Topic: An Ode to The Nudge aka Butt Tell Me Honestly ... please
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Tue 09/15/15 03:34 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Tue 09/15/15 04:05 AM
Begging your pardon most sincerely. But do excuse me if I may humbly ask a few questions of your good self? Can you take a real good hard look from you're at and let me know what you think. I do so have such high regard for your opinion. And knowing you as I do there just ain't another soul in the world (and that includes the web world wide) that I could ask AND be sure to get a cast iron bona fide answer! Not even Soulmate! So yes I am relying on you!

Can you take a real close look at me from over there where you are and tell me honestly DOES MY BUTT LOOK BIG in this outfit?

I am seriously asking for your opinion on this, so please tell me the honest to goodness truth. DOES MY BAMBAZAM look like - what those Caribbean folks do refer to as a BIG BATTY?

Now, i know you laughing or perhaps even sniggering but i ask because i notice that you making out to kick me in the butt a few times and Lord knows if my butt is within the reach of your fine boot then i sure as hell am in some trouble. Or do I misunderstand something? Is that your way of signalling that you be making a booty cal in my direction?

So I ask again, is my backside oversized and outreaching all the way over there for you to be giving it such a fine kicking?

:frustrated frustrated

PS: Remember folks the joke is ALWAYS on yours truly


tulip2633's photo
Tue 09/15/15 05:24 AM
rofl rofl rofl

SitkaRains's photo
Tue 09/15/15 11:59 AM
oh Lordlaugh

I so wanna see the back side so that I may judge this so fairlylaugh