Topic: Minnesota exposes one reason America locks up so many black | |
There are many connections here that are not being mentioned. Perhaps the largest is the correlation between the black children who grow up without a father and end up in jail and/or dropping out of school. Humans learn by example and without the proper role models they tend to emulate what they see their older peers do instead of what society would like them to do. Teen street gangs do not a school make. Political correctness always finds a victim. Teen mothers who haven't a clue are never to blame for becoming baby factories churning out an undisciplined, uneducated, criminal element. The baby daddies can't take responsibility for fathering if they are the criminal element. Maybe the answer is forced birth control for all inner city teens, no matter what the race. If you couldn't have a kid without a high school diploma, it might make a big dent into the problem. Trump caught a lot of flack about the border wall... or lack of one. If the wall was built, manned, and the flow of illegals stopped, and the illegals here deported, the millions of jobs formally available to youth would suddenly become available. Try to find a construction site that isn't populated by illegals. With the halt in traffic across the border comes the halt in the 25 to 50 billion dollars in drug trafficking that feeds much of the crime in inner cities. Screw the political correctness, maybe a couple of hard core military strikes by the US on the known drug cartel strongholds in Mexico would send the proper message. Maybe an elimination of the national teachers union that allows unqualified teachers to retard the education of the kids in public schools would help, as well as giving school vouchers to the poor so they can send their kids to better schools anyway. Maybe a major change in the school system that allows punishment of badly behaving students instead of the current stupid politically correct nonsense. I heard there was an inoculation against pregnancy that lasts about a year. Perhaps they need to add it to the measles shot. Is "proper parenting" a required course in high school? if political correctness seeks victim intellectual dishonesty seeks a scapegoat if only it were as simple as scapegoating single parenthood but numbers don't really mete that out when staying on the topic of racial DISCREPANCY 1. In 1965, 24 percent of black infants and 3.1 percent of white infants were born to single mothers in 2013, 67 percent of black children in single parent, compared to 25 percent of whites so, that discrepancy decreased from 8:1 to a discrepancy of a litle over 2:1 2.the high school graduation rate has INCREASED from 1964 when blacks had 53 percent the high school grad rate of whites , to 2012 when blacks had 93 percent the graduation rate of whites 3. the college graduation rates of blacks also rose from 42 percent that of whites in 1964 to 62 percent that of whites in 2012 YET with all the single parent DISCREPANCY decreasing, and the educational attainment DISCREPANCY decreasing,, things have little changed 4.incarceration rates have been a constant 5:1 5. black household income has remained a constant 50 percent of white household income 6.blacks are still three times as likely to live in poverty so if the discrepancy between single parenthood between blacks and whites have decreased and if the discrepancy between educational achievement between blacks and whites have decreased why have the discrepancies in incarceration and poverty remained the same? Here are real numbers.. Seventy-six percent of Hispanic students and 68 percent of African-American students graduate from high school, the report says. Those rates are about 10 to 15 percent less than the graduation rate of white students. I don't know where you got the 93% number from... But out of every 100 there are 32 not graduating there are 32 that will have difficulties getting any job... 32 out of every 100... And I will add that 32 out of 100 vs 7 out of 100 is almost a 5 to 1 ratio... they are to have families with influence and/or networks that will overlook the absence of a diploma in favor of the right 'reference' about their attitude , ambition,,, etc,,,who will give them a 'chance', become their customer, mentor them,,,,,etc,,, maybe, i wouldn't know... i've always had to get my jobs on my own... |
me too....
