Topic: 6 Warning Signs Your New Relationship Is Doomed | |
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Sat 08/08/15 09:24 PM
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WHAT! ![]() you mean like... ![]() |
Great tips. Saying ur busy: my dad tells me its an excuses. They can easily send a text or call u. If they like u they will put the effort and be in ur life. Not returning texts or whatever thats a bit obivious. Guy talking to now takes forever returning my messeages but hes in Africa because deported but i guess thats a no brainer
Number seven could be "If they say they are in Africa right now for any reason, the relationship is doomed for sure."
Anyway, I agree both with the person above who said if you are asking if your relationship is doomed, then it's doomed, and with the fellow who said each listed item really depends on exact context. Timing plays a part too. If someone wants to get my email, my phone numbers, my Facebook account, and meet my family after just ONE DATE, they are probably completely nuts. Besides, since I only have an FBook account because certain children and other acquaintances do, and not because I actually USE the damn thing, they wouldn't get to know me any better by having access to it, they'd just cause me to have even MORE obnoxious automatic Facebook notifuckations. If someone expects to meet and get to know my ex-wife just because I go out to dinner with them a couple of times, they are definitely control freaks. Not to mention, if they knew my ex, they wouldn't be so eager. But I'm still going to continue to deal with my ex as a friend, because she is my children's mother as well. So forget THAT list item. |