Topic: scammers/fake attraction | |
Just wondering how people can play with someones feelings,
pretend to care and only to discover that every single message, pic or phonecall was a lie! How do they live with themselves????????? |
Psychopathic people have no feelings regarding others so its simply a matter of gaining trust and favor for personal gratification at the expense of all others as they experience no guilt, shame or remorse and yet are often perceived as extremely attractive as they know how to create an illusion many cannot see through... hope that helps
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Thu 09/10/15 03:20 AM
Why we're in the dating sites ? So many motives of people why they're going into the dating sites, the point is just becoz people have a problem of life especially about marriage, the rests are big question ! Among other things are do something 4 fun, it could be negative or positive purpose. Almost a month am in this site, so many fake persons are stopping by into my profile. Put the Caucasian picture with cool identity, such as a manager, a head of project officer, a doctor etc. Message us nicely and politely..Don't be fooled by such information of picture like that just becoz we need a man ! Slow down and find out who they are carefully. Don't try do the live conversation with them just connect thru email. But also be careful they have a Facebook account too !! Don't trust with them quickly. All everything must be done carefully. Those are the signs of fake people of scammers.. the rest up 2 u ! Thank you ... P.S. : According to my experience, the scammers or the fake persons use "the death person" picture on their profile ..... ! Wow ... scarry ! Haha !! ( we are in love with zombie .... hahaaaa ... lol !!! ) |
they justify it in their own minds. they only take what you are willing to give. don't be foolish with your emotions or your money. I was fooled several times in the beginning. the first time I flew to another country to meet a single woman. I arrived I was there 5 hours problems came up only to find out she was still married. instead of being upset I was there I went and enjoyed my time learning a new country. I also came to realize she did it out of Desperation. many many types of fraud and reasons to commit fraud. emotional greed and out of desperation. had I not listened closely n asked the right questions I could have lost a lot more than cost of a trip that turned out to be a vacation. they do not prey on people with good common sense they prey on foolish people. just take it as lesson learned move on be careful next time.
Just wondering how people can play with someones feelings, pretend to care and only to discover that every single message, pic or phonecall was a lie! How do they live with themselves????????? The real question is " What did you learn? And how & what can you change within yourself ?" Don't set yourself up. ![]() |
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Thu 09/10/15 04:23 AM
There are currently 40 million single Americans searching the internet &�online dating�sites looking for love. A recent study reveals that up to 10 percent of the individuals on these websites intentionally LIE and MISREPRESENT themselves. Here are 3 critical steps that a woman can take to weed out those individuals who lie and pretend to be something they're not. Step 1: Avoid FREE Sites - There is a greater percentage of men who lie & misrepresent themselves on free sites compared to those charging a membership free. MEN WHO SPEND MONEY ON AN ONLINE DATING SITE TEND TO BE MORE SERIOUS and MORE COMMITTED to finding love than those who frequent the free sites. It has also been proven that men who are on the paid sites tend to lie and misrepresent themselves less than those on the free sites because they are held to standards and guidelines that most of the paid sites have. Step 2: Write a Good Profile - A man will decide within seconds of reading a profile if he thinks a woman is the type person he is looking for. A profile should be written in a way that makes a woman appear special and worth contacting. A good profile is written in a conversational tone and expresses who a woman is and what she is looking for from a man. Another great tip is to include those qualities and characteristics that a woman is not looking for. A good profile is written in a way that attracts the types of guys a woman is looking for and scares away those who she is not interested in. Step 3: Communicate a Few Times Before Going on a Date. A common mistake many women make is to MOVING TOO FAST. In the initial stages of dating a woman'��s emotions are very high and as a result judgment becomes slightly impaired. Taking a few days to communicate via e-mail and on the phone allows women to interact with men to get a sense of who they are and how they carry themselves. Many bad relationships can be avoided by communicating a few times before the�first date. |
what is that sexist BS...
That applies to men just as well. Bloody hell. |
what is that sexist BS... That applies to men just as well. Bloody hell. People that play games are in both genders not one. I have too many friends that get blown away by some woman that they believed with their whole hearts. When I was single and looking if they couldn't go to some sort of video chat soon then I would move on. Period. |
Just wondering how people can play with someones feelings, pretend to care and only to discover that every single message, pic or phonecall was a lie! How do they live with themselves????????? there's scammers on this site? |
many would ask u
to join with skype that doesnt mean a thing alot will give out there number off the batt that to me shows how much of a eager beaver they are if a man states there god fearing even a woman there scammers u can read right through the lines especially when reading there profile i had a guy on my messenger on yahoo yrs back that even admited he was a scammer and not all nigeran people are that way i actually ran across one guy many moons ago that was living here in oregon going to college and trying to get his career up which he finally did i still talk to him every so often |
Why do people play with your emotions? Sounds cold but it is because you hand them the car keys to drive away with your heart before you even engage your brain.
