Topic: Hillary's campaign looking like the Hindenburg | |
The big news today was the fact that the lazy fart that was hired/instructed to "wipe" the server, just erased at least part of it. The FBI is now copying an unknown amount of Hillery's emails, both personal and official.
What are the odds that Hillery actually turned over all the government email and erased only the personal ones? Not much! It will be interesting. An odd thing about the above news is that the FBI doesn't release news of ongoing criminal investigations so the leak had to come from the Obama Justice Department. |
So now we have newly released documents showing that Hildabeast lied about the Huma Abedin double dipping issue.
For those who don't know Hillary's right hand woman Huma Abedin got special dispensation to work at both the State Department and for a company named Teneo at the same time. Teneo was founded by former Clinton operative Doug Band. A large consulting firm that handles all facets of organization operations from financing, to governance, to legal, and crisis management, several of its clients are also Clinton Foundation donors. When NBC's Andrea Mitchell asked whether or not it was a conflict for Huma to work for State and collect a check, while working for a company that worked for governments State negotiated with, Clinton answered that she was not directly involved in the situation, but Huma's status was fully within the rules at State. Well seems that is another Clinton whopper as there is now a document showing Hillary personally signed the form that created the 'Special Government Employee' position Huma benefitted from! How more directly can you get than signing the paperwork? The issue is could a government hire Teneo as a bribe for access to Clinton? Further complicating the issue is Huma did work for Teneo using the 'private' Clinton server, and may also have worked for the Clinton Foundation during this same time for a third salary! No wonder Anthony (wanna see my) Weiner stands by his woman. She makes all the bucks in the family. |
I don't know what surprises me more... that there is no depth to the evil of Hillary Hitler,
(" We need more fun camps, for rehabilitation & teach people how to live ") or the capacity of the public & the media to ignore her record & make excuses for her ? Since " Whitewater ", both the public & the media blamed Bill Clinton & even referenced the " Stand By Your Man " song & syndrome. She was guilty then, of her own crimes & now ( 5-6 yrs after her divorce from him), she is guilty... yet again of her own crimes. |
And HRC keeps giving "hard hitting" interviews with great journalistic minds like Lena Dunham.....wait, what?....who?!
"" If you had any concerns about the seriousness of Lena Dunham’ s upcoming interview with Hillary Clinton, this very real preview clip from Funny or Die is probably not going to make you feel any better about it. You see, because Dunham’s new website is called Lenny Letter, Clinton made the horrible mistake of joking that she thought the interview might be with Lenny Kravitz. This led Dunham to ask, “Did you see the footage where his, like, pants split?” She was referring to that viral video of the singer literally rocking out with this cock out that made the rounds last month. “I mean, his stuff, like fell out of his pants,” she explained. “No, I missed that,” Clinton replied. “Do you think I could get that… on YouTube? Yeah, I’ll look for that.” Well, Dunham did say her interview contained a new level of “honesty and candor” for the candidate…"" Jesus H. Christ Hillary, just go away. |
Lena Dunham? Pfffttt. Self admitted pedophile and fictional rape story author.
She writes in her book how she used every trick in the book to literally get into her younger sisters pants. Toys, candy, you name it. The very tools any child molester would use, and she freely admits doing all of it. She also recounts a drunken college date that ended in sloppy, awkward sex, and says the guy basically raped her. She goes into minute detail in describing the man named 'Barry', making inferences that somehow being a 'Republican' contributed to his behavior. When the story was fact checked, no such event could be verified, and the only 'detail' of the story found to be valid was her description of the campus itself. The man that many believe was the unnamed 'rapist' successfully sued, and new printings of the book carry a disclaimer that the name of the person in the book 'Barry' is not the real name of the alleged attacker. Dunham herself apparently has never publicly come out and cleared his name. One of Obama's daughters is currently an intern on her TV show. So, objectivity, journalistic integrity, or even a modicum of the truth being told would NOT be what I would expect. If anything, I would expect it to be a long winded campaign commercial with enough cheesy jokes to qualify it as satire and thus skirting election finance laws. |
Hillary "Hindenburg" Clinton!
