Where does it stop? Drivers licenses carry gays to gay clubs where they are having adulterous sinful sex. No more gay drivers. Food fuels the energy for gay sex. No food for gays. See how this works? What rights should we LEGALLY DENY THEM AS HUMAN BEINGS when they are paying taxes and not committing violent crimes? Anyone adulterer goes against the bible, should we starve them to death? Mary someone who divorced before? You starve to death. No drivers license because GOD IS WATCHING. Die in the most inhumane and slowest way. Starve until your body consumes itself and your kidneys fail. Flail on the hot street because your sin may damn anyone else who attends school with pure lady parts to hell forever.... |
actually you can declare a marriage to have never been valid if there is no sex,,,its called consummation and the invalidation is called an annulment,, so yes, sex is a part of the EXPECTATIONS of marriage
no one is protesting anyones FEELINGS, once again its about disagreeing with their ACTIONS Their behavior is directly from what they CHOOSE TO DO she is not treating anyone differently either, she stopped issuing licenses to ANYONE according to the law marijuana users can spend decades in jail too and I can aknowledge its the law, without agreeing with the punishment I don't believe I wish to debate what the bible says about sin as this is obviously a very biased discussion not based upon any actual research about what Christians actually believe or follow if homosexuals married opposite sex they could have already been married in fact, homosexual marriage does affect heterosexuals,,,,heterosexual owners are being forced to operate against their religious convictions and fined heavily for not doing so, heterosexual employees and students are being forced into silence for fear of being fined or fired for expressing religious values that are generations old,,,,, I am very empathetic,, I feel the pain of being forced to be 'who you are' in private and who you are told you have to be everyplace else,,,, |
where are all these extreme leaps coming from? The Bible, that's where the extremes came from. Maybe you should read it if you want to call yourself a christian. I have read it, I doubt you have Christians follow the example of Christ, adultery is another sexual sin, but jesus refused to STONE anyone, he simply corrected them, educated them, and tried to guide them in the right direction,,, |
But should anyone run a red light and run over one of these starving twitching heathens crushing their bones and severing their flesh shall be forgiven as long as you don't fellate anyone whose marriage license was signed by her grace, our lady of Rowan Kim Davis.
Except THAT LAW has not changed. No new "Same-sex marriage Bill" has been passed so that HAS BEEN her job all along. All the supreme court did was issue a LEGAL review and compel those who were RELIGIOUSLY opposed to ALLOW THE PEOPLE THEIR FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND EQUAL PROTECTION AND RIGHTS under THE SAME CONSTITUTION THAT APPLIES TO ALL OTHER CITIZENS. Had they not done so, they would CONDONE the COUNTIES STATES AND IRS to not recognize these PEOPLE as HUMAN BEINGS and as COUNTIES STATES AND A COUNTRY AS AUTHORITY OF LAW to DENY THEM THEIR FREEDOM RIGHTS AND PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW. LAW not religion. Not personal belief. Not homphobia. U.S. Law applies to all citizens. Even ones we don't personally agree with. There is nothing on the marriage LICENSE that says I agree that these two people should be together in HOLY MATRIMONY for all the days of their life and if they conduct ANY SIN to include a SINFUL SEXUAL ACT that I (Kim Davis) will be personally responsible for said sin directly to God even though I was not present and did not encourage or participate in THAT sinful sexual act, payable with my soul's eternal damnation in the hottest of the fires in all of hell for eternity. Straight people commit RELIGIOUSLY sinful sexual acts too. and they don't mandate others SIGN OFF on them Everyone who Kim Davis HAS issued a license to that had 'interesting sex lives' did. She didn't go hunt any of them down and revoke their license. Their sexual sins are not her responsibility either. She ran forPUBLIC OFFICE. No same sex couple googled 'most homophobic lady in Rowan County' an conspired to write her in on the ballots. If her religious convictions (bull5#it) will not allow her to "execute the duties of her office faithfully without favor or partiality" as she swore an oath to just like every other County Clerk, then she's got to wave goodbye to that $80,000 paycheck. That's her problem. here is the difference: when issuing a license we cant assume what specific type of sex (interesting or not) a hetero couple will have, but there IS a moral sex they could be engaging in there is NO SUCH OPTION for same