Topic: Sanders Beats Hitlery In The Polls! | |
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders now has a 9-point lead over front-runner Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, after trailing her so far in the race, according to NBC News/Marist polls released Sunday.
The polls also show Sanders, a Vermont Independent, gaining ground on Clinton in Iowa. The states -- Iowa and New Hampshire -- are the first and second, respectively, to hold 2016 primary votes. And the outcomes of those ballots often determine the future of the presidential campaigns. The New Hampshire poll shows Sanders getting support from 41 percent of the state's likely Democratic voters, compared to Clinton with 32 percent and Vice President Biden with 16 percent. Biden is still considering a campaign, and no other Democratic candidate received more than 1 percent of the vote, according to the poll. The margin of error in the poll was 5.2 percent. In a NBC/Marist poll in July, Sanders trailed Clinton by 10 points, 42 percent to 32 percent, with Biden at 12 percent. Clinton still leads all other 2016 Democratic challengers, according to most national polls. In Iowa, Clinton remains ahead of Sanders, but her lead has slipped by 13 percentage points among the state’s likely Democratic voters, according to the poll. Clinton is at 38 percent, compared to 27 percent for Sanders. In July, she had 49 percent of the vote, while Sanders had 25 percent. The margin of error in that poll was 5.3 percent. In the Republican race, Donald Trump had 29 percent of the vote among likely GOP voters in Iowa, followed by Ben Carson at 22 percent. The remaining candidates were in single digits, according to the poll that had a margin of error of 5 percentage points. In New Hampshire, Trump got 28 percent of the likely GOP vote, followed by Ohio Gov. John Kasich at 12 percent and Carson at 11. All of the other GOP candidates had single-digit percentages. The margin of error was 4.8 percent. Bye Bye Mrs. Clinton! |
In a related story, apathy regarding politicians reached its nadir and the bottom feeders were satiated...
Hell, that's awesome if Sanders beats Hitlery! That would assure a Republican victory in November unless for some reason Rand Paul got the nomination, but that wont happen because Rand is at under 2% in the polls!
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Donald Trump is leading the rest of Republicans by double digits!
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It's no surprise that Hildabeast has tanking numbers. This whole e-mail kerfuffle has reached the theatre of the absurd, as she now goes to all her media pals to provide 'exclusive' sound bites. Speaking to why there's nothing to see here, and oh gee, how sorry she is NOW that people were so confused about what was going on, but how it was all transparent and above board.
So she's content on using the press to argue about her level of guilt? Huh? I'm confused then. I could have sworn THAT'S WHAT COURTS ARE FOR!!!! During one of these shameless puff pieces I was struck by the idea of Clinton taking this same explanation to the more common situation of being pulled over for speeding. Having Wolf Blitzer on speed dial, Hillary calls and explains her situation. He cuts into regular CNN coverage with 'Breaking News', and Wolf tells his audience that he has Mrs. Clinton on her cellphone, and that she has been stopped on the interstate for allegedly speeding. He asks her what has transpired? "Well Wolf, the officer and I have a disagreement about what speeding is. I never hid my speedometer from anyone, and of course using my own speedometer is perfectly legal. It never once flashed 'speeding' to me, and anyone driving with me knew I was using my own private speedometer. I'm sorry if that caused confusion for some people, like this fine police officer, and I take full responsibility for using my own speedometer Wolf. I just hope Americans will give me the chance to show that even though someone else set up my speedometer, (cause I don't know about these car things) I can fight for them and their families. God Bless America Wolf." Priceless...... |
Edited by
Wed 09/09/15 07:17 AM
By S.A. Miller - The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton rolled out her plan to overhaul campaign finance laws Tuesday, courting the party's liberals with a vow to break the "stranglehold that wealthy interests have over our political system." seems no one believed her! ![]() |
Go Bernie go!
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op... I remember Sanders has the lead over Hillery ... wow... this is going to be a long political yr ... I am not making any decision yet way to early ...
Run Joe Run!
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Maybe we can get the Dems to run 6 or 8 candidates and then have an MMA/WWE type event with a cage match against the GOP.