There are many connections here that are not being mentioned. Perhaps the largest is the correlation between the black children who grow up without a father and end up in jail and/or dropping out of school. Humans learn by example and without the proper role models they tend to emulate what they see their older peers do instead of what society would like them to do. Teen street gangs do not a school make. Political correctness always finds a victim. Teen mothers who haven't a clue are never to blame for becoming baby factories churning out an undisciplined, uneducated, criminal element. The baby daddies can't take responsibility for fathering if they are the criminal element. Maybe the answer is forced birth control for all inner city teens, no matter what the race. If you couldn't have a kid without a high school diploma, it might make a big dent into the problem. Trump caught a lot of flack about the border wall... or lack of one. If the wall was built, manned, and the flow of illegals stopped, and the illegals here deported, the millions of jobs formally available to youth would suddenly become available. Try to find a construction site that isn't populated by illegals. With the halt in traffic across the border comes the halt in the 25 to 50 billion dollars in drug trafficking that feeds much of the crime in inner cities. Screw the political correctness, maybe a couple of hard core military strikes by the US on the known drug cartel strongholds in Mexico would send the proper message. Maybe an elimination of the national teachers union that allows unqualified teachers to retard the education of the kids in public schools would help, as well as giving school vouchers to the poor so they can send their kids to better schools anyway. Maybe a major change in the school system that allows punishment of badly behaving students instead of the current stupid politically correct nonsense. I heard there was an inoculation against pregnancy that lasts about a year. Perhaps they need to add it to the measles shot. Is "proper parenting" a required course in high school? if political correctness seeks victim intellectual dishonesty seeks a scapegoat if only it were as simple as scapegoating single parenthood but numbers don't really mete that out when staying on the topic of racial DISCREPANCY 1. In 1965, 24 percent of black infants and 3.1 percent of white infants were born to single mothers in 2013, 67 percent of black children in single parent, compared to 25 percent of whites so, that discrepancy decreased from 8:1 to a discrepancy of a litle over 2:1 2.the high school graduation rate has INCREASED from 1964 when blacks had 53 percent the high school grad rate of whites , to 2012 when blacks had 93 percent the graduation rate of whites 3. the college graduation rates of blacks also rose from 42 percent that of whites in 1964 to 62 percent that of whites in 2012 YET with all the single parent DISCREPANCY decreasing, and the educational attainment DISCREPANCY decreasing,, things have little changed 4.incarceration rates have been a constant 5:1 5. black household income has remained a constant 50 percent of white household income 6.blacks are still three times as likely to live in poverty so if the discrepancy between single parenthood between blacks and whites have decreased and if the discrepancy between educational achievement between blacks and whites have decreased why have the discrepancies in incarceration and poverty remained the same? Here are real numbers.. Seventy-six percent of Hispanic students and 68 percent of African-American students graduate from high school, the report says. Those rates are about 10 to 15 percent less than the graduation rate of white students. I don't know where you got the 93% number from... But out of every 100 there are 32 not graduating there are 32 that will have difficulties getting any job... 32 out of every 100... And I will add that 32 out of 100 vs 7 out of 100 is almost a 5 to 1 ratio... they are to have families with influence and/or networks that will overlook the absence of a diploma in favor of the right 'reference' about their attitude , ambition,,, etc,,,who will give them a 'chance', become their customer, mentor them,,,,,etc,,, maybe, i wouldn't know... i've always had to get my jobs on my own... Have you ever been hired as a black man? Ever turned in a resume as a black man? Ever faced hunger or financial difficulties as a black man? ---- Since I'm aware of obvious inescapable facts I'll answer this one for you. No. Statistics from the 60's don't compare to today any more than the cars do, they don't. Not even close. The drugs don't compare at all. The economy.... Food, gas, rent, bills, mortgages, property values, taxes, building supplies, medical care/insurance, diseases, birth rates, INFLATION!! Drawing DIRECT connections to years of data collection from 1 source and analyzed by two independent studies cannot be LOGICALLY countered with a comparison to 1964 demographic graduation rates cross analysis with single parent demographics. Note: Comparisons drawn between two sets of MATCHING data with MATCHING subsets of data are only REALISTICLY relevant in the case that they are presented PER CAPITA. The use of a ratio does not automatically make any conclusion one draws rational. 1/6 isn't bad if it's your chance of winning the lottery. 1/6 is CATASTROPHIC if it's a death rate for airborne diseases despite medical intervention. So if 13% of the population is incarcerated 5 times the rate of 72% of the population... 72�13= 5.53 btw There are 5.53X more whites than blacks. U.S. Census Blacks are incarcerated 5X the rate of whites. Blacks are mathematically (if EO was reality who h it isn't) are 1/5.53 likely as whites to get a job BEFORE any racial stigmas are applied. Whites MATHEMATICALLY statistically and REALISTICLY are NOT arrested charged tried sentenced and incarcerated equally for the SAME offenses PER CAPITA. Period. It's a fact. |
per capita for each person
ex: for each one person there are 3 guns,, 3 per capita said as, there are 3 guns per capita,, or ratio of 3:1 percent for each 100 for each 100 people there are 300 guns, said as there are 300 percent as many guns as people or ratio of 3:1 for sake of comparison,, each will work though of course the human element introduces several variables that ratios alone do not always account for,,,, but, in this comparison, when the single mom discrepancy between whites and blacks is being scapegoated as the 'reason' for all other negatively impacted discrepancies ,,,I pulled this ratio out to show that the numbers dont add up,,,,,,that the particular 'discrepancy' has actually been decreasing with seemingly no change to the others,,,,, per capita numbers no doubt reflect the same realities, but are much more difficult to find,,,, |
