Topic: If you had a chance to meet our current President Bush, how | |
I'd be as ignorant as he is during his "SPEECHES".......dumb ass makes
up words and a third of America thinks he's a fuckin' genius who just rewrote the dictionary. |
Send em to me!!
Guddddaamn!!!! that's what I'm talkin' about. I can only do that based
on the promise that you will saw his little monkey nuts off and ship them to N. Korea. |
smurff his smurff off,,,
(LOL) thats scary, Oh! you call them "SPEECHES", and why not speak a
language he knows "Ignorance" |
well Bush can just smurff off!
I would buy him lunch...and point out the good things he has done...!
It I meant Bushie the Dushie, I would be like, "So are your daughters
seeing anyone lately?" LOL. Shit, I just had too. In all seriousness though, I would try to give his some suggestions about trying to fix some of his problems. Like use Predator drones to patrol Iraqi skies instead of troops! If they catch anything, we could send a predator missile up the insurgents ass or send out troops to the location to arrest the dumbass. |
Don't think I'd want to meet bush..after telling the bean-brained chimp
what I thot of him and his policies, he'd prolly have me illegally locked up as an "unlawful combatant" |
It'scalled Bushism as in eat my Bushes. His kidds are a trip too. I bet
you hear of them being prostitutes some day. Wow ! What a revolation that would be. |
NO I would not for anyone that would hold up at his ranch and not even
talk to a mother that lost her son in Iraq and was standing at the gates of his Ranch. There is not a BACKHOE big enough to dig his grave for him! |