Topic: Gov Jindal Says Rand Paul 'Unsuited' to be President | |
"Believe what you like, but I and many of the Nam vets I associate with on a weekly if not daily basis, will tend to disagree with you." SS
That's fine SS. But you should be fully aware, your camaraderie, your esprit de corps may obscure the following: "What we mistake for thought may merely be the reinforcement of our own prejudice." Italo Benin PhD
The fact remains, the criterion of truth is not popular agreement among a small, fanatical sub-group. |
ps "Believe what you like, but I and many of the Nam vets I associate with on a weekly if not daily basis, will tend to disagree with you." SS
That's fine SS. But you should be fully aware, your camaraderie, your esprit de corps may obscure the following: "What we mistake for thought may merely be the reinforcement of our own prejudice." Italo Benin PhD
The fact remains, the criterion of truth is not popular agreement among a small, fanatical sub-group. Confirmation bias |
That's why I choose to be progressive, but not liberal or conservative
Sol >>> By my "ilk" I assume you mean Vietnam vets?
Sorry, can't support the likes of the McShames and Bergdahls......not Fonda Hanoi Jane either Believe what you like, but I and many of the Nam vets I associate with on a weekly if not daily basis, will tend to disagree with you. So despite the 'UTTER LIES' by the man who never knew John McCain - and has been researched IN DEPTH by NON-BIASED FACT CHECKING and YOURS would rather perpetrate a 'school yard ugly rumor' then look at the FACTS...just because you can smear a real war veteran in this manner! ![]() Sad - really SAD; but empathy only runs so deep in matters of morality and honor! |
"Confirmation bias" sn
Indeed. Concisely stated sir. Political & fiscal conservatism are fine. But fanaticism can exact a hefty price. I honor our heritage. I often quote our 18th Century Founders. But I don't gallivant off to the store on horseback the way they did. I prefer my Chevy coup� or my Yamaha. Adopt a radical ideology, and heads fall from shoulders. |
Edited by
Thu 05/28/15 08:15 AM
“on March 25, 1999, two of his fellow POWs, Ted Guy and Gordon “Swede” Larson told the Phoenix New Times that, while they could not guarantee that McCain was not physically harmed, they doubted it. As Larson said, “My only contention with the McCain deal is that while he was at The Plantation, to the best of my knowledge and Ted’s knowledge, he was not physically abused in any way. No one was in that camp. It was the camp that people were released from.”Guy and Larson’s claims are given credence by McCain’s vehement opposition to releasing the government’s debriefings of Vietnam War POWs. McCain gave Michael Isikoff a peek at his debriefs, and Isikoff declared there was “nothing incriminating” in them, apart from the redactions.
McCain had a unique POW experience. Initially, he was taken to the infamous Hanoi Hilton prison camp, where he was interrogated. By McCain’s own account, after three or four days, he cracked. He promised his Vietnamese captors, “I’ll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital.”His Vietnamese capturers soon realized their POW, John Sidney McCain III, came from a well-bred line of American military elites. McCain’s father, John Jr., and grandfather, John Sr., were both full Admirals. A destroyer, the USS John S. McCain, is named after both of them. While his son was held captive in Hanoi, John McCain Jr., from 1968 to 1972, was the Commander-in-Chief of U.S. Pacific Command; Admiral McCain was in charge of all US forces in the Pacific including those fighting in Vietnam. ..The Admiral’s bad boy was used to special treatment and his captors knew that. They were working him.For his part, McCain acknowledges that the Vietnamese rushed him to a hospital, but denies he was given any “special medical treatment.” However….two weeks into his stay at the Vietnamese hospital, the Hanoi press began quoting him. It was not “name rank and serial number, or kill me,” as specified by the military code of conduct. McCain divulged specific military information: he gave the name of the aircraft carrier on which he was based, the number of US pilots that had been lost, the number of aircraft in his flight formation, as well as information about the location of rescue ships… On the other hand, according to one source, McCain’s collaboration may have had very real consequences. Retired Army Colonel Earl Hopper, a veteran of World War II, Korea and Vietnam, contends that the information that McCain divulged classified information North Vietnam used to hone their air defense system…McCain told his North Vietnamese captors, “highly classified information, the most important of which was the package routes, which were routes used to bomb North Vietnam. He gave in detail the altitude they were flying, the direction, if they made a turn… he gave them what primary targets the United States was interested in.” Hopper contends that the information McCain provided allowed the North Vietnamese to adjust their air-defenses. As result, Hopper claims, the US lost sixty percent more aircraft and in 1968, “called off the bombing of