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per capita for each person ex: for each one person there are 3 guns,, 3 per capita said as, there are 3 guns per capita,, or ratio of 3:1 percent for each 100 for each 100 people there are 300 guns, said as there are 300 percent as many guns as people or ratio of 3:1 for sake of comparison,, each will work though of course the human element introduces several variables that ratios alone do not always account for,,,, but, in this comparison, when the single mom discrepancy between whites and blacks is being scapegoated as the 'reason' for all other negatively impacted discrepancies ,,,I pulled this ratio out to show that the numbers dont add up,,,,,,that the particular 'discrepancy' has actually been decreasing with seemingly no change to the others,,,,, per capita numbers no doubt reflect the same realities, but are much more difficult to find,,,, I'm not sure if you really don't understand the math or are just doing the usual "spin". If black children born to single parent families rise to a percentage of two thirds to three quarters of all children born to that neighborhood (the actual percentages vary city to city) then the MAJORITY of their PEERS are in the same situation. The rise of street gangs influence all and have a greater influence on those without contrary teaching. The whites, with percentages in the twenties, never are put in a majority peer pressure situation of slightly older children raised without two parent support except at spot locations. Since I listed several influences outside of single parenting, your comment about the single parent being "scapegoated" is spin, and nothing else. Your whole concept of "discrepancies" is mathematically meaningless. Any child in America with good parenting and personal ambition can emulate Ben Carson in their own direction and interest. |
per capita for each person ex: for each one person there are 3 guns,, 3 per capita said as, there are 3 guns per capita,, or ratio of 3:1 percent for each 100 for each 100 people there are 300 guns, said as there are 300 percent as many guns as people or ratio of 3:1 for sake of comparison,, each will work though of course the human element introduces several variables that ratios alone do not always account for,,,, but, in this comparison, when the single mom discrepancy between whites and blacks is being scapegoated as the 'reason' for all other negatively impacted discrepancies ,,,I pulled this ratio out to show that the numbers dont add up,,,,,,that the particular 'discrepancy' has actually been decreasing with seemingly no change to the others,,,,, per capita numbers no doubt reflect the same realities, but are much more difficult to find,,,, I'm not sure if you really don't understand the math or are just doing the usual "spin". If black children born to single parent families rise to a percentage of two thirds to three quarters of all children born to that neighborhood (the actual percentages vary city to city) then the MAJORITY of their PEERS are in the same situation. The rise of street gangs influence all and have a greater influence on those without contrary teaching. The whites, with percentages in the twenties, never are put in a majority peer pressure situation of slightly older children raised without two parent support except at spot locations. Since I listed several influences outside of single parenting, your comment about the single parent being "scapegoated" is spin, and nothing else. Your whole concept of "discrepancies" is mathematically meaningless. Any child in America with good parenting and personal ambition can emulate Ben Carson in their own direction and interest. no, I understand perfectly well,, bad parents, single parents, illegal immigrants and poor education were all mentioned I disagree that the single parents has much at all to do with the DISCREPANCY we find in how blacks and whites are treated within the justice system |
per capita for each person ex: for each one person there are 3 guns,, 3 per capita said as, there are 3 guns per capita,, or ratio of 3:1 percent for each 100 for each 100 people there are 300 guns, said as there are 300 percent as many guns as people or ratio of 3:1 for sake of comparison,, each will work though of course the human element introduces several variables that ratios alone do not always account for,,,, but, in this comparison, when the single mom discrepancy between whites and blacks is being scapegoated as the 'reason' for all other negatively impacted discrepancies ,,,I pulled this ratio out to show that the numbers dont add up,,,,,,that the particular 'discrepancy' has actually been decreasing with seemingly no change to the others,,,,, per capita numbers no doubt reflect the same realities, but are much more difficult to find,,,, I'm not sure if you really don't understand the math or are just doing the usual "spin". If black children born to single parent families rise to a percentage of two thirds to three quarters of all children born to that neighborhood (the actual percentages vary city to city) then the MAJORITY of their PEERS are in the same situation. The rise of street gangs influence all and have a greater influence on those without contrary teaching. The whites, with percentages in the twenties, never are put in a majority peer pressure situation of slightly older children raised without two parent support except at spot locations. Since I listed several influences outside of single parenting, your comment about the single parent being "scapegoated" is spin, and nothing else. Your whole concept of "discrepancies" is mathematically meaningless. Any child in America with good parenting and personal ambition can emulate Ben Carson in their own direction and interest. no, I understand perfectly well,, bad parents, single parents, illegal immigrants and poor education were all mentioned I disagree that the single parents has much at all to do with the DISCREPANCY we find in how blacks and whites are treated within the justice system It has a hellava lot to do with how they stay OUT of the justice system. |
Edited by
Sun 09/20/15 11:36 AM
per capita for each person ex: for each one person there are 3 guns,, 3 per capita said as, there are 3 guns per capita,, or ratio of 3:1 percent for each 100 for each 100 people there are 300 guns, said as there are 300 percent as many guns as people or ratio of 3:1 for sake of comparison,, each will work though of course the human element introduces several variables that ratios alone do not always account for,,,, but, in this comparison, when the single mom discrepancy between whites and blacks is being scapegoated as the 'reason' for all other negatively impacted discrepancies ,,,I pulled this ratio out to show that the numbers dont add up,,,,,,that the particular 'discrepancy' has actually been decreasing with seemingly no change to the others,,,,, per capita numbers no doubt reflect the same realities, but are much more difficult to find,,,, I'm not sure if you really don't understand the math or are just doing the usual "spin". If black children born to single parent families rise to a percentage of two thirds to three quarters of all children born to that neighborhood (the actual percentages vary city to city) then the MAJORITY of their PEERS are in the same situation. The rise of street gangs influence all and have a greater influence on those without contrary teaching. The whites, with percentages in the twenties, never are put in a majority peer pressure situation of slightly older children raised without two parent support except at spot locations. Since I listed several influences outside of single parenting, your comment about the single parent being "scapegoated" is spin, and nothing else. Your whole concept of "discrepancies" is mathematically meaningless. Any child in America with good parenting and personal ambition can emulate Ben Carson in their own direction and interest. no, I understand perfectly well,, bad parents, single parents, illegal immigrants and poor education were all mentioned I disagree that the single parents has much at all to do with the DISCREPANCY we find in how blacks and whites are treated within the justice system It has a hellava lot to do with how they stay OUT of the justice system. perhaps it does but that was not the topic the topic is about the DISCREPANCY that exists within the system,,,,,in its approach to incarceration,,,,, or actually that "Poverty and incarceration perpetuate each other," |
