Topic: Student gunman in Ohio warned of attack
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Thu 10/11/07 08:54 AM
By JOE MILICIA, Associated Press Writer
15 minutes ago

A high school student said Thursday that he and classmates had warned their principal about threats by a classmate who shot and wounded four people before killing himself, and believed the attack could have been prevented.

The student, Rasheem Smith, said on CBS' "Early Show" that despite their warnings about the student who opened fire Wednesday, Asa H. Coon, principal Johneita Durant told them she was too busy.

"I told my friends in the class that he had a gun and stuff," said Smith, 15. "He was talking about doing it last week. I don't know why they didn't say nothing.

"We talked to the principal. She would try to get us all in the office, but it would always be too busy for it to happen," Smith said.

Responding on the show, schools CEO Eugene Sanders said the district would investigate. "We're going to review the entire situation over the course of today and tomorrow, make a determination of what has indeed occurred, and then see what the appropriate recommendations are, so we can move forward on Monday morning," he said.

The Associated Press made several attempts to reach Durant at SuccessTech Academy after the shootings, but she did not make herself available for comment.

Armed with two revolvers, Coon opened fire at the alternative school, wounding two students and two teachers. He had a history of mental problems and was known for cursing at teachers and bickering with students.

Police found a duffel bag stocked with ammunition and three knives in a bathroom, but no suicide note, Police Chief Michael McGrath said.

People at Coon's home late Wednesday declined to comment.

All classes in the city school district were canceled Thursday, and school officials said counseling would be available for students at recreation centers throughout Cleveland.

Coon, who was suspended Monday for fighting with a classmate and was under suspension at the time of the shootings, had warned classmates of an attack, but none took him seriously.

"When he got suspended, he was like `I got something for you all,'" said student Frances Henderson, who said she often got into arguments with Coon. "I guess this is what he had."

Coon, who was white, stood out in the predominantly black school for dressing in a goth style, wearing a black trench coat, black boots, a dog collar and chains, she said.

Henderson, who is black, she said she didn't believe race played a role in the shootings.

"He's crazy. He threatened to blow up our school. He threatened to stab everybody," said Doneisha LeVert, 14. "We didn't think nothing of it."

Police believe Coon, wearing a Marilyn Manson shirt, black jeans and black nail polish, targeted the two teachers he shot Wednesday.

Coon's troubles seemed to come to a breaking point this week. Students said Monday's fight was over God — Coon told his classmates he didn't believe in God and instead worshipped rocker Marilyn Manson.

Coon had mental health problems, spent time in two juvenile facilities and threatened to commit suicide while in a mental health facility, according to juvenile court records obtained by The Plain Dealer newspaper.

The Department of Children and Family Services was called to Coon's home in 2000 because he had burns on his arms and scratches on his forehead, the newspaper said.

When he was 12, Coon was charged in juvenile court with domestic violence. His mother, Lori, had called police and told them her son slapped her and called her a vulgar name. She had been trying to intervene in a fight between Coon and his twin sister, The Plain Dealer reported.

He was also suspended from school last year for attempting to hurt a student, the newspaper said.

"He used to cuss all the teachers out," said Henderson, 14.

The first person shot, 14-year-old Michael Peek, had punched Coon in the face right before the shootings began, Smith said.

Coon "came out of the bathroom and bumped Mike and he (Mike) punched him in his face. Mike started walking. He shot Mike in the side," said Smith.

Darnell Rodgers, 18, said he realized he had been shot when he felt his arm burning.

Rodgers was treated for a graze wound to his right elbow. He told NBC's "Today" on Thursday he didn't believe he was targeted.

"He just fired the gun," Rodgers said. "He didn't say anything."

Michael Grassie, a 42-year-old history teacher, was hospitalized in fair condition late Wednesday after about 90 minutes of surgery.

Math teacher David Kachadourian, who was treated for a minor wound to the back of one shoulder, knew of no reason why Coon would target him.

"I never felt personally threatened or personally at risk," said Kachadourian, who had Coon is his beginning algebra class. "I had concerns about him, yes. He seemed like an angry young man. I did not fear for my own safety."

SuccessTech Academy, with about 240 students, is an alternative high school in the public school district that stresses technology and entrepreneurship.

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Thu 10/11/07 09:12 AM
Why are kids acting this way today? Seems like a lot of empathy is missing from this pic

no photo
Thu 10/11/07 09:18 AM
may have been something at home
we my never truly know why this happenedhuh

heatherrae's photo
Thu 10/11/07 10:33 AM
i've noticed a trend with these school shootings that afterward there are always kids who say, "we told the principal/teacher that he told us he was going to do it" the administration is always forewarned and always failed to take it seriously. how many more children have to die before administration starts believing these kids when they say, "tommy said he was gonna blow us up!" criminey sakes!

adj4u's photo
Thu 10/11/07 11:22 AM
maybe they are less liable for the shooting
than they would be for going after the person

that has not done anything yet

can you not remember going to school

a said such and such that b was going to do

and c is in on it

kinda would turn that into a witch hunt would it not

maybe those with the info should be advised to
take it to law enforcement

just a thought wish i knew the perfect answer

Kris10_2's photo
Thu 10/11/07 11:38 AM
There is no perfect answer for why this is occuring. I actually just posted this article (and my commentary) on my LJ. It's a tough issue.

Did anyone else notice how many times they made references to Marilyn Manson in the article? I may not like his music, but I can't help but feel bad because I know Manson is going to get blamed for this shooting.

I also find it ironic that this school had metal detectors. Obviously they were only used intermittently. How much you want to bet they will be used all the time now?

adj4u's photo
Thu 10/11/07 11:41 AM
maybe they just want you to think
they have metal detectors

damnitscloudy's photo
Thu 10/11/07 11:44 AM
That exact thing happened to me Adj, I was arrested and taken off school property because some students thought that I was going to blow up the school. There was no evidence that I had any plans to do so, and I was always the quiet kid in the corner who did nothing at all.

adj4u's photo
Thu 10/11/07 12:19 PM
exactly what i am talking about

the schools are caught in a catch 22

if they do something nothing happens, maybe,

but they are open for a lawsuit

but if they do not do anything

then it happens,

then maybe they are open to lawsuit

i would pick the second scenario my self

but i would if i was the school inform law enforcement
of the information given and by owm it was given

call it pass the buck if you wish

but it is the schools job to educate

it is law enforcements job to protect and serve

Brian65's photo
Thu 10/11/07 02:05 PM
Fairly obvious to me.
You can no longer disipline your kids.
By todays standards if you spank your child they take it away.
Kids are raised without the firm hand most of us were so they do whatever they want.

no photo
Thu 10/11/07 02:10 PM
I had a spanking once.......didnt help me......indifferent devil laugh laugh laugh

damnitscloudy's photo
Thu 10/11/07 02:16 PM
Even discipline may not have helped, it could be the environment he was surrounded by. From reports it seems like he had some issues mentally that he refused to get solved, and this is the result, IMO.

no photo
Thu 10/11/07 02:17 PM
I agree klc.....the family "unit" has been washed away with video games, too many absent tee fathers/mothers.....letting them roam the streets........

As in this case, I don't said he tried to kill himself in the 7th grade......cry for help? mental issues? No one will know the real truth.....

damnitscloudy's photo
Thu 10/11/07 02:41 PM
I know in my case, I had a very supportive family (even tho they were always at work) they would come home if something was wrong, like trying to kill myself in 5th grade.

I feel bad for kids like that, so many are lost in their own minds that they can't figure a way out.