Topic: Thank King George | |
In large part do to the gross incompetence and stupidity and right wing extremism of King George Bush, he is paving the way for Hillary Clinton to be the next President of the US. She is basically running a campaign not only as a woman, but basically that she is the most qualified and competent person running in either party. McCain is qualified but he hold's Bush's view on Iraq and probably wants to attack Iran.
Primary polls (Fox News) Dem Primary Hillary 50%, Obama 18%, Edwards 12% Rasmussen: Hillary 48%, Obama 24%, Edwards 12% Rasmusen General election: Hillary 48% Rudy 41%, Hillary 52% Fred Thompson 37%. |
I figure whoever wins the Democratic nomination will be our next president, and you're right, Brykers. It WILL be thanks mainly to the arrogance and ignorance of "King George". I say mainly, because part of it is because the current crop of Republican candidates certainly do themselves no favors. I mean, you've got Rudy "Donate $9.11--ain't that cute?"Guliani, "Phone it in" Fred Thompson, John "maybe I SHOULD be living in my nephew's attic"McCain, Mitt "My boys serve their country by trying to get me elected" Romney, and Ron "If I say enough off-the-wall things, surely somebody's GOTTA listen" Paul. Fine bunch there
![]() Mike Huckabee is the only one of the Republican candidates who doesn't come across as a clown show. |
ugh.....Hillary as president scares me.....
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I used to be afraid of Rudy as the GOP nominee but he is a one trick pony every thing is 911, 911, he is Mr. Doom and Gloom when he talks about having to fight "Islamic Radicals" who want to destroy America". Compare that to Hillary who talks about wanting to get America moving in the right direction, her rhetoric isn't extremist. Like her or not she is proving alot of the naysayers wrong. "She's to polarizing to win." Look at the favorables in the latest Rasmussen poll, Hillary has a favorable rating of 54% Rudy 49%, to start this year he had favorables in the high 60's but the more he rips on Hillary he just looks like a mean thug/hack politician from New York (wait that's what he is).
I agree with Rudy on most social issues ie gun control, gay rights, and abortion, but I am turned off by the GOP's rehtoric about "Islamofascists" like every Muslim in the world thinks we are the great Satan? IF they do it's only because Bush and Cheney have been alienating them for the last 4-5years. Yes extremist Islamic ideologues were responsible for 911, and that is why we went to Afghanistan, to hunt them down. But to go into Iraq and now maybe Iran, it is obvious now that the Bushies just want to build a new imperialisitc Dynasty in the middle east, if he invades Iran then i say impeach him, if he doesn't then we just grin and bear it till Jan 20, 2009, when the resotration of America's name at home and abroad can begin. |
Amen, Brykers
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I'm not impressed with
the Republican lineup. More neo-con agenda, whomever gets in. Ron Paul might be the only exception to the Republican candidates who believe the neo-con's lies, but he doesn't stand a chance of getting elected. It's time to put the neo-con agenda out to pasture and NOT vote Republican next year. I believe the independents and swing voters will decide the election. Hillary doesn't impress me because she'll say anything people want to hear to get in. And she sounds too much like a neo-con. ![]() |
Somebody could spend a little more time reading the King George Bible.
Was that funny? Ha ha ha ha. I just loved it. Huckabee, Thompson, Romney, they all pale compared to Cheney, but at least they are picking up the flag. Usually if you want to impress sheep you would dress as a sheep and then suddenly show your teeth, but if I wanted to impress wolves you would dress as a wolf but then it might be a little more risky to suddenly show your wool. So Brykers, good job on that. Personally I prefer to be more direct. All that bleating gets so annoying anyway. Hillary the hawk, imagine that. She would attack Iran in a minute. Did anyone notice that about her? I'm concerned about her fiscal policies because I have to pay so much tax already, but the tax train is running pretty fast already. Maybe we should all just lay down on the track and let it run over us, for the sake of the children, after all who can resist the children. Rudy is a really unfortunate front runner. I just don't think he has the horsepower. McCain would be more presidential. So would Romney. So would Thompson. I expect Hillary would bungle things terribly but the list of reasons is so long I don't have time to go into it now. It is not so simple as a few snippy partisan comments so it will have to wait. |
Being a semi libral, this will shock you...
if Hillary wins, I'm moving to Canada. That woman scares me. Shes like the creepy used car saleswoman that people tend to avoid ![]() |
Really? Why?
I'm not wild about her but I'm unaware of her wanting to say... go to war.... ![]() |
If Hillary wins the Dem nomination Im afraid we will have another Republican President!
The Independent vote will determine this election. Party members will vote along party lines, they always do. They lack the ability to think outside their party. The Independents for the most part dont want a Republican to be pres., but will not vote for Hillary. Given the choice between the 2 evils they will all go Republican. I know I will not vote for Hillary. She is nothing new and is bought and paid for by corporation lobbist. This will condemn the country to the same old same old and is unacceptable for me!! |
If it becomes "lesser of two evils" I'll do what I did in the last election...write my name at the bottom of the ballot and vote for myself (which btw I got 5 other votes) lol
I can understand thinking she is "nothing new", but how would a republican candidate be any better?
interesting when people say that they would vote for Ron Paul but he doesnt stand a chance to win...THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THE ELITE WANT YOU TO we will get the same old crap...but I will vote my conscience....& write in if I have to...go Ron Paul
George has nothing to do with hillary.
It is the femenist, who care more about a footnote in history than they know or care for the country! Their ignorance has the potential to doom us all. I have seen many polls showing head to head picks between the candidates and Hillary loses every time regardless of the Rep. All other Democrats win by 17 points or better. This all due to the Independent voters, and they will not vote for Hillary! |
Who do you like then Fanta?
I hear a head of cabbage is running on a Green platform.I'm voting for him.
But I would be ecstatic for Edwards as well! |
lmao @ cute!!!!!! Cabbage wins!!!!
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I want someone with vision. Someone who will lead this country in a new direction, the right direction, and restore us to greatness!!!
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