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Hillary "Hindenburg" Clinton! ![]() Burnie! Burnie! ![]() |
So apparently Hildabeast can't fight her own battles and now Slick Willy is on the case.
In an interview to air on CNN Sunday morning Bill Clinton blames the GOP and the press for the never ending e-mail story. He basically says his wife said sorry, and we should all just move on now. Of course he ignores the constant drip, drip, drip of new emails someone just 'happens' to find, how the server also did Clinton Foundation work, how Huma Abedin used the server for work she did on the side for her second employer Teneo, and how Hillary lied about signing the paperwork for Huma to get the Teneo gig, and on and on and on. Nahhhhh, nothing to see here folks..... Anything other than doing what Bill says we should do becomes either partisan attacks, or the media bashing his wife JUST so THEY can make the nomination process more competitive. So it's no longer JUST the 'vast right wing conspiracy', but now the media too that is fiddling with the Democratic nomination process, because it's apparently bad for ratings if Hildabeast runs unopposed. So the media manipulates coverage against Hillary to create a more closely contested campaign. Apparently this makes for more interesting coverage. Clinton also suggests that the GOP directs media attacks by recounting a story of his own presidential run. He claims a Bush white house staffer called him, and said that he should stay out of the presidential race, and not go after the Democratic party nomination. He claims the caller told him that every election the press needs a candidate to tear down, and if Clinton ran, the GOP would 'feed' him to the press. I guess Clinton fails to understand that since he actually won in 1992, that kinda defeats his point. But that would just be another example of a Clinton ignoring the truth. |
Perfect pair: Lena Dunham interviews Hillary Clinton « Hot Air
Blog Headlines Perfect pair: Lena Dunham interviews Hillary Clinton Amanda Muñoz, Sep 25, 2015 Just what we’ve all been waiting for: the liberal lady event of the year! My good friend, Matt Vespa, recently wrote about why women are running away from the Clinton campaign – they just don’t trust her. So, it’s no surprise that she’s ready and willing to do just about anything to regain lost ground. Among her attempts to be Likeable Hillary – which have included spots on “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon,” “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” and the ever-golden “CHILLIN” vine (do yourself a favor and watch that one) – Clinton will also sit for an interview with ultra-feminist Lena Dunham. Politico reports that the interview will run to debut the release of Dunham’s new newsletter for the site next week, and “will discuss campaign issues that resonate with Dunham’s target audience, like student debt and women’s health.” (As a side note, the site’s most recent post was about why you should #AskYourMother about her abortion. Seriously.) In the one-minute clip that I watched so you don’t have to, Dunham is giddy with excitement as Clinton confirms that she is, indeed, a feminist (shocker!) and then goes on to define a feminist as “someone who believes in equal rights.” Deep. Before I go on, I should preface my upcoming comments with this: I too, believe in equal rights for everyone, so, therefore, that must make me a feminist. However, I refuse to believe that the key to young female hearts is through an interview where a hipster and a “hipster” produce an audio version of Webster’s Dictionary. The reality is that the Clinton-Dunham brand of feminism is so backward that it does more to harm women by perpetuating the victim narrative that sustains the Left, instead of working to empower them. It thrives off dependency, vulnerability, and self-consciousness. Uplifting free-thinking, independent female voices, gives way to silencing dissenting opinions by deeming them naïve, outdated, harmful or even hateful. It’s tiresome; and quite frankly, it’s old. Sure, we have problems. There are aspects of our society that are a little rough around the edges, but we haven’t sunk so low that the road to the Presidency of the United States is by way of celebrity gossip. No American, when heading to the ballot box, thinks: What would Lena Dunham do? Right? What do I know? She’ll probably win a Pulitzer for this… Side note: Kanye West thinks Ben Carson is “brilliant” and is still considering a 2020 run. Update (AP): Here’s Dunham asking the would-be first woman president if she saw that viral video where Lenny Kravitz’s pants split and his junk popped out onstage. -------------------------------------------- I just HAD to read this for myself... How anyone could refer to either woman as a " feminist " is mind blowing! This is more like, ' She criminals do lunch ' ![]() |