Topic: Former Gov Mike Huckabee- Presidential Candidate | |
tomato86 stated >>>
thats the best thing about ron and rand is they dont flip flop, they say what they mean and they mean what they say.i wish ron would have run again but the media screwed him hardcore last time. giving him no coverage while hes miles ahead of other candidates. rand IMO isnt as good as ron, but hes lightyears ahead of all other candidates. Granted and with all the finite issues that the 'SPECIAL INTEREST' groups rear their placards & sign waving banners about; appeasing each and every one of them is walking a fine razors edge! Just this has sent the 'Abortion' crowd into a watch group/hawkeye ready to pounce and jerk their support should he slide any further off their radar! Conservatives Fume Over Rand Paul's Abortion Comments
The Huffington Post|By Laura Bassett Posted:04/25/2014 12:26 pm EDT In a sit-down interview with the likely presidential candidate on Tuesday, Axelrod asked Paul whether he would try to overturn Roe v. Wade and ban abortion outright if he were president. Paul responded that even though he personally believes life begins at conception and that abortion is wrong, the country is too divided on the issue for him to try to ban the procedure entirely. “I think where the country is, is somewhere in the middle, and we are not changing any of the laws until the country is persuaded otherwise,” Paul said. Conservatives were not pleased with his answer. When later in the article 'Perkins lamented with this'>>> Perkins suggested he would have a hard time supporting Paul in a 2016 presidential run unless the senator is willing to stand up for conservative values. "After the failures of [former GOP nominees] John McCain and Mitt Romney, social conservatives are looking for someone who will put a priority on their issues, not just use them as throwaway lines in a stump speech," Perkins wrote.
Campaign aides/speech writers and all within the election process spend a humongous amount of time walking on egg shells as to not tip that boat any further over! Upsetting those conservatives and having them show up at your own GOP rallies is such a thorn in the side of your campaign party! And with so many other GOP that are filing right now --- well, dirty deeds and misdemeanors will be running ramped out there on the campaign trail. I sincerely hope he survives his own party vetting and manages to get the GOP nomination! |
thats why the federal government shouldnt have so many laws. most thing should be left to the states. if you dont like your own states abortion policies, move to a states that you like. thats why the feds should have and are SUPPOSED to have limited power. if you dont people smoking marijuana, move to a state where its illegal. all the federal gov does is complicate matters when they get involved in things they shouldnt be involved in.