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Topic: Indian men like or dislike?
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Sat 06/20/15 02:29 AM

.. ok are we talking casino Indians..
are fix your computer Indians...lol

well we talkin abt indians tht hav avge looks, superior brains, avge dick but superior potency... :)

Hhhaaaa.. Very witty. rofl
Add that to your list of cultural traits.
All the East Indians I have meet (on the East Coast), have a great sense of humor. :thumbsup:
If we can't laugh at ourselves, we can't laugh at others.

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Sat 06/20/15 02:34 AM

I always distrust any man who has to bash the women of his own country like they are all this or that. I know many very lovely Indian women who are very honest and straight forward and their husbands have no problem with their level of "desire". I am willing to bet you just think you want to play with no consequences because you have this notion, untrue or other wise, that all western women are going to somehow be more permiscuous which I assure you they are not.

no photo
Sat 06/20/15 02:36 AM

.. ok are we talking casino Indians..
are fix your computer Indians...lol

well we talkin abt indians tht hav avge looks, superior brains, avge dick but superior potency... :)

Hhhaaaa.. Very witty. rofl
Add that to your list of cultural traits.
All the East Indians I have meet (on the East Coast), have a great sense of humor. :thumbsup:
If we can't laugh at ourselves, we can't laugh at others.
true..... rofl

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Sat 06/20/15 02:58 AM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Sat 06/20/15 02:59 AM

I always distrust any man who has to bash the women of his own country like they are all this or that. I know many very lovely Indian women who are very honest and straight forward and their husbands have no problem with their level of "desire". I am willing to bet you just think you want to play with no consequences because you have this notion, untrue or other wise, that all western women are going to somehow be more permiscuous which I assure you they are not.

Hey there buddy. , welcome back, Istay waving

purpledocs's photo
Sat 06/20/15 03:14 AM
When I first arrived here I had no idea of any differences between the men on this site and was open to any race creed or colour. But after being harassed for sex by countless Indian boys who are relentless when asked nicely to please stop messageing. So I have to block them. Even having one change his fake profile three times after I blocked him each time. I'm never wasting my time or energy with another Indian on this site again. I'm not racist in any way but I'm not takeing any chances.

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Sat 06/20/15 03:38 AM

When I first arrived here I had no idea of any differences between the men on this site and was open to any race creed or colour. But after being harassed for sex by countless Indian boys who are relentless when asked nicely to please stop messageing. So I have to block them. Even having one change his fake profile three times after I blocked him each time. I'm never wasting my time or energy with another Indian on this site again. I'm not racist in any way but I'm not takeing any chances.

Hey Purple, are you are magnetic ?..:banana:

I get American Miliary Widowed that seem to speak Espanol ...& all claim to born here & living in my state.
Yea.. okay. laugh

thevampiremumbai's photo
Sat 06/20/15 05:31 AM
yea sassy, taking everything seriously everytime has brought world where it is today wid ppl fighting over every small thing... to live happy one shudnt be serious all d time is wat i feel...

thevampiremumbai's photo
Sat 06/20/15 05:31 AM
yea sassy, taking everything seriously everytime has brought world where it is today wid ppl fighting over every small thing... to live happy one shudnt be serious all d time is wat i feel...

thevampiremumbai's photo
Sat 06/20/15 05:36 AM
hehe indians r kinda relentless lovers... before n after :)

thevampiremumbai's photo
Sat 06/20/15 05:37 AM

When I first arrived here I had no idea of any differences between the men on this site and was open to any race creed or colour. But after being harassed for sex by countless Indian boys who are relentless when asked nicely to please stop messageing. So I have to block them. Even having one change his fake profile three times after I blocked him each time. I'm never wasting my time or energy with another Indian on this site again. I'm not racist in any way but I'm not takeing any chances.
hehe.. indian men are kind of relentless lovers... before n after... lol

no photo
Sat 06/20/15 05:41 AM
Edited by istay on Sat 06/20/15 05:43 AM

" Respect - is defined by each info & culture.
India according to the media, has the highest incident of abuse & sex abuse against women.
IF, I were told I had to remain a virgin, or whom to marry,or forced to have sex,or children & to stay married no matter what. I would not have any choices or freedom in my mind. So I would not have any respect for any men.
HOWEVER - there is always a high price for freedom & American women pay that price.
13 yr olds pregnant, diseases, abortion, 55% divorce within 4 yrs.
Having children by different men in & out of wedlock. Poverty etc.
Many things can go to far & destroy a country or culture. "