There are many connections here that are not being mentioned. Perhaps the largest is the correlation between the black children who grow up without a father and end up in jail and/or dropping out of school. Humans learn by example and without the proper role models they tend to emulate what they see their older peers do instead of what society would like them to do. Teen street gangs do not a school make. Political correctness always finds a victim. Teen mothers who haven't a clue are never to blame for becoming baby factories churning out an undisciplined, uneducated, criminal element. The baby daddies can't take responsibility for fathering if they are the criminal element. Maybe the answer is forced birth control for all inner city teens, no matter what the race. If you couldn't have a kid without a high school diploma, it might make a big dent into the problem. Trump caught a lot of flack about the border wall... or lack of one. If the wall was built, manned, and the flow of illegals stopped, and the illegals here deported, the millions of jobs formally available to youth would suddenly become available. Try to find a construction site that isn't populated by illegals. With the halt in traffic across the border comes the halt in the 25 to 50 billion dollars in drug trafficking that feeds much of the crime in inner cities. Screw the political correctness, maybe a couple of hard core military strikes by the US on the known drug cartel strongholds in Mexico would send the proper message. Maybe an elimination of the national teachers union that allows unqualified teachers to retard the education of the kids in public schools would help, as well as giving school vouchers to the poor so they can send their kids to better schools anyway. Maybe a major change in the school system that allows punishment of badly behaving students instead of the current stupid politically correct nonsense. I heard there was an inoculation against pregnancy that lasts about a year. Perhaps they need to add it to the measles shot. Is "proper parenting" a required course in high school? if political correctness seeks victim intellectual dishonesty seeks a scapegoat if only it were as simple as scapegoating single parenthood but numbers don't really mete that out when staying on the topic of racial DISCREPANCY 1. In 1965, 24 percent of black infants and 3.1 percent of white infants were born to single mothers in 2013, 67 percent of black children in single parent, compared to 25 percent of whites so, that discrepancy decreased from 8:1 to a discrepancy of a litle over 2:1 2.the high school graduation rate has INCREASED from 1964 when blacks had 53 percent the high school grad rate of whites , to 2012 when blacks had 93 percent the graduation rate of whites 3. the college graduation rates of blacks also rose from 42 percent that of whites in 1964 to 62 percent that of whites in 2012 YET with all the single parent DISCREPANCY decreasing, and the educational attainment DISCREPANCY decreasing,, things have little changed 4.incarceration rates have been a constant 5:1 5. black household income has remained a constant 50 percent of white household income 6.blacks are still three times as likely to live in poverty so if the discrepancy between single parenthood between blacks and whites have decreased and if the discrepancy between educational achievement between blacks and whites have decreased why have the discrepancies in incarceration and poverty remained the same? Here are real numbers.. Seventy-six percent of Hispanic students and 68 percent of African-American students graduate from high school, the report says. Those rates are about 10 to 15 percent less than the graduation rate of white students. I don't know where you got the 93% number from... But out of every 100 there are 32 not graduating there are 32 that will have difficulties getting any job... 32 out of every 100... And I will add that 32 out of 100 vs 7 out of 100 is almost a 5 to 1 ratio... they are to have families with influence and/or networks that will overlook the absence of a diploma in favor of the right 'reference' about their attitude , ambition,,, etc,,,who will give them a 'chance', become their customer, mentor them,,,,,etc,,, maybe, i wouldn't know... i've always had to get my jobs on my own... Have you ever been hired as a black man? Ever turned in a resume as a black man? Ever faced hunger or financial difficulties as a black man? ---- Since I'm aware of obvious inescapable facts I'll answer this one for you. No. Statistics from the 60's don't compare to today any more than the cars do, they don't. Not even close. The drugs don't compare at all. The economy.... Food, gas, rent, bills, mortgages, property values, taxes, building supplies, medical care/insurance, diseases, birth rates, INFLATION!! Drawing DIRECT connections to years of data collection from 1 source and analyzed by two independent studies cannot be LOGICALLY countered with a comparison to 1964 demographic graduation rates cross analysis with single parent demographics. Note: Comparisons drawn between two sets of MATCHING data with MATCHING subsets of data are only REALISTICLY relevant in the case that they are presented PER CAPITA. The use of a ratio does not automatically make any conclusion one draws rational. 1/6 isn't bad if it's your chance of winning the lottery. 1/6 is CATASTROPHIC if it's a death rate for airborne diseases despite medical intervention. So if 13% of the population is incarcerated 5 times the rate of 72% of the population... 72�13= 5.53 btw There are 5.53X more whites than blacks. U.S. Census Blacks are incarcerated 5X the rate of whites. Blacks are mathematically (if EO was reality who h it isn't) are 1/5.53 likely as whites to get a job BEFORE any racial stigmas are applied. Whites MATHEMATICALLY statistically and REALISTICLY are NOT arrested charged tried sentenced and incarcerated equally for the SAME offenses PER CAPITA. Period. It's a fact. go cry me a river... all colors get hungry, need jobs, are poor... your not getting any sympathy from me... just so you know, all colors have hardships... you crying racism at the drop of a hat is just stupid and childlike... go tell rev. al about your hard times, he likes to whine and cry like you... |
permission to copy and paste for all future threads where people view something with distaste or disagreement,,,,?
