Topic: "The heartbreak of psoriasis"
jessed's photo
Thu 10/11/07 02:24 PM
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forums.

I was just wondering if anyone else suffers from Psoriasis.
I had it about 20yrs now.

gr8time's photo
Thu 10/11/07 03:02 PM
mine is not severe but it gets bad when i have stres or when the weather turns, but it aint bad right now.

jessed's photo
Thu 10/11/07 03:10 PM
Yeah, the change of seasons is a love hate for me.

gr8time's photo
Thu 10/11/07 03:32 PM
i used to be embarased by it now i dont started wen i was like 17 so that sucked....but now i can make fun of it myself.

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 10/11/07 03:51 PM
hmmm I wonder if that is what a tiny little spot is on my necklace line. thought it might be jewlery allergy at first but no jewlery hasn't changed it. Seems stress always makes it worse. Sure plenty of stress in my life. lol I do know the National organization does have support groups and great info on how to cope. Know it is a totally different situation but the Neurofibrosis Society has some great materials on coping with disabilities for all ages. I would stress that any chronic condition is not as big a deal as it seems to the person it is happening to when it comes to others. People with mild to profound problems go on to lead normal lives and have sucessful relationships. Often in failed relationships it becomes the scapegoat and some people with disabilities do use it in all the wrong ways but and equal number of people use their partners disability as an excuse to cover their own inadequaceies so it is a smoke screen. People with chronic health issues do have many medically related money problems and I hope eventually we get smart in this country and take that out of the equation.

jessed's photo
Thu 10/11/07 07:19 PM
Has anyone tried any of the biologic drugs for psoriasis?
The side affects scare me or then having P.