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Topic: Abu Azrael good or bad??
kk1077's photo
Thu 09/24/15 06:57 PM
The trouble is I read and look at so much I often get confused. I A.D.D so my concentration span is the size of a nats & my opinions change often. But then I have guys like you to refresh me

LUNG1954's photo
Fri 09/25/15 12:14 AM
Edited by LUNG1954 on Fri 09/25/15 12:19 AM

I believe ISIS is a bigger threat to the world than the Syrian regime.

you could be right . biggest threat is the cruelty the world is watching. there has to be corruption to allow ISIS to grow and there's no limit to the cruelty.

America formed an international coalition from 50 countries to fight ISIS, but did not address quickly to ISIS. After two months of the fall of Mosul, America intervened to stop the advance of ISIS forces, and started the US Air Force against ISIS sites on 10 August. It was limited number of raids, 8 to 10 raids per day. Despite the limited US strikes but undoubtedly they were impressive and useful. During 90 days the number of strikes did not exceed 400 air raids, while in the war to liberate Kuwait International Alliance carried out 2000 raids in just 24 hours, US and British air force resolves 99% of the battle.

InvictusV's photo
Fri 09/25/15 03:30 PM
Edited by InvictusV on Fri 09/25/15 03:32 PM

I believe ISIS is a bigger threat to the world than the Syrian regime.

you could be right . biggest threat is the cruelty the world is watching. there has to be corruption to allow ISIS to grow and there's no limit to the cruelty.

America formed an international coalition from 50 countries to fight ISIS, but did not address quickly to ISIS. After two months of the fall of Mosul, America intervened to stop the advance of ISIS forces, and started the US Air Force against ISIS sites on 10 August. It was limited number of raids, 8 to 10 raids per day. Despite the limited US strikes but undoubtedly they were impressive and useful. During 90 days the number of strikes did not exceed 400 air raids, while in the war to liberate Kuwait International Alliance carried out 2000 raids in just 24 hours, US and British air force resolves 99% of the battle.

ISIS are not a standing army out in the field holding a line in fortified bunkers like the Iraqis were in 1991. They have no discernible command and control apparatus that can easily be targeted by bombers.

They are mixed within villages, towns and cities. You can't just go in and start dropping bombs on Mosul because the first civilian casualties will result in the Sunni population taking up arms with the Jihadists.

Then you turn 10,000 nutjobs into 100,000 nutjobs...

Where is the Iraqi army? They can't defeat a few thousand jihadists?

Iraq blew off a status of force agreement and here we are.

no photo
Fri 09/25/15 05:12 PM

How can this man be bad for fighting for his country? he's killed American troops because they've invaded his country with no Lawful reason as for killing some ISIS, they are american to funded by both UK & America. The only true terrorists are in the UK & USA & Saudi.

So you think Isis are funded by the UK, dream on sister and carry on grovelling up to muslims as much as you like, but I don't agree.

1onlyaname's photo
Fri 09/25/15 05:40 PM

How can this man be bad for fighting for his country? he's killed American troops because they've invaded his country with no Lawful reason as for killing some ISIS, they are american to funded by both UK & America. The only true terrorists are in the UK & USA & Saudi.

So you think Isis are funded by the UK, dream on sister and carry on grovelling up to muslims as much as you like, but I don't agree.

funded by USA n trained by Israel.

no photo
Fri 09/25/15 05:45 PM

How can this man be bad for fighting for his country? he's killed American troops because they've invaded his country with no Lawful reason as for killing some ISIS, they are american to funded by both UK & America. The only true terrorists are in the UK & USA & Saudi.

So you think Isis are funded by the UK, dream on sister and carry on grovelling up to muslims as much as you like, but I don't agree.

funded by USA n trained by Israel.

Lol, an American blaming the ills of the world on his own Country and the Jews, now where have I heard this before, you're 61, I would have thought you'd have more sense.

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