Thanks sassy

Balanced views ...and true

no photo
Sat 06/20/15 06:27 AM

hehe indians r kinda relentless lovers... before n after :)

I don't think most of the planet understands that. Perhaps because of where I have lived here & that I studied Cultural Anthropology & know that India is ancient & ageless... no one knows how long you guys have been here saying "look at all this newbee crazy people that just moved in? " rofl
Hinduism; & the language, the ancient text.. nobody knows for sure, how old.. Only that it is best described as "Hinduism is India"

And then there is the " Karma Sutra "
& all that sex... blushing you scared the new people on the planet.
Especially the Puritanical ones, ( that think they own everything :wink: )


Kama Sutra

For other uses, see Kama Sutra (disambiguation).
The Kama Sutra (Sanskrit: कामसूत्र
About this sound pronunciation , Kāmasūtra) is an ancient Indian Hindu[1][2] text widely considered to be the standard work on human sexual behavior in Sanskrit literature written by Vātsyāyana. A portion of the work consists of practical advice on sexual intercourse.[3] It is largely in prose, with many inserted anustubh poetry verses. "Kāma" which is one of the four goals of Hindu life, means desire including sexual desire the latter being the subject of the textbook, and "sūtra" literally means a thread or line that holds things together, and more metaphorically refers to an aphorism (or line, rule, formula), or a collection of such aphorisms in the form of a manual. Contrary to popular perception, especially in the western world, Kama sutra is not exclusively a sex manual; it presents itself as a guide to a virtuous and gracious living that discusses the nature of love, family life and other aspects pertaining to pleasure oriented faculties of human life.[4][5]

The Kama Sutra is the oldest and most notable of a group of texts known generically as Kama Shastra (Sanskrit: Kāma Śāstra).[6]

Historians attribute Kamasutra to be composed between 400 BCE and 200 CE.[7] John Keay says that the Kama Sutra is a compendium that was collected into its present form in the 2nd century CE.[8]

* No wonder so many Western women do Yoga... you HAVE to blushing *

no photo
Sat 06/20/15 06:44 AM
Edited by istay on Sat 06/20/15 06:45 AM
Agreed Sassy!

" * No wonder so many Western women do Yoga... "

By the way, Many at this site may not be knowing that all popular Yoga has roots in India.

no photo
Sat 06/20/15 07:04 AM

Agreed Sassy!

" * No wonder so many Western women do Yoga... "

By the way, Many at this site may not be knowing that all popular Yoga has roots in India.

So true.
Yoga, Karma, Meditation, Breathing Exercises, Living in the moment, Soul Mate, Universeal love/ peace/ harmony... over here, they think some American doctor made it up... rofl
* Hhhaaaa... after he stole it, wrote a book about it & appears on a morning TV show *


thevampiremumbai's photo
Sat 06/20/15 08:06 AM

Agreed Sassy!

" * No wonder so many Western women do Yoga... "

By the way, Many at this site may not be knowing that all popular Yoga has roots in India.

So true.
Yoga, Karma, Meditation, Breathing Exercises, Living in the moment, Soul Mate, Universeal love/ peace/ harmony... over here, they think some American doctor made it up... rofl
* Hhhaaaa... after he stole it, wrote a book about it & appears on a morning TV show *


haha...well the problem started wen indians forgot their own roots.. one other important aspect of our past is that women had more importance in society and had equal footing in all affairs on home and society... thtsy it was way ahead of its time....not sure how we lost track so mch.. yes and yoga is grt doing since 13 years... brings all kinda flexibilty in body...and the kama sutra is used by very few indians now as the female counterparts are not tht open to experimentation... thtsy sum of my skils are getting rustier now...lol

purpledocs's photo
Tue 03/19/19 07:38 PM
2019 me realises this post was pretty racist and so is this thread. I apologize for my post and would delete all evidence of it if I knew how. I was distressed at the time I posted it, as I felt targeted and uncomfortable by the unwanted attention. But I shouldn't have made this post. Sorry Indian men.

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