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Annierooroo's photo
Sat 08/08/15 09:46 AM
Could thst be why men fish when they are older, Debbie

NorCalSwe's photo
Sat 08/08/15 09:47 AM
Well, will you look at the time? Is that my car alarm?bigsmile

Ah, No1 don't we have that thing at that place?

Annierooroo's photo
Sat 08/08/15 09:48 AM

no1phD's photo
Sat 08/08/15 09:48 AM
Yup.. right behind you sir..O great now I get excited lollaugh :wink:

no photo
Sat 08/08/15 09:48 AM

Well, will you look at the time? Is that my car alarm?bigsmile

Ah, No1 don't we have that thing at that place?

Not so fast!!! pitchfork

no photo
Sat 08/08/15 09:49 AM

Yup.. right behind you sir..O great now I get excited lollaugh :wink:

pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork

NorCalSwe's photo
Sat 08/08/15 09:49 AM

Yup.. right behind you sir..O great now I get excited lollaugh :wink:

Well, at least you're happy to aee me. bigsmile

no1phD's photo
Sat 08/08/15 09:50 AM
Omg..laugh laugh laugh rofl

NorCalSwe's photo
Sat 08/08/15 09:50 AM
Seriously, I'm off to a BBQ...have fun people. No1, put that away.

no1phD's photo
Sat 08/08/15 09:52 AM
Yup.. I'm out of here to have fun see all of you later.. and no worries I don't think I'm going to be poking any eyes out anytime soon with this limp biscuit of mine lol

no photo
Sat 08/08/15 09:52 AM

Seriously, I'm off to a BBQ...have fun people. No1, put that away.

Ouch, he got me in the eye!!! explode

no photo
Sat 08/08/15 09:52 AM

Could thst be why men fish when they are older, Debbie

that reminds of big fish, little fish, cardboard box laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 08/08/15 09:53 AM

Yup.. I'm out of here to have fun see all of you later.. and no worries I don't think I'm going to be poking any eyes out anytime soon with this limp biscuit of mine lol

Liar explode

NorCalSwe's photo
Sat 08/08/15 09:57 AM

some guys just love the pursuit
but once they think they gotcha? blow cold and disinterested

some just like the attention of women

some just like playing the game

....smiles lop sided grin and walks away ..whoa :wink: biggrin

That's ok darl'in we'll just enjoy the view. bigsmile

Annierooroo's photo
Sat 08/08/15 10:24 AM
I want breakfast now

TMommy's photo
Sat 08/08/15 01:42 PM
uh uh ..puts her glassses on end of her nose

gets our her notepad

very intersting NO1

let me just jot down a few things..

no photo
Tue 08/11/15 03:07 AM
I want this rain to stop so the paint job can get underway.

no photo
Fri 08/14/15 12:16 AM
I want true love.

no photo
Fri 08/14/15 12:18 AM
I want more new hot, sweet, real men to sign up on this site and post in the forums.

TMommy's photo
Fri 08/14/15 05:09 AM
I just want..

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