instead of 'colors' I will use 'people', and I will replace 'racism' with whatever topic is being discussed of charge is being claimed and ''rev al' with whatever mouthpiece is most well known for talking on that topic lol go cry me a river... all colors get hungry, need jobs, are poor... your not getting any sympathy from me... just so you know, all colors have hardships... you crying racism at the drop of a hat is just stupid and childlike... go tell rev. al about your hard times, he likes to whine and cry like you... let me test it out go cry me a river... all people get hungry, need jobs, are poor... your not getting any sympathy from me... just so you know, all people have hardships... you crying illegal immigration at the drop of a hat is just stupid and childlike... go tell donald trump about your hard times, he likes to whine and cry like you... |
permission to copy and paste for all future threads where people view something with distaste or disagreement,,,,? instead of 'colors' I will use 'people', and I will replace 'racism' with whatever topic is being discussed of charge is being claimed and ''rev al' with whatever mouthpiece is most well known for talking on that topic lol go cry me a river... all colors get hungry, need jobs, are poor... your not getting any sympathy from me... just so you know, all colors have hardships... you crying racism at the drop of a hat is just stupid and childlike... go tell rev. al about your hard times, he likes to whine and cry like you... let me test it out go cry me a river... all people get hungry, need jobs, are poor... your not getting any sympathy from me... just so you know, all people have hardships... you crying illegal immigration at the drop of a hat is just stupid and childlike... go tell donald trump about your hard times, he likes to whine and cry like you... as long as it gets the point across... but it really doesn't fit, most blacks aren't illegal, except for all the laws they break... but whatever, maybe we can have a big cry session later about how hard ONLY black people have it... ![]() |
per capita for each person ex: for each one person there are 3 guns,, 3 per capita said as, there are 3 guns per capita,, or ratio of 3:1 percent for each 100 for each 100 people there are 300 guns, said as there are 300 percent as many guns as people or ratio of 3:1 for sake of comparison,, each will work though of course the human element introduces several variables that ratios alone do not always account for,,,, but, in this comparison, when the single mom discrepancy between whites and blacks is being scapegoated as the 'reason' for all other negatively impacted discrepancies ,,,I pulled this ratio out to show that the numbers dont add up,,,,,,that the particular 'discrepancy' has actually been decreasing with seemingly no change to the others,,,,, per capita numbers no doubt reflect the same realities, but are much more difficult to find,,,, I'm not sure if you really don't understand the math or are just doing the usual "spin". If black children born to single parent families rise to a percentage of two thirds to three quarters of all children born to that neighborhood (the actual percentages vary city to city) then the MAJORITY of their PEERS are in the same situation. The rise of street gangs influence all and have a greater influence on those without contrary teaching. The whites, with percentages in the twenties, never are put in a majority peer pressure situation of slightly older children raised without two parent support except at spot locations. Since I listed several influences outside of single parenting, your comment about the single parent being "scapegoated" is spin, and nothing else. Your whole concept of "discrepancies" is mathematically meaningless. Any child in America with good parenting and personal ambition can emulate Ben Carson in their own direction and interest. no, I understand perfectly well,, bad parents, single parents, illegal immigrants and poor education were all mentioned I disagree that the single parents has much at all to do with the DISCREPANCY we find in how blacks and whites are treated within the justice system It has a hellava lot to do with how they stay OUT of the justice system. perhaps it does but that was not the topic the topic is about the DISCREPANCY that exists within the system,,,,,in its approach to incarceration,,,,, or actually that "Poverty and incarceration perpetuate each other," You are missing the connection. Poverty (caused by single parenting) leads to lack of education and taught responsibility. These factors further lead to unemployment which leads to despair and criminal activity. The illegals make the unemployment worse and the crappy schools and teachers unions make the education worse. Stopping teenagers from getting pregnant would be a huge benefit for society as a whole and for all races. The HUGE percentage of children born to black teenagers and then turn to crime would halt resulting in a HUGE benefit to black culture and a reduction of the crime statistics. |
who has stated that?
