Topic: sex before marriage | |
Yes, I want sex before marraige...who's willing...anyone....anyone at all.....
Oh, you mean with my girlfriend...I thought we were talking about sowing some wild oats before settling down with the old ball and chain... ![]() ![]() |
is sex before marriage is good or bad idea
Depends on how your culture and society deal with the consequences of sex occurring outside of marriage. That's really the only reasons to abstain from recreational sex outside of personal choice, which never needs justification (unless you're in a court of law because of it, maybe). If there's a support system (social services, health care, financial) independent from family or community for if/when you get pregnant or an std, then it makes sex neither a good or bad thing, just a thing. Have it, or don't, the only value judgment is your personal, subjective, opinion. What if after you get married your not sexually compatible
This is a bad argument, IMO. I mean people train themselves to be sexually turned on by crossdressing, or s&m, or clowns, or those plushy costumes from amusement parks. Fetishes are trained. You're training your sex drive to be compatible with things. If you are sexually attracted to someone, you can train yourself to be sexually compatible, if you're actually willing to try, to continue working at it. If you aren't willing to try, to adapt, to learn to be compatible sexually, each time leading to greater pleasure, you aren't going to be willing to try, to adapt, to learn to be compatible in a relationship, or with communication, which doesn't lead to any real pleasure. Not to mention, all sorts of things influence sexual fulfillment, performance, compatibility. Like stress, age, life changes. You can be totally compatible sexually before marriage, and 6 months into it be completely incompatible due to changing life situations. |
Well according to God sex before marriage is bad. "Bless me father for I have sinned" I just tell God I don't think I can do that. But send me the right man cause I do believe in marriage. Then once I get married it won't be a sin any more and it won't be a sin Im doing.
Say what? No no no. I disagree with sex not being good 6 months into a marriage? First of all people do not realize what love and marriage is about. I don't understand how people can think like that! Love conquers all. If you find love and get marriage you are truly blessed. As long as you have each others love any other problem that comes up in your life together can be handled. Because you always have each other. You always share EVERYTHING!!! All your thoughts all your dreams all your fears. You communicate openly you don't get offended by each others words for you ask your mate to explain what they mean and im sure it wasn't meant to be offensive. But you love each other always. And that would never happen to me
I think you are right..
so you did not need marriage to do all that. you could've done it without the Marriage licence/contract. Marriage has no practical use, except enforce a contract on all parties involved. triue comittment comes with marriage. because if you sign that paper , and wanna back out, it's gonna cost you a lot of time, nerve and cash. Lol... if there is a contract, i want my benefits. money, services, real estate... keep my freedom to wquit any time without a hassle. else i aint' signing no contract. I am dumb... but not that dumb. Marriage also ensures pension & insurance benefits, security - avoids nasty problems in cases of death.. probably more important if young children involved. Marriage is a team effort and there is no I in team. |
Relationship is a team effort.
Marriage is a team effort where one can not say "i can no more". the involved MUST keep up the effort. if not, divorce is the consequence. To team up one needs no licence. To TRULY team up, i would be very alarmed if someone held a paper under my nose saying: "sign this - the state lowers our taxes if you do." Especially being from the US of A any Person considering marriage should read this article - it describes how it is a contract between -the State in the strong position -the man and woman in the weak Position Here the interesting Tidbit: He said, first of all, the marriage license is Secular Contract between 3 parties: the State, the man, and the wife. The State is the principal party in that Secular Contract. The husband and wife are secondary or inferior parties. The Secular Contract is a three-way contract between the State, as Principal, and the husband and wife as the other two legs of the Contract. The Clerk said, in the "traditional" sense a marriage is a covenant between the husband and wife and God. But in the Secular Contract with the state, the reference to God is not officially considered included in the Secular Contract at all. what about the Children? Along this line, a 1930s Arizona Supreme Court case states that parents have no property right in their children, and have custody of their children during good behavior at the sufferance of the State. This means that parents may raise their children and maintain custody of their children as long as they don't offend the State, but if they in some manner displease the State, the State can step in at any time and exercise its superior status and take custody and control of its children -- the parents are only conditional caretakers. Admittedly, it does not affect me, as i am not in the US of A - HOWEVER - before signing anything, be it by cultural pressure or by sexual pressure (wanna shoot a load? wanna bang me? marry me first) Whatever you do, understand that in marriage you are not only bound to the spouse, but first and foremost to the State. and you don�t mess with the State unless you damn well know what you are doing. Before you sign that paper, take the time to get smart. Else you "get rekt". Think with the BIG head on your shoulders. always. If you then still think that marriage is a contract that has the goal of giving you powers and control... ... go ahead then. I won�t marry. but i WILL have sex. |