Topic: Rap music, blacks and society's view. | |
I'm an up and coming rap artist, but I want some feedback on why sooooo
many of us are portrayed as idiots, drug dealers, thugs, owners of criminal histories longer than Bush's nose, uneducated, unemployed and just plain damn dumb. I would also like to know why society plays mostly music that degrades and exploits us (BLACKS) as a whole. Then I would like to know why the fuck half of us (BLACKS) are gullible enough to fall into this trap and try to act out the bullshit that society allows to be shown on television......especially----B.E. mothafuckin' T!!!! I just don't understand......wait, yes I do.......we are breeding more jackasses than we are success stories. Now the picture is becoming clearer. Mothers and Fathers, crack ya whips like slavemasters and put ya children in check before it's too late. |
Hell yeah!!!! Let's get back to the good old fashioned a** whoop'n. Bust
out them switches and discipline these kids cause they are our future and sorry to say this but if we keep letting our kids get away with crap our future is going straight to hell. |
tell that to the powers that be. You can't even spank your kids anymore
with having them taken away from ya. I saw a lady in a store (about a year ago) tell her son to be quiet and behave, when the child acted up more she told him that he will not be getting dessert that night cause of his behavor. The kid yelled back at her, if you don't give me my dessert I am going to report you to the Child welfare. OMG!!! where do these kids get these ideas from? I was floored when I heard him say that. But I loved the mothers responce. You do that son, and see if you get anything in the poor house they put you into cause you were being a bad boy. The kids shut up!! Way to go MOM!! in my day, I would of been taken outside the store and had my butt spanked. Then grounded for 2 weeks, extra chores, and no dessert for a month. No wonder I turned out to be a good girl LOL |
The problem today is that the parents are letting their kids put the
fear of the damn law in their heads but come on now.WE ARE THE ADULTS and if anyone is going to put the fear in anyone it's us in these damn kids.It is written in the bible in proverbs that you should beat you child with a rod(not literally) and he shall not die. Like my grandma used to tell us when we were kids"You gonna call the cops on me well you might as well call the ambulance too cause when I'm done with you, you're gonna need it."Don't mess with grandma |
No doubt. It's obvious that the videos that come on TV these days are
the creation of hedonistic people who were not taught to respect women, other people or themselves.....if they did, you would not be seein' this bullshit on the video channels at all. I just think RAP has been polluted by the same people who want Blacks to fail as a culture by more or less stressing these bogus images to young people to the point they think this is how we are supposed to be in the real world......fuck that, I rap, I have a corporate job, been through college and my image is one thing, but with book-smarts and REAL street knowledge, myself and rappers who have the same qualities become threats to the plan to keep us trapped. That's when the real war begins......they do not play our shit because it's powerful, truthful and "they" do not want our message to knock the fuckin' bricks out of their plan to keep us in the mental "ghetto", nor do they want to see us make a profit in the process. If I am wrong, please tell me and I will shut this discussion down now and take my ass back to the studio. |
i agree with most of your statements solow except the one where you said
that someone like yourself doesn't get the airtime because they are trying to keep you trapped. you don't get air time because people are still caught up in all the bull shit about the glorification of how hard the street life is and there is no emphasis on being a well rounded educated person anymore. the music company is in it to make money not keep someone down. there just isn't a market for it yet but there will be, just have to hang in there. it's amazing how many people i see try to live that lifestyle because they think it's cool and they have no idea about what it is about or what it'll do to them. how are you gonna be a gangsta if you have to go get your boys to kick my ass, most people just talk shit anymore and it's disgusting. i think what it comes down to is that people don't think for themselves anymore, they just follow the pack. i agree with the last statement the most. our whole society seems to revolve around ignorant little assholes that can't get by on their own like everyone else so they bitch and complain and society gives in so they don't have to put up with it, beat their mother fuckin ass and make them shut up. they think they are strong but the real people go through more bullshit than they ever know and they don't resort to being a bitch to deal with their punk ass hurt feelins. i think back to my grandparents and they didn't have it easy but they never complained and they never took it out on someone else because they had a rough life. this world is going down the toilet if we don't do something, i hope it's not too late. |
I totally agree King
I love the topic Solow,I glad someone is bringing out and no better person than you |
Breeze.....that's some REAL talk. I appreciate it and I really hope
more people click on this subject and give honest feedback. I live in Atlanta now and coming from the Chicago music scene has presented a major challenge to me. We sell a nice amount of music but like I said, I have a job that requires me to sit behind a pc monitor all day and most of the evening and it does not allow me to put in all the time I need to get all of my concepts out when I need to. Then you have the lil' nickle and dime wanna be hustlaz who have no job or true life and they have ample time to sit around, blow blunts start shit, get shot and stay in little bootleg studios. With that much said, I've decided to do everything on my own...with a little help from Chuck-D, and that's because these labels down here DO NOT want real talk on their teams. I don't mean street talk because I've been there and done that....too many times but the wake up call hit my ass and I haven't slept since. These A&R's down here have told me that I say too much in my songs and the "SHAWTY" mindframe only wants to hear beats. So I made a valid statement that shut them the fuck up: If they only like the beats, I could be talking about murdering their families and friends, plotting to blow up their homes or even wishing the worse of death's scenarios on them......but they would never know it...why? because listening is not part of the plan.....just beats and bullshit lyrics. I'll post a link to one of my websites soon. |
Breeze.....that's some REAL talk. I appreciate it and I really hope
more people click on this subject and give honest feedback. I live in Atlanta now and coming from the Chicago music scene has presented a major challenge to me. We sell a nice amount of music but like I said, I have a job that requires me to sit behind a pc monitor all day and most of the evening and it does not allow me to put in all the time I need to get all of my concepts out when I need to. Then you have the lil' nickle and dime wanna be hustlaz who have no job or true life and they have ample time to sit around, blow blunts start shit, get shot and stay in little bootleg studios. With that much said, I've decided to do everything on my own...with a little help from Chuck-D, and that's because these labels down here DO NOT want real talk on their teams. I don't mean street talk because I've been there and done that....too many times but the wake up call hit my ass and I haven't slept since. These A&R's down here have told me that I say too much in my songs and the "SHAWTY" mindframe only wants to hear beats. So I made a valid statement that shut them the fuck up: If they only like the beats, I could be talking about murdering their families and friends, plotting to blow up their homes or even wishing the worse of death's scenarios on them......but they would never know it...why? because listening is not part of the plan.....just beats and bullshit lyrics. I'll post a link to one of my websites soon. |
Dang are looking soooooooo goood in ya pic.
