Topic: All Lives Matter | |
it still isn't pvt can see it if u click on the thumbnail..also very tiny penis...lmfao ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
OMFG...I've had to take a towel to my TV and clean up the collective Obama-gasm that CNN on air staff just had. I swear they just collectively jizzed a bucketload as they gushed about Obama being a 'black church preacher' and singing Amazing Grace.
First of all its nice to know Obama has a skill for when he leaves the White House. He has some skills. HOWEVER, I'm not quite sure it's the most dignified moment a U.S. president has ever had. He couldn't quite carry the tune no matter how large a bucket handed to him. I recall George Bush being pilloried for bad dancing in Africa,but Obama kinda grinds on the tune and Brooke Baldwin and Don Lemon are having squishy moments their pants. I've never seen such a ridiculously partisan 30 minutes of reporting in my life. It was frankly embarrassing to watch. If you thought there was ANY shred of objectivity left in CNN's reporting, think again. |
it still isn't pvt can see it if u click on the thumbnail..also very tiny penis...lmfao ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
leigh, he think it is pvt but it is public and on his page.. idiot..and hahaha
leigh, he think it is pvt but it is public and on his page.. idiot..and hahaha And he did it all for you. Now you are BOTH infamous . Men will be lining up for you. ![]() |
leigh, he think it is pvt but it is public and on his page.. idiot..and hahaha And he did it all for you. Now you are BOTH infamous . Men will be lining up for you. ![]() |
what? ------------------------------------------------------ ![]() ------------------------------------------------------- leigh, he think it is pvt but it is public and on his page.. idiot..and hahaha And he did it all for you. Now you are BOTH infamous . Men will be lining up for you. ![]() |
sassy, i dont understand ur point or what u are trying to say
Black lives only matter under the following circumstances... 1) They are killed by white people. White cops killing them scores higher than anything else on the TV coverage scale. 97% of African Americans are killed by OTHER African Americans. Apparently that means SQUAT to Obama and the WH. 2) There is money and power to be gained. How many professional poverty pimps lobbied for and got federal, state, and local dollars for recreation centres/cultural centres/labour and job training centres? Is there still rampant inner city crime in places like NYC/Detroit/Atlanta/L.A./Baltimore? As long as Rev. Al/Jesse/NAACP get their cut, employ their friends, and guarantee people poverty connected jobs, the cycle continues. 3) It generates gun control legislation. While mass shootings generate the discussion in general on gun control, Obama and the WH shamelessly pimp out the black community to try and restrict firearms ownership of law abiding citizens who would never engage in such behaviour. Gun ownership groups have even gone into low income areas to give away shotguns to minority families who greatfully accepted them for self protection. Let's face it folks, the African American community is a prop for Obama and the Democrats to use to fit their collective political agenda on issues from crime, family breakdown, substandard education, abortion, and employment. You are the window dressing to speeches by Clinton, Obama, and Pelosi. They dress you up nicely to illustrate success, and dress you down like hood rats to illustrate the failure of the 'system'. WHEN YOU STOP allowing yourselves to be used as pieces of furniture for politicians to lean on, you might actually get the equality you are looking for. You shouldn't be proud about being seen as just as dead as the Latinos, Asians, Arabs, or Whites. Thus endeth the sermon. ONCE AGAIN< blacks killing blacks does matter to the JUSTICE SYSTEM as blacks are a high percentage of those INCARCERATED for such actions,, second, isolating Sharpton and others for continuing the cycle, is like blaming a john for prostitution, if women werent willing to do it, noone would profit and if these situations didnt happen, noone could profit off of them equally silly is isolating what has been happening to blacks for CENTURIES to democratic presidents,,,,, If I recall, Bush the first won alot of votes using a picture of a scary black man against his opponent and Reagan got alot of support for creating the 'welfare queen' and republicans all over the news are not exactly shy about reporting on 'black on black' crime or other 'inner city' problems as if it is some subculture or some demographic with innately inferior character ,,, ![]() |
If Black Lives Matter so much why do they kill so many of their own? Me thinks it's not that black lives matter so much as how to use them as a tool to enforce or achieve an agenda. Agree... Sometimes I think the 'only' thing that matters to the Al Sharptons of the world is the race of the killer... ![]() Good point! Which black lives matter seems, to some, to mean the black lives from which we can get some political mileage. In the whole "black lives matter" media context, they mostly just matter if they were ended by a white cop or white racist. ![]() |
If Black Lives Matter so much why do they kill so many of their own? Me thinks it's not that black lives matter so much as how to use them as a tool to enforce or achieve an agenda. Agree... Sometimes I think the 'only' thing that matters to the Al Sharptons of the world is the race of the killer... ![]() Good point! Which black lives matter seems, to some, to mean the black lives from which we can get some political mileage. In the whole "black lives matter" media context, they mostly just matter if they were ended by a white cop or white racist. ![]() wow,,, slow crowd so how often do black killers get a pass for killing people? black criminals are HELD TO ACCOUNTABILITY, there is hardly any dispute, so this repetitive nonsense is irrelevant the jails are PACKED with black people being held accountable for crime, whether it be against another black or a white however, the system isnt quite so dilligent to hold AUTHORITY figures accountable when they take lives and that oversight seems to be much more likely to occur when the criminal/suspect is a black person,,, ,,,Im sure its not getting through,, but its worth a shot, perhaps some reading might understand the difference the 100th time around,, ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 06/27/15 12:28 PM
,more history
