Topic: What I learned as a single Dad | |
So the past year has been a learning experience for me. Things I learned. 1. Dryers have lint traps. Apparently you need to clean them. 2. Don't mix reds and whites. 3. Read the tags. I ruined a few sweaters by not doing this. 4. Be frugal. Freeze leftovers and re-heat! 5. Don't assume that feminine products are all the same. Make sure you are getting exactly what they want. 6. This goes for hair products too. 7. Teaching your 16 year old daughter to drive is the scariest thing in life! 8. Boys don't always share their emotions but they can hurt too. 9. Knock before entering. 10. Don't let your kids feed the dog ice cream. GOD THAT WAS A MESS 11. Learn to forgive and love. 12. Kids need more that fast food. I was already the cook in the family but it took awhile to get my game back. 13. When your daughter tells you she baked a cake for you inspect everything! Oh look the oven was left on all day! 14. If you cant be strong for yourself be strong for them. 15. LOVE THEM and TELL them everyday. Im sure there is more. Do any fathers want to add? |
Haha. I loved this little list.
There's more...there's ALWAYS more...:) |
Well said!!