sex couples, so the ONLY sex they could be having is amoral,,,, no need to hunt them down, its obvious once the gender is known,,, What LEGAL marriage license has a 'Promise to have sex with this person but put all RELIGIOUS responsibility for whatever kind of sex we chose to have on KIM DAVIS' soul for reckoning' section. It's a LEGAL DOCUMENT. That's it. She signs she stamps she collects $80,000 and says whatever the hell she wants to say about them behind their backs in church or on public television or in the newspaper. Where does it stop? Drivers licenses carry gays to gay clubs where they are having adulterous sinful sex. No more gay drivers. Food fuels the energy for gay sex. No food for gays. See how this works? What rights should we LEGALLY DENY THEM AS HUMAN BEINGS when they are paying taxes and not committing violent crimes? Anyone adulterer goes against the bible, should we starve them to death? Mary someone who divorced before? You starve to death. No drivers license because GOD IS WATCHING. Die in the most inhumane and slowest way. Starve until your body consumes itself and your kidneys fail. Flail on the hot street because your sin may damn anyone else who attends school with pure lady parts to hell forever.... what?' driving has nothing to do with sex food is a necessity to life, whatever it fuels, all should have it no one should be starved and no one here has mentioned starving anyone no one has advocated or mentioned anything about being inhumane or dying ,,,,again WHAT? |
But should anyone run a red light and run over one of these starving twitching heathens crushing their bones and severing their flesh shall be forgiven as long as you don't fellate anyone whose marriage license was signed by her grace, our lady of Rowan Kim Davis. Im confused as to where this violent streak is coming from,, I haven't mentioned violence ONCE,, but Im supposed to be the illogical judgmental one in this discussion? whats really going on,,,,,,,,, ![]() |
Donald Trump weighed in, with his views, on the Kim Davis controversy
with his uncanny knack for saying what everyone else is thinking.... and i ....quote....."YOU'RE FIRED".....unquote....... ![]() |
where are all these extreme leaps coming from? The Bible, that's where the extremes came from. Maybe you should read it if you want to call yourself a christian. I have read it, I doubt you have Christians follow the example of Christ, adultery is another sexual sin, but jesus refused to STONE anyone, he simply corrected them, educated them, and tried to guide them in the right direction,,, What Book Chapter and Verse was the Rowan County Clerks oath in? The 14th amendment? The 1st amendment? The Prophecy of Kim Davis' oppression by gay Pharoah? The Exodus of Magistrates? I cant seem to find them in my King James version, maybe the Anglican church edited them out because they would be admitting to our DIVINE FOUNDING OF A SEPARATE NATION THAT HAS SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. |
Donald Trump weighed in, with his views, on the Kim Davis controversy with his uncanny knack for saying what everyone else is thinking.... and i ....quote....."YOU'RE FIRED".....unquote....... ![]() ![]() my hope is another bigger better door opens for her when the time comes,,, |
actually you can declare a marriage to have never been valid if there is no sex,,,its called consummation and the invalidation is called an annulment,, so yes, sex is a part of the EXPECTATIONS of marriage A couple only gets an annulment when one is requested. It's never imposed. Therefore, sex isn't a requirement of marriage. no one is protesting anyones FEELINGS, once again its about disagreeing with their ACTIONS Well, they feel as if they should marry the person they are in love with. Their behavior is directly from what they CHOOSE TO DO So you are saying acting on a feeling is wrong. Nice to know. she is not treating anyone differently either, she stopped issuing licenses to ANYONE That is only after she tried to only issue licenses to htrosexral couples and got informed that discrimination is also illegal. if homosexuals married opposite sex they could have already been married Could you marry someone if you are not attracted to them? in fact, homosexual marriage does affect heterosexuals,,,,heterosexual owners are being forced to operate against their religious convictions and fined heavily for not doing so, heterosexual employees and students are being forced into silence for fear of being fined or fired for expressing religious values that are generations old,,,,, No one is forcing anyone to do anything. No one is saying people have to be silent. People can protest all they want. I am very empathetic,, I feel the pain of being forced to be 'who you are' in private and who you are told you have to be everyplace else,,,, You are not forced to be anything except a law abiding citizen. |