Topic: Death acceptance - ? | |
Yes, I have and my own death does not really bother me because I believe in a higher power and think my soul will live on. The thing that bothers me is when I can't see my friends, family, and pets that have passed anymore. I miss them and carry them in my heart.
[ Other Half Of lu_roemary's Question ] To me death is inevitable. To so many of us as well. I know I will die some day. We all die eventually. No one gets alive from this one. That's for sure. As Benjamin Franklin once said..." There were only two things for certain in life: Death and Taxes. ------------------- But there's more to it, More about acceptance. How do you accept death? I think, for some people including myself, that the actual events immediately leading-up to death are viewed with the same measure of dread as when you're sick. Everybody knows what it's like to be having a cold or with a flu. You dread it while you're actually having the illness, but with the assumption you're going to get better. This offers little comfort while you're sick though. Everybody hates the symptoms they're enduring for the present while sick. The belief in an Afterlife somehow seems a more tolerable idea. As for how One deals with the actual events just previous to actually breathing your last... I'm assuming are only compounded with the prospect of no-hope. On-the-other-hand, somebody who's conscience is so filled with guilt might not be looking forward to anything, but oblivion. |
in 2007 i was in a really bad crash,the pain was moor then i could bear,I new i was in bad shape,I remiber hering the emt's and firerman talking,one saying theres no way he's alive,the fear that was going thru my mind,knowing my kids had seen the crash,and how i wante to tell them iam ok,as i sat in the race car,still buckeled in,I couldnt help but think is this the way iam gona die.I relised there was nothing i could do,I remibered a calm coming over me,I new it was in gods hands now,.after that day,I now no iam ok with and how i may die.Iam not really scared of death any moor,just hope to live long enough to see my youngest get married., Thank you, NASCAR. God bless you. ![]() |
I'm curious 2469nascar...
How much do You remember of being extracted from the wreckage ? Did You just pass-out or was anything given to You to sedate the pain ? |
In my experience, when you are faced with death being a real possibility. you do except it. Are you scared... yes. which is actually a good thing.
Faced with losing a loved one is a totally different scenario. I don't think your mind can actually even take you there, until it is a reality. |
I'm curious 2469nascar... How much do You remember of being extracted from the wreckage ? Did You just pass-out or was anything given to You to sedate the pain ? |
I don't fear death but I fear the grief my death will cause others.
I also used to have nightmares about my kids dying, but it was when they were babies. I believe there is some sort of after life but I have no idea what it is. I read somewhere a while back that suicide is the ultimate power, it was said by someone famous but I can't recall who. Food for thought I thought although I try not to dwell on the subject, for me it's the ultimate selfish act, even if I think one must be brave to see it through. |
earth is a farm field when you are through with your farming you go back to your home>>>>death
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earth is a farm field when you are through with your farming you go back to your home>>>>death
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I came into this world kicking,screaming and covered in someone elses blood. I have no problem going out the same way.
Edited by
Sun 08/16/15 08:33 AM
Has anyone ever thought about death as - accepting it, is easy? Is death the end? Have you ever been afraid of dying? Or afraid of losing someone you love/family member/neighbor/ child/ etcetera. etcetera. Acceptance? Any views on that? How do you accept death? So many questions, so little time lol ![]() I think about it every day. Eternity is where I belong. I have experienced my first husband's death, sucks. I now pray for protection for my family members. I dealt with mortality/immortality in my 20's. I believe death is simply stepping into eternity with my God. |
I came into this world kicking,screaming and covered in someone elses blood. I have no problem going out the same way. Kicking and screaming, I understand, but the cover in blood part?.....I mean, who's blood would you pick!?? ![]() |
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Sun 08/16/15 10:47 AM
The quickest way to "make peace with death" is to experience it while you are still already here (usually non-voluntarely, i'm affraid), not necessarily physically but it may be in the form of the death of ego, a great loss (of something material, of health, of a relationship etc. or more of these things at the same time) or/and through a great suffering. When you go through "hell" and come out of it alive, you are not afraid almost of anything, not even the death...
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Sun 08/16/15 03:04 PM
Death and dying.
Death is the one great certainty in life. Some of us will die in ways out of our control, and most of us will be unaware of the moment of death itself. Still, death and dying well can be approached in a healthy way. Understanding that people differ in how they think about death and dying, and respecting those differences, can promote a peaceful death and a healthy manner of dying. The primary course of action when death is near is to fulfill the dying person's wishes. If the person is dying from an illness, ideally, they will have participated in decisions about how to live and die. If the requests made do not seem practical to the caregiver, options should be raised with the dying individual to try to accommodate his request and still provide adequate care. If the dying individual has not been able to participate in formulating final plans, you should strive to do what this person would want. If the individual is in a hospice, he may most likely desire a natural death. In this situation, the aim will be for the final days and moments of life to be guided toward maintaining comfort and reaching a natural death. --------------------------------------------------- Steps to debate. - the road of getting there - acceptance process --- peace. - the religious factor/beliefs - psychology factor/individuality - medical system - society -media "The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and found their way out of the depths. These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen"... Dr Elizabeth Kubler-Ross Thank you all so very much. ![]() |
When I thought about death, funerals that really scares me.