Thank you baby, I love your pics, a strong image
I agree that the societal pull of commercial exageration is geared
towards the minds of those who aren't really struggling, never have struggled, don't know what struggling is or those that expect a free ride. I see kids and adults pretending to be hard, speaking all the right slang, looking hard and professing that they don't get respect. But they are about as hard as a marshmellows, and what respect do they deserve? They'd be pissin in their pants if something heavy really came down on them. Respect is givin to those who deserve it, the people we don't see helping others behind the scenes, doctors, inventors, soldiers, scientists, mothers and fathers, and yes even some politicians. I'm not sure what the answer is, but peelin a cap with no remorse isn't what I'd call progress. Life has been and will always be sacrifice, hard work, family and maybe possibly happiness in the big picture long run. Peace! |
I think all of you have good insight. I like RAP and I'm 47. I didn't
like it at first because I was not really listening to the lyrics. I listened to the beats which I always liked, but the lyrics were a little degrading in some of the first RAP that I listened to and I didn't feel it served any purpose. The RAP I have listened to lately actually has a messsage. If people will actually hear what is being said. Most people my age still stereotype RAP and for that reason tune out as soon as they hear it. This is a human nature problem. |
i mostly listen to music for entertainment but the ones that say
something are the ones i like the best. i'm not a big believer in the idea that "the music made me do it" but if they are truly being influenced by it then we should have more support for music that conveys a strong sense of self worth,independent thought, confidence,morals and intelligence. if you could let me now where i can find the stuff that you have done solow i'll check it out, good luck |
Breeze.....hit me here with your email and I'll send you some sample
tracks. |
whats up Solow ...HAPPY HALLOWEEN...
was up Solow
you have a good mentality, and hope all af your dreams come true, thank you for putting it out there, so it can be understood, some make it bad for the real good ones, and that is not right. But it will always happen, all we need to do is keep trying, and not give up, we have come far and that is a good signe. I will like to now what you write. send me some of your music, at morena |
I agree with ur initial statement, somewhat, Solow...but the problem is
the media wont play it if it wasnt produced. And frankly, what sells is often not what is potically correct or uplifting, but whats sexy, hard, and grabs attention. Rick Ross is one of the newest hard core's I can say thats played now but all the lyrics arent talkin about God and lovin my woman and respectin my mom and huggin my best friend. He's talkin bout pushin drugs, hoes n bitches, shootin this dude, and his album is sellin. one song on his cd is so raunchy, i dont even like it-- talkin bout his cock and how hard he's gonna shove it... people go by what they see and hear. afterall, it is a business |
Thanks for the input are soooo correct. I don't want
people to assume that every one of my songs is talking about living the life of a Pastor but there is an approach to everything and I firmly believe ignorance is not the one. People have no idea how many well paid rappers there are out there who can't even spell.....have you ever seen the actual rhyme sheets of any artists? If not, let me break it down to you. I've have seen transcripts of rappers who spell (in my opinion) on the level of 5th graders and it's a sad reality. I'm not putting myself on a pedestal, I simply would like to see my fellow rappers switch it up a bit and bring common sense to the game. I heard some bullshit on the radio the other day where (I think it was Jeezy) mentions some shit about he knows he's going to hell and he has plans to fry......straight up stupid ass talk. Sound motivating? Sure, if you plan to pay rent to Lucifer and sleep in a fuckin' cave. I have probably done more dirt than any of these clowns who glorify it, but the difference is simple.....I don't want a negative fanbase, I don't want to project illminded thoughts into the minds of CHILDREN who might listen to my songs and I sure as hell would not want certain members of my family to get a hold of a track where I am disrespecting women, myself or life in general. But thanks again for the feedback-----by the way, nice smile. |