and which thread can I participate in that has managed to discuss all problems every group has? they are usually TOPIC specific,, arent they? |
Edited by
Sun 09/20/15 12:05 PM
per capita for each person ex: for each one person there are 3 guns,, 3 per capita said as, there are 3 guns per capita,, or ratio of 3:1 percent for each 100 for each 100 people there are 300 guns, said as there are 300 percent as many guns as people or ratio of 3:1 for sake of comparison,, each will work though of course the human element introduces several variables that ratios alone do not always account for,,,, but, in this comparison, when the single mom discrepancy between whites and blacks is being scapegoated as the 'reason' for all other negatively impacted discrepancies ,,,I pulled this ratio out to show that the numbers dont add up,,,,,,that the particular 'discrepancy' has actually been decreasing with seemingly no change to the others,,,,, per capita numbers no doubt reflect the same realities, but are much more difficult to find,,,, I'm not sure if you really don't understand the math or are just doing the usual "spin". If black children born to single parent families rise to a percentage of two thirds to three quarters of all children born to that neighborhood (the actual percentages vary city to city) then the MAJORITY of their PEERS are in the same situation. The rise of street gangs influence all and have a greater influence on those without contrary teaching. The whites, with percentages in the twenties, never are put in a majority peer pressure situation of slightly older children raised without two parent support except at spot locations. Since I listed several influences outside of single parenting, your comment about the single parent being "scapegoated" is spin, and nothing else. Your whole concept of "discrepancies" is mathematically meaningless. Any child in America with good parenting and personal ambition can emulate Ben Carson in their own direction and interest. no, I understand perfectly well,, bad parents, single parents, illegal immigrants and poor education were all mentioned I disagree that the single parents has much at all to do with the DISCREPANCY we find in how blacks and whites are treated within the justice system It has a hellava lot to do with how they stay OUT of the justice system. perhaps it does but that was not the topic the topic is about the DISCREPANCY that exists within the system,,,,,in its approach to incarceration,,,,, or actually that "Poverty and incarceration perpetuate each other," You are missing the connection. Poverty (caused by single parenting) leads to lack of education and taught responsibility. These factors further lead to unemployment which leads to despair and criminal activity. The illegals make the unemployment worse and the crappy schools and teachers unions make the education worse. Stopping teenagers from getting pregnant would be a huge benefit for society as a whole and for all races. The HUGE percentage of children born to black teenagers and then turn to crime would halt resulting in a HUGE benefit to black culture and a reduction of the crime statistics. they get paid per baby...Shanequa gets pregnant at 14, has the baby and gives it up for adoption... her mother adopts baby DeVon, and the government pays her 1100 dollars a month to take care of baby DeVon... they see a light bulb light up, and a baby making process is made... so there are 6-7 kids they never cared about in the first place, the money the government gave them to take care of the kids goes for Gucci bags, PS4's, Prada and whatever else makes them look rich... none goes to the kids college fund, or a better neighborhood.... |
per capita for each person ex: for each one person there are 3 guns,, 3 per capita said as, there are 3 guns per capita,, or ratio of 3:1 percent for each 100 for each 100 people there are 300 guns, said as there are 300 percent as many guns as people or ratio of 3:1 for sake of comparison,, each will work though of course the human element introduces several variables that ratios alone do not always account for,,,, but, in this comparison, when the single mom discrepancy between whites and blacks is being scapegoated as the 'reason' for all other negatively impacted discrepancies ,,,I pulled this ratio out to show that the numbers dont add up,,,,,,that the particular 'discrepancy' has actually been decreasing with seemingly no change to the others,,,,, per capita numbers no doubt reflect the same realities, but are much more difficult to find,,,, I'm not sure if you really don't understand the math or are just doing the usual "spin". If black children born to single parent families rise to a percentage of two thirds to three quarters of all children born to that neighborhood (the actual percentages vary city to city) then the MAJORITY of their PEERS are in the same situation. The rise of street gangs influence all and have a greater influence on those without contrary teaching. The whites, with percentages in the twenties, never are put in a majority peer pressure situation of slightly older children raised without two parent support except at spot locations. Since I listed several influences outside of single parenting, your comment about the single parent being "scapegoated" is spin, and nothing else. Your whole concept of "discrepancies" is mathematically meaningless. Any child in America with good parenting and personal ambition can emulate Ben Carson in their own direction and interest. no, I understand perfectly well,, bad parents, single parents, illegal immigrants and poor education were all mentioned I disagree that the single parents has much at all to do with the DISCREPANCY we find in how blacks and whites are treated within the justice system It has a hellava lot to do with how they stay OUT of the justice system. perhaps it does but that was not the