Topic: Dear Diary , the second edition | |
I need to do my nails!!
I like singing Weird Al's version of it -"My, my this here Anakin guy, maybe Vader someday later now he's just a small fry!"
Dear diary......I love Weird al as well..........
But what kind of mom would sing to her baby baa baa black sheep have you any wool??? Bob dylan style? pffffffffft boredom of course!!! |
I wonder what that belly button would look like filled with P-nut butter? |
I prefer jelly in my belly!!!
Strawberry jelly??
dear diary thingy--i'm in so much in love with the awesome mamacita--and--i wanna ------cry--with-happiness--
or grape!!
Dear diary.......there is not a computer alive that is fast enough for me......I am faster than a computer.......can this be true? Can it be so??? I want the fastest pc money can buy!!!!!!!! |
<-------hands shadow a hankie and steals his jd!
Congrats shadow!!! |
faster than a pc, thats a new one!!!
or a speeding bullet!!!
I want the biggest ram money can buy!!!! |
oh diary......ppl have their minds in the gutter!!!!
ohhhhhhhhhh look at muriel after 3 drinks!!!
Muriel you have been a bad bad girl!!!! Youre terrible Muriel!!!
Does Muriel need to be put across a lap and spanked???