North Vietnam, because of the information McCain had given to them.” EXCERPT: from 1992 Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA’s: “When two U.S. Army enlisted men were captured by the Viet Cong in 1963, they were plunged into an ordeal that would prove to be a relentless trial of body and spirit by torture. Once they were finally freed, however, their trials began all over again, when their statements critical of the U. S. Vietnam policy landed them in a military court facing a capital offense for violating the military Code of Conduct by “aiding the enemy.” But, if your name is John McCain and your father and grandfather were famous admirals, violating the Code of Conduct by “aiding the enemy” translates into fodder for a political career, book deals, and adulation bordering on sainthood. Even though news reports of McCain collaborating with the enemy continued from the time he was captured in 1967 through 1970, the Navy never considered prosecution as an option. Instead, Pentagon pencil pushers chose a political spin that lifted McCain, the former POW turned U.S. Senator, up to a glorified pedestal where he sprouted a halo and wings and became America’s “POW-hero” and today a presidential candidate. No such luck for the two lowly “grunts.” SANTOLI: But on the Senate side, we had one person standing in the way of getting in positions that would have been very tough on government bureaucrats who didn’t tell the truth. And that one person was Sen. John McCain. Cpl. BOB DUMAS, U.S. Army (Ret.): He didn’t want nobody to check his background because a lot of the POWs that was in the camps said he was a collaborator of the enemy. He gave the enemy the information they wanted. Dr. JAMES LUCIER, former U.S. Senate Chief of Staff: But We do know that when he was there [in the Vietnamese prison], he cooperated with the communist news services in giving interviews there, ah, not flattering to the United States. USRY: Information shows that he made over 32 tapes of propaganda for the Vietnamese government. Certainly, you do what you need to do to stay alive. Nobody would fault anybody for that. But there comes a point in time when enough is enough. REP: DORNAN: They made those transcriptions, and in the transcriptions, I heard a POW who heard them comin’ into his cell and said, “Oh, my God, is that Admiral McCain’s son? Is that the admiral’s son? Is that Johnny — telling us that our principal targets are schools, orphanages, hospitals, temples, churches?” That was Jane Fonda’s line. Where are those transcriptions? Believe me — they’re in the archives of the museum, the bragging military phony museum in Hanoi. McCain could not have wanted those [to] turn up in the middle of a presidential race. He knows that. I know that, and a few other people know that, and that’s why he went against Bob Dole’s legislation. DUMAS: And he didn’t want nobody looking into his background in that camp, what went on in that camp. That stuff is still classified so nobody can see it. And he just had it classified forever, so nobody’ll ever look at it. LUCIER: That he was given special treatment and was put in a room with two other defectors who were later given special treatment. Although I will say to his credit he refused to be repatriated as a result. REP: DORNAN: This sounds so good at first. McCain was offered the chance to come home. They called him the “Prince.” And he could have. But nobody ever takes that one step beyond that. If John … Admiral John McCain II … “Junior” … if his son, a lieutenant senior grade, had accepted this princely status and come home in 1967 while the others would sit there for five years, what would the Navy have done, with the son of an admiral who opted to get special treatment and come home? No Navy career. No House seat. No Senate seat. It would have been the end of his career. [Edit.] And they were offering him this chance to go home in one of three groups that came home in ‘68. SANTOLI: They were all collaborators. REP. DORNAN: And McCain called them this — except for Bill Kagill [phonetic] — the “slipperies,” the “slimies” and the “sleazies.” I once forgot one of those names — and he refreshed my memory. The slipperies, the slimies and the sleazies. So that meant that he would have become a slimy, a sleazy and a slippery, ruining his career and the admiral’s son goes home. What I’m saying is, yes — he chose to stay. But did he have an alternative if he ever wanted to have a life? And what would it have done to his father? DOUGLASS: And his activities were sufficiently consistent and widespread in opposing efforts to learn the truth that he was written up in a number of articles as a Manchurian candidate in this issue. REP. DORNAN: In Hanoi, he saw McCain turn red in the face. He even used the term “Rumblestiltskin” [sic], jumping up and down in place in a rage: “If you release any of these records that you have here in Hanoi on me or the other POWs, you will NEVER get diplomatic recognition.” USRY: McCain may have been an expert on being a prisoner of war but he was by no means an expert on the POW issue.” |
Ltme stated >>>