I lost my mom few years back and it was painful for all of us but no matter how painful it was, we have to move on and accept that mom not there anymore. |
Has anyone ever thought about death as - accepting it, is easy? Is death the end? Have you ever been afraid of dying? Or afraid of losing someone you love/family member/neighbor/ child/ etcetera. etcetera. Acceptance? Any views on that? How do you accept death? Death for me is definitelly not the end. And there were times when I felt I am ready to die with happiness and in peace. But not now - now I feel that I am not prepared, still have things to do here. I feel it in my bones. I�ve lost my daddy when I was 19, better to say 16, because of the war which departed us and in three years I saw him alive only once. The second time it was in coffin when I was 19. But nobody can be more proud of their parents as I am proud of him. His funeral was held during possibility of granate atack and still there were people of all nationalities, who were enemies at the time. Who else would be able to gather them on one place, if not him? There is noone who knew him who wouldn�t say he was a good man. He left a great legacy to his children what a human being should be. During the war my dear friend was killed. I still remember how he called me from the door of one coffee bar once to join him for a coffee and chat but I was rushing to the school and said: Other time. Other time never came - two weeks later I heard he died after a week in coma when granate wounded him in head. And I thought nothing could happen to him, for me he was like a mountain, tall, all muscles. He was only 24. I wrote at least a poem to him that we shall never forget forget him - and he wasn�t forgotten. My ex - he wasn�t an ideal of a man, more opposite, but I loved him a lot. He had pulmonary embolism, almost died. When I imagined that, what could happen, I felt that I would die myself. If not physically, than everything in me would die. So no, I�m not prepared to die, but less I am prepared to see my loved ones to die. Rather me first. |
The worst part of a loved one dying is to miss them.
Then there are those precious dreams you have of them... It is like a gift given, where you can spend time with them. |
Has anyone ever thought about death as - accepting it, is easy? I have sadly dealt with death a few times, I think for me the acceptance was easier per say with my grandfather he had lived a wonderful life his body gave out not his spirit so letting him go was a bit easier than letting my first husband that was so painful and I know he wasn't ready nor was I to let that go. Acceptance wasn't easy there it took years to accept it. Is death the end?
I don't believe Death is the end.. I personally don't I believe this is individualized that no one can answer this for someone else. Have you ever been afraid of dying? Or afraid of losing someone you love/family member/neighbor/ child/ etcetera. etcetera.
I personally it is harder when you know you are loosing them and there isn't a damn thing you can do to stop it. Each moment becomes something precious. I think at times the hopelessness of not being How do you accept death? able to do anything is hard especially if it is a drawn out death. I know for me when I helped a friend for years through her cancer and finally being there for her when she passed. The hardest thing was accepting that she would leave me, once that was done I could focus on how to make her enjoy each moment she had left. Time to cry over her being gone would happen when it happened. Acceptance? Any views on that? I was afraid of dying for years til I got my first round of Cancer and I was told the prognosis wasn't good and more than likely all I was doing with treatment was prolonging my life . Hey I took it another day you bet. What I came away with though was, Yes I could die happy because I have done my very best on earth I have given my all to my kids and loved ones. Will I seek death no not ever... Now I know that someday I will die, that is a fact I can choose to cheat at many things but that is one I won't win. So I accept that one day I won't be here. So I accept that it will happen sometime, in doing that I also have accepted I am going to live my life the very best that I can each and everyday.. I look for tiny magical miracles each day.. I mean look at how perfectly a leaf is shaped it is a miracle that no two are identical.. Great thread thank you for asking ![]() |
Has anyone ever thought about death as - accepting it, is easy? Is death the end? Have you ever been afraid of dying? Or afraid of losing someone you love/family member/neighbor/ child/ etcetera. etcetera. Acceptance? Any views on that? How do you accept death? First of all I'm deleting the EMPTY SPACE that you kept at the end of your above quotes....why to unnecessarily delay the end??? why???? Why not to accept it as it is?? Yeah....I have given the thought to this topic early in my teenage....once or twice I went even to cremation ground(Really ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Even one of my aunt accepted death (naturally) at just the age of 58...she didn't treated herself in any hospital....instead of not having any such depressing circumstances in her's peace and just peace!!! End or beginning....who cares!! wouldn't it be great fun to REST IN PEACE FOR EVER?? ![]() ![]() I have never been afraid of dying....but I'm afraid of pains. I would accept to die but not bearing pains & being dependent on any one in my life. Departing from dear ones would be certainly painful...but I'm sure I would control all emotions...if I had to die I would accept it with cool and calm.....the last few days would certainly teach so many things....particularly the way one should really look at the one shouldn't be afraid of people, defeat, success ( yeah....few people like me are afraid of much success too) ......thanks for asking such a wonderful question, beautiful girl! ![]() |
I don't fear death but I fear the grief my death will cause others. When human come to this world, he cries & other smiles. when human goes from this world, he smiles & other cries. The joy of dying ( The achievement) is so pure,heavenly & divine that only the person who died can enjoy those moments....and he remains the only person who can feel envy of himself. |