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Topic: Dr. Ben Carson- Presidential Candidate
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Mon 05/04/15 04:02 AM
Edited by tomato86 on Mon 05/04/15 04:41 AM

i like carson, but for him to say people in large cities "have no right to own semi automatic weapons" is just ridiculous. were moving closer and closer to tyranny in this country, and he wants to take away semi autos from law abiding citizens just because they live in a city? no chance i would vote for him after he said that. shame too because other than that i like him.

Yep, that is my ONLY issue with the man. Promoting - The anti- gun propaganda , with the 'city theory' that ONLY backwoods, uneducated, hunters have or need or want guns.

Well if we dispute that, & people will, ... because it is a LIE, then fasten your seat belts for the infamous...
" You must be raciest issue ".
A very convenient candidate at a very convenient- turbulent time... think

I have a problem with him claiming homosexuals are pedophiles and no different then NAMBLA. Although I do agree with him on his stance as Marijuana as a serious gateway drug and it should not be made legal.

funny, i have and know many many people who have smoked marijuana for years, and never did i nor any of my friends graduate to hard drugs. the gateway drug "theory" has been disproven over and over again as far as marijuana goes. my father smoked marijuana for 30+ years until he died of cancer, never did he graduate to hard drugs. what has been proven is that ALCOHOL is and will continue to be the biggest gateway drug there is.

and yes if we vote rand paul 9/11 will happen all over again? where do you come up with these claims? because rand thinks government is out of control and actually respects the constitution, 9/11 will happen again. ahah wow

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Mon 05/04/15 04:21 AM

ill be voting for rand, we need more of a libertarian based candidate or its just going to be more of the same. fake politicians with fake promises. u can fit all obamas truths on a sticky note but you would need to write a novel to cover his lies. we dont need any more of that. u can say what u want about rand paul, but he believes in freedom and changing the way washington operates, hes got my vote.

If Rand Paul ever became President we would have another 9/11 all over again and it would be bigger and more devastating and our ability to respond to the attack would be crippled since he like his Loon father wants to get rid of all over seas military basis and cut our military back. He is a F'ing idiot.

We don't need another god damn half term Senator in the White House. The one we have now has damaged this nation almost beyond repair and another one will be the final nail in the coffin.

Ronald Ernest "Ron" Paul (born August 20, 1935) is an American physician, author, and former Republican congressman, two-time Republican presidential candidate, and the presidential nominee of the Libertarian Party in the 1988 U.S. presidential election.

Paul served as the U.S. Representative for Texas' 14th and 22nd congressional districts. He represented the 22nd congressional district from 1976 to 1977 and from 1979 to 1985, and then represented the 14th congressional district, which included Galveston, from 1997 to 2013. On three occasions, he sought the presidency of the United States: as the Libertarian Party nominee in 1988 and as a candidate in the Republican primaries of 2008 and 2012. Paul is a critic of the federal government's fiscal policies, especially the existence of the Federal Reserve, the tax policy, the military–industrial complex, and the War on Drugs. Paul was the first chairman of the conservative PAC Citizens for a Sound Economy[2] and has been characterized as the "intellectual godfather" of the Tea Party movement.[3][4]

A native of the Pittsburgh suburb of Green Tree, Pennsylvania, Paul is a graduate of Gettysburg College and the Duke University School of Medicine, where he earned his medical degree. He served as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force from 1963 to 1968. He worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist from the 1960s to the 1980s.[5] He became the first Representative in history to serve concurrently with a son or daughter in the Senate when his son, Rand Paul, was elected to the U.S. Senate from Kentucky in 2010.[6]

Paul is a Senior Fellow of the Mises Institute,[7] and has been an active writer, publishing on the topics of political and economic theory, as well as publicizing the ideas of economists of the Austrian School such as Murray Rothbard and Ludwig von Mises during his political campaigns. Paul has written many books on Austrian economics and classical liberal philosophy, beginning with The Case for Gold (1982) and including A Foreign Policy of Freedom (2007), Pillars of Prosperity (2008), The Revolution: A Manifesto (2008), End the Fed (2009) and Liberty Defined (2011).

On July 12, 2011, Paul announced that he would forgo seeking another term in Congress in order to focus on his presidential bid.[8] On May 14, 2012, Paul announced that he would not be competing in any other presidential primaries but that he would still compete for delegates in states where the primary elections have already been held.[9] At the 2012 Republican National Convention, Paul received 190 delegate votes. In January 2013, Paul retired from Congress but still remains active on college campuses, giving speeches promoting his libertarian vision.[10][11]

wow if thats not a loon, i dont know what is. you have absolutely no right to call ron a loon. his history speaks for itself. he was the only congressman who didnt flip flop his views when it was convenient to do so. whatever he said he was for, he voted for. whatever he was against, he voted against, EVERYTIME. so where do you get off calling Dr./author/multiple term congressman ron paul names?

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Mon 05/04/15 05:34 AM
Edited by tomato86 on Mon 05/04/15 05:36 AM
oops i meant Dr./author/veteran/multiple term congressman ^^^^

either way this thread is about carson and not rand/ron paul so lets just stick to talking about ben carson.

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