2A, I sincerely appreciate your contribution, but not the coarse expression. Vulgar vocabulary is an inadequate substitute for forceful persuasion. more A$$-SWIPE journalistic BS Please consider a more elevated style of insult: OMG...I could do as well in LATIN too and what exactly would the point be; that it would appease your sensitive eyes --- LMAO This is an adult forum - we are all uniquely individually different and post thusly - if we had to do so as a uniformed / typed / worded format how utterly boring that would be ![]() Get used to it because my verbiage is tame compared to the _______ that has been flung by others so either sit down & buckle up or put some blinders on - either way - you are in for a very bumpy ride! ![]() |
TO REFUTE THE consistent regurgitated smear campaign perpetrated by those that just DO NOT CARE >>>
FACT CHECKED and reprinted since 2002: McCain's POW record attacked, again
By Shawn Zeller on Thursday, January 17th, 2008 at 8:03 p.m. SUMMARY: Once again, Sen. John McCain faces false allegations about his past. This time, a flyer from the Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain alleges he's a traitor. In an echo of the attacks from the 2000 South Carolina primary that dealt a critical blow to Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign, the Arizona Republican is again facing unfounded allegations about his past. In 2000, McCain was targeted by false charges that he had fathered a black child. (The truth was he and his wife had adopted a girl from Bangladesh.) This time, on the eve of the 2008 South Carolina Republican primary, a group that calls itself Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain has distributed a flyer alleging that McCain, widely regarded as a hero for his five years as a prisoner of war, is a traitor. Pants on Fire! See related rulings The flyer says that when he was a POW, McCain was a "Hanoi Hilton songbird" who collaborated with the enemy. The flyer provides scant evidence to back up this claim and it is strongly contradicted by many other accounts reviewed by PolitiFact: interviews with other POWs, an author who has written a McCain biography and the senator's own accounts. Robert Timberg, author of John McCain: An American Odyssey , who has interviewed many POWs who served with McCain, said there's no evidence that he ever collaborated with the North Vietnamese. "I've never known of any occasion in which Sen. McCain provided the North Vietnamese with anything of value," Timberg said. 'Collaborations with the enemy'? The flyer was sent to about 80 media organizations in South Carolina and is posted on the group's Web site. The flyer probably would have been ignored, but the McCain campaign issued a statement calling it "a vicious attack." The flyer has a caricature of a surly-looking McCain in a prison cell under the words, "Hanoi Hilton Songbird." The second page is headlined "FACT SHEET: Military Record of John Sidney McCain III" and it begins with some accurate biographical information. The flyer contains 1 pages of criticisms of McCain, but only a few support the accusation that he was helping the enemy: • That he told his captors "Okay, I'll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital." • That the Hanoi news media reported he had given information about his flight, rescue ships and the order of U.S. attacks. • That he broke the military code because he answered questions from a Spanish psychiatrist who had apparently been cooperating with the North Vietnamese. There is some truth to these claims, but collectively they do not prove McCain was involved in "collaborations with the enemy," as the flyer alleges. In his memoir Faith of My Fathers , McCain says that he initially offered the information because he was badly injured and afraid of dying. But, he wrote, "I didn't intend to keep my word." When he was later interrogated, McCain gave his ship's name and squadron number and confirmed the target of his failed mission, he wrote. He also gave the names of the Green Bay Packers' offensive line and said they were members of his squadron. Asked to identify future targets, he mentioned North Vietnamese cities that U.S. planes had already bombed. George "Bud" Day and Orson Swindle, fellow POWs, told PolitiFact that POWs sometimes were forced to talk when they were tortured, but they tried to tell lies to mislead their captors. "We were all tortured and we wrote confessions under the pressure of torture," said Swindle, who was a cellmate with McCain and is active in his campaign. "John McCain never collaborated with the enemy. He, like every one of us, submitted to severe torture. John McCain did nothing dishonorable. He was heroic." At one point, McCain broke down and signed a confession. But Timberg, the biographer, said McCain deliberately used misspellings, grammatical errors and Communist jargon to show he was writing under duress: "I am a black criminal and I have performed the deeds of an air pirate. I almost died, and the Vietnamese people saved my life . . . " Day, a Medal of Honor winner who also is supporting McCain's campaign, said the flyer is "the most outrageous f------ lie I've ever heard." Behind the group The man behind the flyer is Gerard "Jerry" W. Kiley, 61, of Garnerville, N.Y., who says he served in Vietnam for about a year. He describes his group as a one-man operation unaffiliated with any political party or campaign. He says he opposes McCain because of the senator's efforts to normalize relations with the Vietnamese communist government and because, in his view, McCain has helped the U.S. government keep information about POWs classified. "John McCain has made sure the information concerning the lives of Americans we clearly abandoned after the war remain in government files 40 years later," he says. He teamed with political activist Ted Sampley of North Carolina to distribute the fliers to South Carolina media outlets this month. Sampley did not respond to requests for comment. Sampley also is a longtime McCain opponent. In 2000, he gained attention when he called McCain a "Manchurian candidate" on his Web site and said that he was an agent of the Vietnamese. In 1993, Sampley was convicted of misdemeanor assault and sentenced to 180 days' probation for attacking a McCain aide, according to a 2004 article in the New York Times. McCain is not the first politician to draw the men's ire. In 2004, they formed Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry. Kiley has twice interrupted events featuring Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai, forcing an American flag in his hand on one occasion and throwing red wine at him on another, according to a Secret Service agent who later arrested Kiley. He admits he threw the wine, but he was later acquitted in federal court of threatening Khai. Kiley says he bases his most damning charges against McCain — that McCain gave information about the schedule of U.S. attacks in Vietnam in 1967, the year his plane was shot down and McCain was captured — on the word of Earl Hopper, a retired Army colonel. In an interview, Hopper's wife, Patty, said that Hopper wasn't able to address the charges over the phone because of poor hearing. She said that Hopper has long been involved in the POW movement and that Earl Hopper's son, Earl Jr., is missing in action in Vietnam. She cited as evidence for Hopper's charges a 1973 article by McCain that ran in U.S. News and World Report and what she said were "declassified U.S. military documents" she claimed to possess describing McCain's collaboration. Patty Hopper said she was away from her Arizona home and could not fax those documents. But the 1973 article does not back up the charges made in the flyer. It provides the same basic account as McCain's book, corroborated by Timberg's book, which was based on interviews with many POWs. Timberg, Day and Swindle noted that McCain, the son of a Navy admiral, was offered an early release from the prison but refused so that he could adhere to the military's code of conduct. Timberg said he was perplexed by the allegations. "Why do they hate him? There can be lots of issues you disagree with him about. But why try to destroy him?" Notice --- mine has a link and validity therein!!! |
Edited by
Thu 05/28/15 08:18 AM
Mine was simply an: EXCERPT: from 1992 Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA's: Guess your link trumps the official record of the US Senate somehow? |
"it would appease your sensitive eyes"? 2A
You may take me for a fool; but only to your own detriment sir. "This is an adult forum" 2A
Not only that sir, it is a current events forum at a date site named "mingle2". Just what sort of woman do you hope to attract w/ potty-mouth? Bulldozer operators? "Get used to it because " 2A
A word to the wise sir. The following is a brief reprise of the rules YOU HAVE ALREADY AGREED TO ABIDE BY: "... if you wish to participate in this forum, discussions must remain civil at ALL times. If you wish to have a reasoned discussion about politics, current events, etc., you may do so, but users who resort to insults or attacks as part of these discussions will be banned without notice. If potty-mouth is more important than your membership here, you're on your own. But posting like that, at a date site is enormously self-defeating. And demonstrating yourself not true to your word is a sure way to scare off what few women might have otherwise considered you. "SUMMARY: Once again, Sen. John McCain faces false allegations " 2A
Thank you. I was cyber-headed for Snopes on it. You've saved me the trouble. There's a standing invitation to ANYone willing to post proof of the character-assassinating allegations against Senator McCain. Perhaps McCain's character assassins are simply envious; that McCain acted heroically, and perhaps they did not. |
Edited by
Thu 05/28/15 08:41 AM
