Topic: The Wall | |
The Wall that i can not see
The Wall set between you and me The Wall I know i cannot break The Wall I know i cannot take The Wall I know i cannot climb The Wall that stands the test of time The Wall that keeps me away from you The Wall that leaves me nothing to do The Wall put there by your past The Wall i know will always last The Wall I always seem to hit The Wall that leaves me in the pit The Wall that fills me with such fear The Wall that does not let me near The Wall that hits me in the head The Wall i feel even in my bed The Wall that carries you far away The Wall that never lets you stay The Wall that will break my heart The Wall i know i must tear apart james covington |
Try the wall up yet?
Rip it down!! awesome words covington
very moving writing!! sadly there are sooo many ppl who have walls up, including myself, and it's hard to let it down after being hurt when it was let down before...good luck ((hugs))
I am trying to tear it down but i have to be careful. not to get crushed in the debris
awww awesome words tear it down and live life
walls??? no wonder i get trampled and plummeted and kicked and steppedon and....
Very good one again
Remember walls are not built over night, nor can they be tore down with one hit. It takes a man with a true heart for the resons he is wanting to tear down those walls. And one with lots of paitience and a true heart behind those motives then slowly with time the mortar will begin to lossen. And then when it is not on your mind those walls will come tumbling down. Then you will see the true beauty of the person within. You think you have already see it Naw but with time you will. Just don't give up or you surely miss what there is to see |
"the wall that never lets you stay..." tells me that she is in your present and not of your past. A desire shared will soon find a niche in that wall and the Sun will start to shine through.
Peace my friend, and patience |