Topic: Dear Diary , the second edition
Belushi's photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:22 AM
[looks around]


no photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:22 AM
DEAR DIARY.........I think this 3 way 4 way is fascinating!!!!devil devil devil Muriel would be sooooooooooo pleased and she is sooooooooooo terrible!!!!laugh laugh laugh

karmafury's photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:22 AM
Spoo! Forgot, Hi Belushi.

Belushi's photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:26 AM
Greetings Earth-chicks ..

Its a beautiful sunny day here on the beach and it even makes me want to go for a swim ...

Then I realised that I havent taken my medication yet, and that I am indeed completely mad!

no photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:26 AM
dear diary.........please make sense because if youre going to be in the diary.......make some ****ing sense!!!laugh drinker

no photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:27 AM
um yeah but then there's no one left to eat ice cream

no photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:28 AM
Dear diary.........did all the smart people come to the diary to "dumb it down"????laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

karmafury's photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:29 AM
Or share gummi bears.laugh laugh

karmafury's photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:30 AM
The Diary made sense before???

no photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:32 AM
hmmmmmmmmmmmm were you reading it karma and not posting?????

Hmmmmmmmmm like I said.......I sometimes forget that ppl read this other than my friends........

ya nothing makes sense in the diary.......parle vous francois?huh devil devil

karmafury's photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:35 AM
Mais oui je parle francais. Le Francais est la plus belle langue sur la Terre car c'est la langue de l'amour.

no photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:36 AM

karmafury's photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:38 AM
Pssst! Gypsy. That's spanish. It's oui in french.

no photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:40 AM
I know its spanish ya crazy french canadian~~~!!!!!

<--------can speak many but mostly the swear words!!!:wink:

karmafury's photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:41 AM
Spoo! okies.

no photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:50 AM
soooooooooooooo no go huh???laugh laugh laugh thats it!!!!!! no guys in the diary!!!!!!!!!!! they dont talk!!!!!!!!!!1grumble grumble grumble grumble

karmafury's photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:51 AM
What. Been here all night talking, typing rather.

no photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:52 AM
laugh yadda yadda yadda!!!!!!!!grumble grumble grumble the diary wants dirt......and nothing else!!!!!grumble grumble

karmafury's photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:55 AM
Dirt, soil, earth, mud, worn rock!

That enough?laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 10/18/07 03:59 AM
Diary........I think I already know who karma was talking about anyways so pffffffffffffffft!!!!:tongue: laugh laugh laugh laugh