McCain and the POW Cover-up The "war hero" candidate buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam McCain's Catch-22 None of this compelling evidence in the committee's full report dislodged McCain from his contention that the whole POW issue was a concoction by deluded purveyors of a "conspiracy theory. But an honest review of the full report, combined with the other documentary evidence, tells the story of a frustrated and angry president, and his national security advisor, furious at being thwarted at the peace table by a small, much less powerful country that refused to bow to Washington's terms. That President seems to have swallowed hard and accepted a treaty that left probably hundreds of American prisoners in Hanoi's hands, to be used as bargaining chips for reparations. Maybe Nixon and Kissinger told themselves that they could get the prisoners home after some time had passed. But perhaps it proved too hard to undo a lie as big as this one. Washington said no prisoners were left behind, and Hanoi swore it had returned all of them. How could either side later admit it had lied? Time went by and as neither side budged, telling the truth became even more difficult and remote. The public would realize that Washington knew of the abandoned men all along. The truth, after men had been languishing in foul prison cells, could get people impeached or thrown in jail. Which brings us to today, when the Republican candidate for President is the contemporaneous politician most responsible for keeping the truth about his matter hidden. Yet he says he's the right man to be the Commander-in-Chief, and his credibility in making this claim is largely based on his image as a POW hero. On page 468 of the 1,221-page report, McCain parsed his POW position oddly: "We found no compelling evidence to prove that Americans are alive in captivity today. There is some evidence -though no proof -to suggest only the possibility that a few Americans may have been kept behind after the end of America's military involvement in Vietnam." "Evidence though no proof." Clearly, no one could meet McCain's standard of proof as long as he is leading a government crusade to keep the truth buried. |
I've wondered whether a decisive (determinative) faction of the electorate thought Obama-nomics had the economy was on the mend, that it would continue to improve in the next 4 years (it has), and didn't want President Romney to claim the credit for it.
People that jumped into the water before the Titanic sank probably thought they had improved their lives as well.. |
I've wondered whether a decisive (determinative) faction of the electorate thought Obama-nomics had the economy was on the mend, that it would continue to improve in the next 4 years (it has), and didn't want President Romney to claim the credit for it.
People that jumped into the water before the Titanic sank probably thought they had improved their lives as well.. yep,right up to when they felt the icy-cold water! |
LTme diatribe >>> If potty-mouth is more important than your membership here, you're on your own. But posting like that, at a date site is enormously self-defeating. And demonstrating yourself not true to your word is a sure way to scare off what few women might have otherwise considered you. "SUMMARY: Once again, Sen. John McCain faces false allegations " 2A
Thank you. I was cyber-headed for Snopes on it. You've saved me the trouble. There's a standing invitation to ANYone willing to post proof of the character-assassinating allegations against Senator McCain. Perhaps McCain's character assassins are simply envious; that McCain acted heroically, and perhaps they did not. SWEET JESUS --- obtuse be your forte! Not only did you screw up my abbreviation for my 2old2messaround ![]() If the 'MODS' had nothing better to do then run hither an yon among the 'ADULTS' and smack our collective hands/key boards for our choice of words when there is a censor already established for the way vulgar words will be 'ALLOWED' to be typed --- then you clearly haven't EVER POSTED ON A POLITICAL FORUM BEFORE! ![]() It is not for the 'Faint Of Hearts' and I haven't ever asked any one that I've butted heads with to alter their choice wording - EVER! SUCK IT UP BUTTER CUP! ![]() |
I don't know what McCain's standard of proof is. I know what mine is. proof (pr�f) noun
Abbr. prf. The evidence or argument that compels the mind to accept an assertion as true. * There's more to it than that. McCain REALLY wanted to be president. And all he had to do to get the job was to expose Obama as Nigerian born. Yet I saw video of McCain, during the heat of the campaign, with a campaign audience present, one one in the audience accused Obama of being foreign born. McCain interrupted her, and denied it. "No M'am" he said. That is the conduct of an honorable man. And thus the unproved dishonor attributed to him here would if true be the exception, not the rule. And in my experience, honorable people don't do that. We know McCain was tortured, and permanently injured. What proof is there that this torture and injury occurred AFTER this alleged misconduct? C7, On your Titanic point, it's perilous to attribute to a group tens of millions in size, a single motive. The U.S. electorate may be many things; but being an ideological monolith is surely not one of them. But I for one am tired of Democrats being labeled as profligate spenders, and Republicans being labeled good on defense. The most recent U.S. president to have consecutive years of ostensibly (1) balanced budgets was Clinton (D-AR). And as far as Republicans being good on defense, the worst terrorist attack on the U.S. homeland in all history took place during a Republican