On line dating is a survival journey. You set yourself up a map of significant mile markers to get to before you allow yourself to get "involved" emotionally and the road to finding someone real will smooth out significantly. If you really take anyone seriously before you see the whites of someone's eyes you are punishing yourself more often than not; I would say about a 1000 to one. Come on these sites are riddled with hustlers working to hustle information to rip off your identity or get you to send money. Or they are bored employees who are trying to kill time between when they are needed to do whatever job they do. I disagree that paid sites are any better than free sites because people pay for entertainment all the time and for some of the creeps of the world all this is entertainment when they are bored. What I found on paid sites are more than a few guys who think women get on free and they are "entitled" to recoup their money in sex chat or hookups for vacation mistresses. And there are women who are more than glad to allow some poor smuck to pay for them to have a nice vacation or get out of some mess they are in where all the locals don't want anything to do with them. Many are married on both sides and the online date is and "exit strategy". With economic hard times it is even a way for job seekers to check out the landscape in another job market. Doesn't mean there are not legit people out there but if you get all hearts and flowers with someone before you know the facts you are falling on your own sword. |
"they only take what you are willing to give. don't be foolish with your emotions or your money. I also came to realize she did it out of Desperation. many many types of fraud and reasons to commit fraud. emotional greed and out of desperation. had I not listened closely n asked the right questions I could have lost a lot more than cost of a trip that turned out to be a vacation. They do not prey on people with common sense they prey on foolish people. This is true scammers only take what you are willing to give and if you are foolish to believe everything they say without caution they would definitely take advantage of you. I have encountered a scammer said he was an engineer in London working in an oil company , we have been chatting for more than 2 months , take note they are willing to waste time, he was really nice to talk to, have a good sense and he would really make you think he is such a gentleman. But I already have a gut feeling he's a scammer because we talked in yahoo cam to cam 2x but only for a few seconds. He didn't stay longer talking on cam. Then he asked me about salary , what day do I get it and do I send money to my family , is the bank just near my place. With these questions I already suspected he is a scammer , so I just lead him on I wanted to know how far he would go. One day he said he would go to Cuba he has a project there, and that after that he plans to see me he will fly to where I work blah blah sweet talks that would make me believe he is real. He even called me with the Cuba mobile number I have checked it. After a few days he told me he had a problem with his ATM and couldn't withdraw money, and he had no extra cash, said if I could help him he is in need . Is he ok, im not that stupid to send him money. Right that moment I told him in a nice way that I cannot help him with his financial problem, he was angry and told me he was just trying to test me hahaha funny guy ![]() ![]() ![]() Another one is from Nigeria, his profile pic is not real but the pic there is the same with whom I talked on cam for just a few seconds also. He said he is a widower with a 9 or 12 yr old son. He was professing his undying love for me even when I told him that I already have someone im interested with he still continued to message me. He was also interested with my salary. But I caught him lying when he chuckled I heard his real voice which sounds younger than the age he told me. That's right we should listen closely and ask intelligent questions. When they think you know what they are up to, they will stop. Some scammers they communicate through emails only and they have the same profile, widower with a son mostly engineers working in oil company, doctors, or military/airforce officer. Their emails are patterned and if you try to read it carefully you will notice they are convincing that they really need a woman or wife in their lives and sounds like seeking sympathy. They don't show up on cam, if they do only a short second , they are using another video as if to show they are real and its really them in the pic. I have received emails with the same content but some parts are edited. Again right I agree, they do not prey on people with common sense they prey on foolish people. They stop when you ask questions or talk in a manner that makes them feel you know what they are doing. |
Just wondering how people can play with someones feelings, pretend to care and only to discover that every single message, pic or phonecall was a lie! How do they live with themselves????????? there's scammers on this site? just reading on this on consumer reports the other day |
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Thu 09/10/15 11:38 AM
op they do it... becouse they do not care and was possibly a scam to them ... rarely did I get scammed on here ... but have to say once... I believe a man who said he was in the military ... thinking he was ... and thought he was very nice at first ... but he played me so I hesitate now ... as to who I speak to on here ... and try now to not have expectations being their are so many scammers ... not just this site either... very glad you found out now... then later ...