topic the topic is about the DISCREPANCY that exists within the system,,,,,in its approach to incarceration,,,,, or actually that "Poverty and incarceration perpetuate each other," You are missing the connection. Poverty (caused by single parenting) leads to lack of education and taught responsibility. These factors further lead to unemployment which leads to despair and criminal activity. The illegals make the unemployment worse and the crappy schools and teachers unions make the education worse. Stopping teenagers from getting pregnant would be a huge benefit for society as a whole and for all races. The HUGE percentage of children born to black teenagers and then turn to crime would halt resulting in a HUGE benefit to black culture and a reduction of the crime statistics. I am getting the connection, poverty feeds incarceration BUT poverty is not simply at the foot of teen parenting(which is at record lows,, btw) poverty has been a consistent factor during and before teen parenting became an issue, and before welfare or single parenting were an issue DESPITE what trends occurred there, the discrepancies in the LEGAL system persisted,, so there is some other reason and some other solution to be considered somehow.. |
per capita for each person ex: for each one person there are 3 guns,, 3 per capita said as, there are 3 guns per capita,, or ratio of 3:1 percent for each 100 for each 100 people there are 300 guns, said as there are 300 percent as many guns as people or ratio of 3:1 for sake of comparison,, each will work though of course the human element introduces several variables that ratios alone do not always account for,,,, but, in this comparison, when the single mom discrepancy between whites and blacks is being scapegoated as the 'reason' for all other negatively impacted discrepancies ,,,I pulled this ratio out to show that the numbers dont add up,,,,,,that the particular 'discrepancy' has actually been decreasing with seemingly no change to the others,,,,, per capita numbers no doubt reflect the same realities, but are much more difficult to find,,,, I'm not sure if you really don't understand the math or are just doing the usual "spin". If black children born to single parent families rise to a percentage of two thirds to three quarters of all children born to that neighborhood (the actual percentages vary city to city) then the MAJORITY of their PEERS are in the same situation. The rise of street gangs influence all and have a greater influence on those without contrary teaching. The whites, with percentages in the twenties, never are put in a majority peer pressure situation of slightly older children raised without two parent support except at spot locations. Since I listed several influences outside of single parenting, your comment about the single parent being "scapegoated" is spin, and nothing else. Your whole concept of "discrepancies" is mathematically meaningless. Any child in America with good parenting and personal ambition can emulate Ben Carson in their own direction and interest. no, I understand perfectly well,, bad parents, single parents, illegal immigrants and poor education were all mentioned I disagree that the single parents has much at all to do with the DISCREPANCY we find in how blacks and whites are treated within the justice system It has a hellava lot to do with how they stay OUT of the justice system. perhaps it does but that was not the topic the topic is about the DISCREPANCY that exists within the system,,,,,in its approach to incarceration,,,,, or actually that "Poverty and incarceration perpetuate each other," You are missing the connection. Poverty (caused by single parenting) leads to lack of education and taught responsibility. These factors further lead to unemployment which leads to despair and criminal activity. The illegals make the unemployment worse and the crappy schools and teachers unions make the education worse. Stopping teenagers from getting pregnant would be a huge benefit for society as a whole and for all races. The HUGE percentage of children born to black teenagers and then turn to crime would halt resulting in a HUGE benefit to black culture and a reduction of the crime statistics. they get paid per baby...Shanequa gets pregnant at 14, has the baby and gives it up for adoption... her mother adopts baby DeVon, and the government pays her 1100 dollars a month to take care of baby DeVon... they see a light bulb light up, and a baby making process is made... so there are 6-7 kids they never cared about in the first place, the money the government gave them to take care of the kids goes for Gucci bags, PS4's, Prada and whatever else makes them look rich... none goes to the kids college fund, or a better neighborhood.... except most welfare recipients dont have any more children than the average ,,,2 |
per capita for each person ex: for each one person there are 3 guns,, 3 per capita said as, there are 3 guns per capita,, or ratio of 3:1 percent for each 100 for each 100 people there are 300 guns, said as there are 300 percent as many guns as people or ratio of 3:1 for sake of comparison,, each will work though of course the human element introduces several variables that ratios alone do not always account for,,,, but, in this comparison, when the single mom discrepancy between whites and blacks is being scapegoated as the 'reason' for all other negatively impacted discrepancies ,,,I pulled this ratio out to show that the numbers dont add up,,,,,,that the particular 'discrepancy' has actually been decreasing with seemingly no change to the others,,,,, per capita numbers no doubt reflect the same realities, but are much more difficult to find,,,, I'm not sure if you really don't understand the math or are just doing the usual "spin". If black children born to single parent families rise to a percentage of two thirds to three quarters of all children