presidency. Making that worse; Bush (younger) then started an unnecessary War. And you know what the worst of it is? During the 8 years of that Bush administration, UBL killed about 3,000 innocent Americans. Not just a very bad man indeed, but number one on the FBI's ten most wanted list. But during those same 8 years, President Bush killed ~4,500 innocent Americans. Bush killed ~50% more Americans than the most wanted criminal on Earth. * Excerpted from The American Heritage� Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition � 1996 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from INSO Corporation; further reproduction and distribution in accordance with the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved. (1) albeit with fudging Social Security revenues Bush fudged Social Security revenues too; but ran consecutive deficits adding $Trillions to our $federal $debt |
" then you clearly haven't EVER POSTED ON A POLITICAL FORUM BEFORE!" 2A
: ) For many years, as member, as moderator, and as administrator. Evidently my standard of integrity is higher than yours. If I make a commitment, I abide by it. "there is a censor already established for the way vulgar words will be 'ALLOWED' to be typed ---" 2A
Profanity filters can be evaded, as you have already demonstrated. |
" then you clearly haven't EVER POSTED ON A POLITICAL FORUM BEFORE!" 2A
: ) For many years, as member, as moderator, and as administrator. Evidently my standard of integrity is higher than yours. If I make a commitment, I abide by it. "there is a censor already established for the way vulgar words will be 'ALLOWED' to be typed ---" 2A
Profanity filters can be evaded, as you have already demonstrated. wise and some where in there was there an acknowledgment about your ASSumption and error about my profile and your diatribe??? ![]() An apology - something? Hmmmmm ![]() strong your stance for morality and yet when you are WRONG --- you do so in such a GLORIOUS PROFOUND WAY! KUDO's to you! Now that you've allowed your own topic to go far afield how do you plan on reining it back to the subject matter or did you care? ![]() |
So far I'll "Stand with Rand". The reason being that none of the other a$$hats in DC can be trusted to uphold the Constitution and the peoples rights under it. Many spew the rhetoric of caring but their votes do just the opposite. I don't care what their religious principles are, the color of their skin, or whether they claim one party affiliation or the other. What I do care about is whether they uphold their oath of office by actions as well as words, and so far Rand is about the only 2016 contender that falls into that category! Most take the lobbyist money or fall in line with the party to better their position or retain their peer support of the old guard lifers who just don't care any more what the people think as long as the lobbyists keep throwing money at them for their vote on a policy issue or bill. We've had more than enough corruption, lies, and rhetoric coming out of DC, and look what it has gotten us! |
Sojourning_Soul stated >>>
So far I'll "Stand with Rand". The reason being that none of the other a$$hats in DC can be trusted to uphold the Constitution and the peoples rights under it. Many spew the rhetoric of caring but their votes do just the opposite. I don't care what their religious principles are, the color of their skin, or whether they claim one party affiliation or the other. What I do care about is whether they uphold their oath of office by actions as well as words, and so far Rand is about the only 2016 contender that falls into that category! Most take the lobbyist money or fall in line with the party to better their position or retain their peer support of the old guard lifers who just don't care any more what the people think as long as the lobbyists keep throwing money at them for their vote on a policy issue or bill. We've had more than enough corruption, lies, and rhetoric coming out of DC, and look what it has gotten us! On this we squarely and totally AGREE; on the Sen. John McCain reputation and his military service ![]() ![]() Fair enough!!! |
John McCain - The Hanoi Songbird He's made every effort while a sitting senator to thwart the release of documents on Vietnam, its POWs, news reel footage, and the 36 videos he made while a POW in collaboration with the enemy stating the US was targeting schools, hospitals and refugee camps. In all 36 of his propaganda films he claimed the US was guilty of war crimes against humanity. He is a traitor who should NEVER have been glorified in any way! Another Bergdahl..... but he didn't seek out the enemy. What he did was worse! He made propaganda videos, spilled his guts to the enemy about troops, their number and locations, and any other info he was privvy to, then did his best, using his office as a sitting senator, to conceal the evidence of his crimes! Agreed, as bad as people think pres. obama is, I can assure you that McCain would have been exponentially worse. We'd probably be fighting the Russians and Iranians and chinese everyone that obarry has run against would have been worse, IMO... Kerry, by far, the worst of all of them... |