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Topic: scam??
PacificStar48's photo
Wed 05/20/15 11:20 PM
When ever your gut tells you something is flakey error in your own favor and listen. Instinct, or whatever, is telling you this is NOT Cool then it is probably a lot worse than just Not cool.

Making mistakes is a part of life but when you really know better and do it to your self it is imparticularly painful.

You are not a kid and you know most "rules" have reasons. If you have taken the time to read some of the online guidelines, which I recommend highly, you will have a lot better experience and not have to suffer learning things the hard way. It is not to keep you on site longer but make the time you are on site more positively productive. Best thing for the site is you meet someone great and can tell others it happen here. Most here could care less who you pick, if it floats your boat, but enough have been ripped off one way or another and really are being kind when they steer you away from doing something.

I can tell you straight up anyone that jumps right out of the box and is demanding personal information is bad news. Especially someone who is half your age and just far enough away that you are not likely to go check them out in person. Chances are good they are going to have a sob story and or some kind of help that will be in their best interest but not yours. Don' waste your time.

Keep talking to the people who follow the protocol and you will meet the ones worth your time and energy and feelings.

However the mini lesson about why people ask for information that is an easy way to take advantage of you from robbing your place when you are not at home all the way to hacking your computer and really screwing your life up with identity theft. You don't have to have a lot for them to run you way in debt. And some of the scammers on line would have no problem blackmailing you; or teaming up with others to really hurt you. Men are not immune.

Be smart and learn a little about computers from reading on line to taking a continuing education class for free or nearly free through your parks and recreation center. It is not hard to learn how to see just how much info is out there on you and how easy with just a few cues it is easy to mess you up. If you learn what is out there on you then you have the opportunity to correct mistakes and how to get that info on others. Before you shell out a couple hundred or thousand dollars to meet someone it pays to spend 30 minutes and a couple of bucks proving what they told you is true and know what they didn't tell you. That is usually what is really going to curl your toenails.

It may seem devious to use prepaid burner cell phones, have a P.O. Box, or look someone up on any of the numerous sites that offer services for free or near free but if you do not protect yourself then no-one else will.

It won't always tell you everything but reading people's posts here is going to tell you something about them.

People's reputation always proceeds them and if you make true Mingle friends from your match list/forums, male and female, they can tell you just by how they react to them if they are the ones that you want to avoid. Most of us have a long list of people we have blocked so it is likely it is the same scammers that just keep hitting the sites under a slightly different screen name, profile, or maybe phone. Many scammers are cheap so the same phone numbers and scammer boiler rooms keep popping up. Contrary to popular belief a lot of them are right here in your own neighborhood. It is basically and industry. Some of the long term Mingler's have been friends for years and visited at various events and seen a few of the character's in action.

no photo
Wed 05/20/15 11:41 PM

I would rather get her phone number bigsmile

mikey5360's photo
Wed 05/20/15 11:51 PM

went out of my way of giving my skype and email ad. for to me, i can always block them. a guy whom i saw on skype seems to be real but intuitively, after noticing the same shirt he wore the second time on vid call, i purposely asked him to stand up, wave his hand back to me after waving him hello, it's when i got many excuses! funny, it's a pre-recorded video.

Love this....now where is that Skype thread...laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 05/21/15 05:18 PM
If it feels like a scam. It probably is. RUN

Squentostar63's photo
Wed 05/27/15 03:28 PM
Just had one ask me to sent him money, his mom was in hospital

Squentostar63's photo
Wed 05/27/15 03:29 PM
This was on mingle

no photo
Wed 05/27/15 03:32 PM

Really insistent that I give her my email.


It seems kind of pointless to move from email on here...to email somewhere else.

Does she give you any justification for moving from one email to another email?

Do you really want an email relationship if she isn't a scam?

Do you have an internet browser like tor or something that hides your IP address and able to set up a throwaway email account that doesn't require phone verification like at mail.com so it doesn't really matter if you give her your email or not as long as you don't download anything she might send you?

Is her wanting your email address the only indication that she's a scammer? There's nothing like really poor english, or pics that all look kinda iffy, or emails that seem to be kinda crazy to send to a complete stranger, talking about love and deep connections?

How long have you been interacting with her via email?

Why do you even bother asking questions when you never respond to replies?
Why am I asking a question knowing you'll never respond?

no photo
Wed 05/27/15 03:33 PM

This was on mingle

Then report it.

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