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Thu 09/10/15 12:11 PM
I would add that if you find you are going on line to meet someone because you have isolated yourself and acutely lonely then you are kind of hanging the noose around your own neck. You will sound sad and desperate and whine which is the kiss of death in online dating and dating in general.
Yes it is VERY hard to make friends and date locally in many situations but if your perspective is suffering and your self esteem has taken some real hits you may have to take a break form on line dating because it is not for the tender hearted. Rejection beats you up after awhile. What does work is building your social circle by joining some local groups and if need be even looking on line for same sex singles to be friends with and maybe do some research on what places or activities for singles that do exist. There is strength in numbers. If you talk to other singles they can often point out the members of the Frog Prince Association to avoid but sometimes it is just different people like different types. My local friends have pointed out people to me several times and I have returned the favor. But I guarantee you if you go out for lunch, or what ever, with the gals and are having a great time you will attract guys. Success creates success. Everyone wants someone friendly, upbeat, and active enough to get out of the house. If you have a good profile those brief encounters can be expanded by sharing your screen name here and getting to know if they are a good local candidate or not. I swear it works more often than it doesn't. The good thing when you weed out the duds on line it hurts a lot less than in real life. BUT People prefer to date local because common sense says that is what is your best shot at finding someone to have a relationship that won't fade out in the commute. The only people who want to come directly to your door are the moochers, and booty chasers, the homeless, or the hopeless in most cases. Very unlikely that Prince(ess) Charming is going to make a house call. At least shouldn't until the dating process has kicked in. If you want to avoid drama in your life avoid the people who crowd the process. Besides if you meet someone on line you still have to vet them in a safe public place so you have to dust off your social skills of being out in the REAL world or you are going to blow the first impression. This advice is for either sex. P.S. When looking for dates don't look for perfection or the soul mate con. Even someone who is going to make you deliriously happy in the long run is going to have a few "sticky notes" to their song. If they are "the one" eventually they won't matter. I am not talking about BIG stuff just that I am a real person stuff. |
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Thu 09/10/15 08:14 PM
"they only take what you are willing to give. don't be foolish with your emotions or your money. I also came to realize she did it out of Desperation. many many types of fraud and reasons to commit fraud. emotional greed and out of desperation. had I not listened closely n asked the right questions I could have lost a lot more than cost of a trip that turned out to be a vacation. They do not prey on people with common sense they prey on foolish people. This is true scammers only take what you are willing to give and if you are foolish to believe everything they say without caution they would definitely take advantage of you. I have encountered a scammer said he was an engineer in London working in an oil company , we have been chatting for more than 2 months , take note they are willing to waste time, he was really nice to talk to, have a good sense and he would really make you think he is such a gentleman. But I already have a gut feeling he's a scammer because we talked in yahoo cam to cam 2x but only for a few seconds. He didn't stay longer talking on cam. Then he asked me about salary , what day do I get it and do I send money to my family , is the bank just near my place. With these questions I already suspected he is a scammer , so I just lead him on I wanted to know how far he would go. One day he said he would go to Cuba he has a project there, and that after that he plans to see me he will fly to where I work blah blah sweet talks that would make me believe he is real. He even called me with the Cuba mobile number I have checked it. After a few days he told me he had a problem with his ATM and couldn't withdraw money, and he had no extra cash, said if I could help him he is in need . Is he ok, im not that stupid to send him money. Right that moment I told him in a nice way that I cannot help him with his financial problem, he was angry and told me he was just trying to test me hahaha funny guy ![]() ![]() ![]() Another one is from Nigeria, his profile pic is not real but the pic there is the same with whom I talked on cam for just a few seconds also. He said he is a widower with a 9 or 12 yr old son. He was professing his undying love for me even when I told him that I already have someone im interested with he still continued to message me. He was also interested with my salary. But I caught him lying when he chuckled I heard his real voice which sounds younger than the age he told me. That's right we should listen closely and ask intelligent questions. When they think you know what they are up to, they will stop. Some scammers they communicate through emails only and they have the same profile, widower with a son mostly engineers working in oil company, doctors, or military/airforce officer. Their emails are patterned and if you try to read it carefully you will notice they are convincing that they really need a woman or wife in their lives and sounds like seeking sympathy. They don't show up on cam, if they do only a short second , they are using another video as if to show they are real and its really them in the pic. I have received emails with the same content but some parts are edited. Again right I agree, they do not prey on people with common sense they prey on foolish people. They stop when you ask questions or talk in a manner that makes them feel you know what they are doing. i had a scammer sometime back that stated he work for mobile oil i replied back and stated my dad owned mobile oil for he was distributor for it that scammer never replied back i had a guy on my yahoo dont even remember how we came across he wanted to go to school and ask if he could use my paypal LOL ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Just wondering how people can play with someones feelings, pretend to care and only to discover that every single message, pic or phonecall was a lie! How do they live with themselves????????? there's scammers on this site? You tell me .... ! Do I must mention their names ? They are still roam looking for prey... |
