Topic: Looking for a good woman.
JimMarsh's photo
Tue 08/04/15 02:05 PM
There any good ones left?

no photo
Wed 08/05/15 07:40 PM

There any good ones left?

Around here, just the right kind of bad...shades

TMommy's photo
Wed 08/05/15 07:54 PM
welcome to mingle
good luck in your search

by way what the hell is camunition?

no photo
Wed 08/05/15 07:57 PM

welcome to mingle
good luck in your search

by way what the hell is camunition?

Camera ammunition?

JimMarsh's photo
Thu 08/13/15 06:22 AM
Hate the auto correct.

JimMarsh's photo
Thu 08/13/15 06:41 AM
Auto correct, sometimes I don't like it. Why no picture?