born to that neighborhood (the actual percentages vary city to city) then the MAJORITY of their PEERS are in the same situation. The rise of street gangs influence all and have a greater influence on those without contrary teaching. The whites, with percentages in the twenties, never are put in a majority peer pressure situation of slightly older children raised without two parent support except at spot locations. Since I listed several influences outside of single parenting, your comment about the single parent being "scapegoated" is spin, and nothing else. Your whole concept of "discrepancies" is mathematically meaningless. Any child in America with good parenting and personal ambition can emulate Ben Carson in their own direction and interest. no, I understand perfectly well,, bad parents, single parents, illegal immigrants and poor education were all mentioned I disagree that the single parents has much at all to do with the DISCREPANCY we find in how blacks and whites are treated within the justice system It has a hellava lot to do with how they stay OUT of the justice system. perhaps it does but that was not the topic the topic is about the DISCREPANCY that exists within the system,,,,,in its approach to incarceration,,,,, or actually that "Poverty and incarceration perpetuate each other," You are missing the connection. Poverty (caused by single parenting) leads to lack of education and taught responsibility. These factors further lead to unemployment which leads to despair and criminal activity. The illegals make the unemployment worse and the crappy schools and teachers unions make the education worse. Stopping teenagers from getting pregnant would be a huge benefit for society as a whole and for all races. The HUGE percentage of children born to black teenagers and then turn to crime would halt resulting in a HUGE benefit to black culture and a reduction of the crime statistics. they get paid per baby...Shanequa gets pregnant at 14, has the baby and gives it up for adoption... her mother adopts baby DeVon, and the government pays her 1100 dollars a month to take care of baby DeVon... they see a light bulb light up, and a baby making process is made... so there are 6-7 kids they never cared about in the first place, the money the government gave them to take care of the kids goes for Gucci bags, PS4's, Prada and whatever else makes them look rich... none goes to the kids college fund, or a better neighborhood.... except most welfare recipients dont have any more children than the average ,,,2 where did i say welfare? government child adoption support is not welfare... |
per capita for each person ex: for each one person there are 3 guns,, 3 per capita said as, there are 3 guns per capita,, or ratio of 3:1 percent for each 100 for each 100 people there are 300 guns, said as there are 300 percent as many guns as people or ratio of 3:1 for sake of comparison,, each will work though of course the human element introduces several variables that ratios alone do not always account for,,,, but, in this comparison, when the single mom discrepancy between whites and blacks is being scapegoated as the 'reason' for all other negatively impacted discrepancies ,,,I pulled this ratio out to show that the numbers dont add up,,,,,,that the particular 'discrepancy' has actually been decreasing with seemingly no change to the others,,,,, per capita numbers no doubt reflect the same realities, but are much more difficult to find,,,, If 4/10 40% of the children from 1 city block, or one extended family of the SAME generation are killed by gun violence or overdose on heroin, to THAT BLOCK or THAT FAMILY, it's DEVASTATING. Right? Everyone else 'phew' glad I'm not you. 4 dead kids Oh Welllllll..... It could be an isolated incident it could be disparately dispersed among people who otherwise wouldn't hear about the other cases unless they cared enough to research the cause and associated similarity between those affected. Sounds like the 2 independent studies above and other causes that people have been outraged about..... Hmmmm Per Capita doesn't tell you names, it gives you head/body counts. Read any report from any war or conflict, any crime you will NEVER FIND .53 people killed or wounded. These numbers are per capita. They tell you not only did Jenny die but 4,000,000 like her in X amount of time. That's when it comes home, it's real, it's not a pinpoint tragedy, it's an epidemic. You can divide anything and get a percentage. Even parts of wholes. .53's/ .whatevers, you still come out with a percentage. Per capita is the only way demographics can be REALISTICLY APPLIED. Large numbers of bad things make more people ask intelligent questions and try to plan REALISTIC solutions. Or no one listens and millions more die are incarcerated killed by illegal weapons killed by police die in senseless wars die of lung cancer can't get jobs because there are so many illegal immigrants committing crimes and being released........ |
Edited by
Sun 09/20/15 02:26 PM
1 little person (midget, dwarf...)
= 1 person. Not 1/2, not 2/3, 1. 1 birth, 1 death, 1 vote. Votes...... Once upon a time, long ago in a land where you live today, the former slaves, freed men before women's suffrage, counted as 3/5ths of a white constituent's vote assuming they knew how to read and weren't lynched for expressing their wish to contribute to their and their families rights and representatives, or lynched on their way to the poles. No whites were ever convicted for 3/5ths of a murder while alive or posthumously, exclusively or as a fraction of a fraction for being part of a mob. Someone I don't care who, give us a case where .53 of a white person was imprisoned, or found 53% guilty of a crime on LEGAL PUBLIC RECORD. Please. Until such real evidence is provided percentages will not be accepted as a substitute for per capita research results. Thank you. |