"they only take what you are willing to give. don't be foolish with your emotions or your money. I also came to realize she did it out of Desperation. many many types of fraud and reasons to commit fraud. emotional greed and out of desperation. had I not listened closely n asked the right questions I could have lost a lot more than cost of a trip that turned out to be a vacation. They do not prey on people with common sense they prey on foolish people. This is true scammers only take what you are willing to give and if you are foolish to believe everything they say without caution they would definitely take advantage of you. I have encountered a scammer said he was an engineer in London working in an oil company , we have been chatting for more than 2 months , take note they are willing to waste time, he was really nice to talk to, have a good sense and he would really make you think he is such a gentleman. But I already have a gut feeling he's a scammer because we talked in yahoo cam to cam 2x but only for a few seconds. He didn't stay longer talking on cam. Then he asked me about salary , what day do I get it and do I send money to my family , is the bank just near my place. With these questions I already suspected he is a scammer , so I just lead him on I wanted to know how far he would go. One day he said he would go to Cuba he has a project there, and that after that he plans to see me he will fly to where I work blah blah sweet talks that would make me believe he is real. He even called me with the Cuba mobile number I have checked it. After a few days he told me he had a problem with his ATM and couldn't withdraw money, and he had no extra cash, said if I could help him he is in need . Is he ok, im not that stupid to send him money. Right that moment I told him in a nice way that I cannot help him with his financial problem, he was angry and told me he was just trying to test me hahaha funny guy ![]() ![]() ![]() Another one is from Nigeria, his profile pic is not real but the pic there is the same with whom I talked on cam for just a few seconds also. He said he is a widower with a 9 or 12 yr old son. He was professing his undying love for me even when I told him that I already have someone im interested with he still continued to message me. He was also interested with my salary. But I caught him lying when he chuckled I heard his real voice which sounds younger than the age he told me. That's right we should listen closely and ask intelligent questions. When they think you know what they are up to, they will stop. Some scammers they communicate through emails only and they have the same profile, widower with a son mostly engineers working in oil company, doctors, or military/airforce officer. Their emails are patterned and if you try to read it carefully you will notice they are convincing that they really need a woman or wife in their lives and sounds like seeking sympathy. They don't show up on cam, if they do only a short second , they are using another video as if to show they are real and its really them in the pic. I have received emails with the same content but some parts are edited. Again right I agree, they do not prey on people with common sense they prey on foolish people. They stop when you ask questions or talk in a manner that makes them feel you know what they are doing. i had a scammer sometime back that stated he work for mobile oil i replied back and stated my dad owned mobile oil for he was distributor for it that scammer never replied back i had a guy on my yahoo dont even remember how we came across he wanted to go to school and ask if he could use my paypal LOL ![]() ![]() ![]() Definitely they would stop if you tell them that you have a know how about their work, they simply wait for a prey they could fool, someone who will easily believe everything they say. But if you show them how sensible you are they think you are just too smart for them they couldn't get on with their plan to scam you.... ![]() ![]() They think some people are stupid, but it's fun when you already know what they are up to and you still try to lead them on and see how far they would's let's see who scams who.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() But so far, I haven't talked to a scammer yet here, those were from another lousy dating site. Though I have talked here only once to an a**hole who thought I would be interested to see his d**k, goodness, I am totally not interested....there you go automatically blocked and deleted... goodbye a**hole!!! |
heres one that is funny
a number of yrs ago my daughter and grandkids were moving back and she needed a place so i was looking at i place a ad not on craigslist i cant even recall what the site was but i kept getting this one guy from nigera thinking i had a place for rent and i tried to tell him no i finally gave up and told him it was a 4bedroom home with a barn and 5 acres of land for so much plus deposit lol he never responded back |
Yea.. There are lots of scammers on here.. From africa mostly from my country Nigeria... I really feel sad and bad whenever I come across about posts like this.. I think the best way of proving them wrong is to do video chat with them... For any man to tell you .. He loves you .. He should be able to do everything to prove it that he really loves u... Mind you.. I got a post about this way of scamming people.. Telling the women that they are military men and they are deployed to Nigeria for peace mission.... You should know a lot about the way your military men operate when they are outside the country.. Please be safe.. These people are hurting more women for the sake of money....