Topic: Any good guys out there???
isaac_dede's photo
Wed 07/08/15 10:17 AM
nope..what's that saying...

oh yeah

Men are like parking spots, all the good ones are taken, the rest are either handicapped or to far away

Beachfarmer's photo
Wed 07/08/15 10:23 AM
Edited by Beachfarmer on Wed 07/08/15 10:25 AM
oops Nvrmnd

2469nascar's photo
Wed 07/08/15 10:25 AM

If it isn't a scammer it's a guy who is broke, a child molester, military on the other side of the planet or just wanting phone sex. Really? Is this what it all comes down to? Does anyone out there have a good story??
broke huh?,so if he doesnt have money to spend on you he isnt worth dating? WOW..

TMommy's photo
Wed 07/08/15 04:08 PM

If it isn't a scammer it's a guy who is broke, a child molester, military on the other side of the planet or just wanting phone sex. Really? Is this what it all comes down to? Does anyone out there have a good story??
broke huh?,so if he doesnt have money to spend on you he isnt worth dating? WOW..
got to have a JOB if ya wanna be with me bigsmile

no photo
Wed 07/08/15 04:11 PM
Rule #2

No money.... no honey

no photo
Wed 07/08/15 04:13 PM
I wear socks that match

milan9829's photo
Wed 07/08/15 04:17 PM

milan9829's photo
Wed 07/08/15 04:21 PM
Hey I'm here

2469nascar's photo
Wed 07/08/15 04:23 PM

If it isn't a scammer it's a guy who is broke, a child molester, military on the other side of the planet or just wanting phone sex. Really? Is this what it all comes down to? Does anyone out there have a good story??
broke huh?,so if he doesnt have money to spend on you he isnt worth dating? WOW..
got to have a JOB if ya wanna be with me bigsmile
we all have jobs,SOME woman think we need two to be datable,,

isaac_dede's photo
Wed 07/08/15 04:41 PM

If it isn't a scammer it's a guy who is broke, a child molester, military on the other side of the planet or just wanting phone sex. Really? Is this what it all comes down to? Does anyone out there have a good story??
broke huh?,so if he doesnt have money to spend on you he isnt worth dating? WOW..
got to have a JOB if ya wanna be with me bigsmile

so it's the JOB that's important? so retired millionaires are out then?

2469nascar's photo
Wed 07/08/15 04:51 PM

If it isn't a scammer it's a guy who is broke, a child molester, military on the other side of the planet or just wanting phone sex. Really? Is this what it all comes down to? Does anyone out there have a good story??
broke huh?,so if he doesnt have money to spend on you he isnt worth dating? WOW..
got to have a JOB if ya wanna be with me bigsmile

so it's the JOB that's important? so retired millionaires are out then?
thats what i was thinking,if these woman are all that,then thay would have a man,,seems to be all about the money for SOME woman,,not all though,,theres a few good ones still looking for love,JMHO

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 07/08/15 05:02 PM

nope..what's that saying...

oh yeah

Men are like parking spots, all the good ones are taken, the rest are either handicapped or to far away

Ahem! A man can be both good and handicapped. :angry:

TMommy's photo
Wed 07/08/15 05:11 PM
now now does not necessarily mean all womenz be gold diggers when we say we would appreciate a man with a job or a man that has worked and is now retired. What we are really saying is that we would prefer he not be middle-aged and still living in his mama's basement if ya know what I money is not everything but if you would like to take a lady to dinner it might come in handy:wink:

no photo
Wed 07/08/15 06:02 PM
*ears perked up* Did someone say millionaire?

2469nascar's photo
Wed 07/08/15 09:51 PM

*ears perked up* Did someone say millionaire?
I rest my case,,but yes money for dinner, go out for a drink,,,I work my azz off for what i have,,not a millionaire, but i can flip the bill for dinner,but how would it sound if a man said,,woman you better have a good job so you can take me to the races and dinner afterwords,Iam sure you would think how shollow...right? a big YES!

Sunshinegirl67's photo
Wed 07/08/15 10:46 PM
Why so down on women? In my original post I said some men are broke - but in that case he was asking me for money to keep his business running. That is just not gonna happen!!! You don't have to be rich to pack a picnic lunch and go to a nice park and take a walk. I'm sure most women would gladly appreciate the thought behind that kinda date. We all aren't gold diggers!!

TMommy's photo
Thu 07/09/15 07:26 AM
I can remember years ago going to a frat party on campus
and watching some of the sorority sisters go down the line
asking guys what their majors were...they were looking for the ones
that gave the right answers: pre-med or maybe pre-law
those are the ones they would strike up conversations with..
these were very attractive girls driving very nice cars that daddy
was paying for and living in the pretty sorority houses
they were accustomed to a certain lifestyle and felt fully entitled
to land a husband that had the potential to provide that

we know that those women do indeed exist..that instead of going out and getting their own degree or their own career they somehow expect to land a prince charming that shall place them on a pedastool and lay riches at their feet

my parents came from a small town. My father was the only one of his sibling to go to college. One grandpa was a mailman ( veteran) and one was a farmer who started his own trucking business later on. I have no issues about how a man earns a living whether it be blue-collared or white

no photo
Thu 07/09/15 08:00 AM

If it isn't a scammer it's a guy who is broke, a child molester, military on the other side of the planet or just wanting phone sex. Really? Is this what it all comes down to? Does anyone out there have a good story??

You're asking for too much.
Finding a good man online is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Kaustuv1's photo
Thu 07/09/15 08:11 AM


MelMaxx's photo
Thu 07/09/15 09:38 AM
I have to give my 2 cents worth.....
I was messaging with a guy awhile back and he told me upfront that he didn't have a driving license, that it was suspended due to his mistakes and because of not being able to drive, no job at the moment. He HAD been working, but didn't work out, so he was using up all favors owed to get rides for job hunting. We messaged many times back and forth and IF everything he told me was the truth, I DIDN'T MIND IN THE LEAST that he had no job at the moment and the reasons for losing license, and fact that he was working on getting license renewed. WHAT I DID MIND was the fact that he got pissy with me asking questions about how we would get to know each other (go on dates). He kept telling me that I could make the decisions and do what I want....AND that I would have to pick him up. THAT KIND OF BROKE IS what I think op means.

I am not opposed to "life" does to us all. What a lot of peeps (guys and gals) don't get is, life continues to happen and if they want to find a good partner, they need to step up, think and be honest.