Put it on pay per view for $19.95. Just trying to imagine Carly Fiorina dropping Hillary with a folding chair. lol Bush pins Sanders. Biden tosses Rand Paul over the top rope. Bobby Jindal just firing spinning kick after spinning kick hoping someone will notice him in the ring. Trump mocking each competitor as they are eliminated. "You're fired!" Medics in every corner, and refs are the Secret Service. I'm claiming intellectual property rights on the idea. If this happens, I want a cut. |
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![]() An admitted socialist (Sanders) is beating Hilary. Wait until the media gets ahold of dirty little Hilary family secrets. Hilary's daughter, sits on the board of directors, for a New York based conglomerate, that owns several websites, that knowingly harbor, aid, and abet, registered sex offenders. One of the sites, made big-time news not long ago. The conglomerate, and Clinton names were omitted from the news coverage. |
Jeez Rock, seriously?
I'd love to see that for myself. Any links that show Chelsea knowingly aids and abets sex offenders to commit new crimes? Based on your post, that's what I took from it. If she works with an organization however that counsels and treats these offenders, then she's doing good work. I can't imagine any mainstream news organization, no matter how liberal, sweeping under the rug that she would assist sex offenders in re-offending. If THAT came out, you can bet that network would be run off the air. |
Jeez Rock, seriously? I'd love to see that for myself. Any links that show Chelsea knowingly aids and abets sex offenders to commit new crimes? Based on your post, that's what I took from it. If she works with an organization however that counsels and treats these offenders, then she's doing good work. I can't imagine any mainstream news organization, no matter how liberal, sweeping under the rug that she would assist sex offenders in re-offending. If THAT came out, you can bet that network would be run off the air. I know your google isn't broken. Google okcupid sex scandal. Okaycupid, and several other dating sites, are owned by a parent company based in New York. Chelsea sits on the board of directors, for the parent company. It wasn't labeled a "scandal", due to rehabilitating chomos and rapists. |
The good candidate in Senator Webb, you will rarely hear me say this but the Liberal Loons want to rally behind unelectable establishment types.
Edited by
Tue 09/15/15 10:45 AM
This whole primary contest (notice I didn't call it a race) is going to change when Bernie Sanders wins both Iowa and New Hampshire--which is now the expectation according to new polls. I believe South Carolina follows. The dynamics of states which follow will bump Senator Sanders up significantly as a direct result of his victories. He is only about 10 behind Hilary in S.C. but as you have noticed, he was 20 points down in Iowa. Look where he is now--ahead.
If this trend continues (and I don't see any sign it won't), you will witness the most incredible thing to ever happen in politics. His speaking to students at Liberty University Monday--not a progressive venue by any means--shows this man doesn't care where he reaches out--as long as he is reaching out to the voting public. No other democratic candidate (in my lifetime) has ever tried to reach out to voters in a conservative state in an election cycle. Red states have simply been written off by democrats as a waste of time. Not for Bernie Sanders. He see's no difference in voters disenfranchised by the political process over the past few decades. Conservative or progressive, both have common ground in having their voices heard on issues that affect them. Issues pertaining to healthcare, education, and income inequality have no specific boundaries. These issues are understood by everyone. And they have generally been ignored by other candidates who have been perceived as part of the political game. Senator Sanders knows this. This business of "politics as usual" has disgusted the voting public to the boiling point. Finally, a candidate has tapped into that disgust addressing issues that MATTER! All eyes are watching how this will play out. We all may be witness to something really big happening. We will know soon if the rest of the country is "feeling the Bern". Stay tuned. |
![]() An admitted socialist (Sanders) is beating Hilary. Wait until the media gets ahold of dirty little Hilary family secrets. Hilary's daughter, sits on the board of directors, for a New York based conglomerate, that owns several websites, that knowingly harbor, aid, and abet, registered sex offenders. One of the sites, made big-time news not long ago. The conglomerate, and Clinton names were omitted from the news coverage. I have mixed feelings on the sex offender issue. There are some really bull $hit things that can get you put on a registry for life like taking a leak in public or an 18 year old high school student with a 15 or 16 year old high school student they do to school with can get you charged with a sex offense or two under age high school kids sexting each other can both be arrested for sex offenses. Personally There needs to be a limit and the Government has gone way to far on some of these situations. I know a couple of states have passed what they call Romeo and Juliet laws where if your in high school together your not going to get arrested for something like that but I believe only two states have passed those. |