the Southern strategy refers to the Republican Party strategy of gaining political support or winning elections in the Southern section of the country by appealing to racism against African Americans. Though the "Solid South" had been a longtime Democratic Party stronghold due to the Democratic Party's defense of slavery prior to the American Civil War and segregation for a century thereafter, many white Southern Democrats stopped supporting the party following the civil rights plank of the Democratic campaign in 1948 (triggering the Dixiecrats), the African-American Civil Rights Movement, the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965, and desegregation. .[1][2][3][4][5] 1. Herbert, Bob (October 6, 2005). "Impossible, Ridiculous, Repugnant". The New York Times. Archived from the original on January 22, 2012. 2. Boyd, James (May 17, 1970). "Nixon's Southern strategy: 'It's All in the Charts'" (PDF). The New York Times. Retrieved 2008-08-02. 3. Carter, Dan T. From George Wallace to Newt Gingrich: Race in the Conservative Counterrevolution, 1963-1994. 4. Branch, Taylor (1999). Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years 1963-65. New York: Simon & Schuster. p. 242. ISBN 0-684-80819-6. OCLC 37909869. 5. Herbert, Bob (November 13, 2007). "Righting Reagan's Wrongs?". The New York Times. Archived from the original on January 22, 2012 The strategy was first adopted under future Republican President Richard Nixon and Republican Senator Barry Goldwater[6] in the late 1960s.[7] The strategy was successful in many regards. It contributed to the electoral realignment of Southern states to the Republican Party, but at the expense of losing more than 90 percent of black voters to the Democratic Party. As the twentieth century came to a close, the Republican Party began trying to appeal again to black voters, though with little success. paragraph 3 of the republican party platform of 1860 3. That to the Union of the States this nation owes its unprecedented increase in population, its surprising development of material resources, its rapid augmentation of wealth, its happiness at home and its honor abroad; and we hold in abhorrence all schemes for disunion, come from whatever source they may. And we congratulate the country that no Republican member of Congress has uttered or countenanced the threats of disunion so often made by Democratic members, without rebuke and with applause from their political associates; and we denounce those threats of disunion, in case of a popular overthrow of their ascendency as denying the vital principles of a free government, and as an avowal of contemplated treason, which it is the imperative duty of an indignant people sternly to rebuke and forever silence. NOTICE , the confederacy(south) was democratic territory during the amendments 13,14,15,,,accounting for the large lack of support for these amendments by democrats of 1860 however, the south is no longer primarily democrat, but republican,, these are not our grandfathers parties anymore,, they have transformed quite a bit,,,, |
THEN (1860)
![]() democrat states in blue NOW ![]() notice the switch? |
yes but the present red state/blue state isn't solely due to the southern strategy..the entitlements also played a part, something republican opposed before 1968
yes but the present red state/blue state isn't solely due to the southern strategy..the entitlements also played a part, something republican opposed before 1968 but southern states get some of the most entitlements of the country,,,,, |
that isn't the perception in the south plus the religious right movement also democrat support for union jobs which have been lacking in the south
the jails are PACKED with black people being held accountable for crime, whether it be against another black or a white
So, you admit that jailed black criminals deserve to be in jail. ![]() |
the jails are PACKED with black people being held accountable for crime, whether it be against another black or a white
So, you admit that jailed black criminals deserve to be in jail. ![]() of course, some deserve it, the jails are packed with those who deserve it and those who dont,, they arent mutually exclusive realities,,, ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 06/27/15 08:32 PM
If Black Lives Matter so much why do they kill so many of their own? Me thinks it's not that black lives matter so much as how to use them as a tool to enforce or achieve an agenda. Agree... Sometimes I think the 'only' thing that matters to the Al Sharptons of the world is the race of the killer... ![]() Good point! Which black lives matter seems, to some, to mean the black lives from which we can get some political mileage. In the whole "black lives matter" media context, they mostly just matter if they were ended by a white cop or white racist. ![]() wow,,, slow crowd so how often do black killers get a pass for killing people? black criminals are HELD TO ACCOUNTABILITY, there is hardly any dispute, so this repetitive nonsense is irrelevant the jails are PACKED with black people being held accountable for crime, whether it be against another black or a white however, the system isnt quite so dilligent to hold AUTHORITY figures accountable when they take lives and that oversight seems to be much more likely to occur when the criminal/suspect is a black person,,, ,,,Im sure its not getting through,, but its worth a shot, perhaps some reading might understand the difference the 100th time around,, ![]() Msh, have you ever thought the reason that your not "getting through" is that your on the wrong side of the argument? You are very intelligent but seem to be lacking common sense. Think about it. |
If Black Lives Matter so much why do they kill so many of their own? Me thinks it's not that black lives matter so much as how to use them as a tool to enforce or achieve an agenda. Agree... Sometimes I think the 'only' thing that matters to the Al Sharptons of the world is the race of the killer... ![]() Good point! Which black lives matter seems, to some, to mean the black lives from which we can get some political mileage. In the whole "black lives matter" media context, they mostly just matter if they were ended by a white cop or white racist. ![]() wow,,, slow crowd so how often do black killers get a pass for killing people? black criminals are HELD TO ACCOUNTABILITY, there is hardly any dispute, so this repetitive nonsense is irrelevant the jails are PACKED with black people being held accountable for crime, whether it be against another black or a white however, the system isnt quite so dilligent to hold AUTHORITY figures accountable when they take lives and that oversight seems to be much more likely to occur when the criminal/suspect is a black person,,, ,,,Im sure its not getting through,, but its worth a shot, perhaps some reading might understand the difference the 100th time around,, ![]() Msh, have you ever thought the reason that your not "getting through" is that your on the wrong side of the argument? You are very intelligent but seem to be lacking common sense. Think about it. the wrong 'side' of the argument, is not as important as the TRUTHFUL answer,,, the popular answer isnt automatically the 'right' one,, think of all those civil rights workers who were told they were on the 'wrong side'? so no,, what side is right or wrong isnt a consideration, logic and reason are though,, ,,Im open to logic and reason whatever 'side' they fall on,, |