Topic: handcuffed woman shot by cops | |
Well... if there are any weapons left & if Government Domain isn't an override. And the Patriot act was NEVER abolished, just suspended.
I don't think, OUR OLD ORIGINAL Constitution & Bill of Rights is going to matter to anyone pointing a gun at us. Hell the ' original' has changed& taken away so much already. |
![]() ![]() Make me the handcuffed woman that you get to... ummmm, shoot. ![]() |
I'm not discounting, or questioning what anybody has posted... A large military presence... Some of us, grew up in military families. Grew up on, or very near military bases, posts, forts, camps, stations. My point? A large military build up, or "presence", simply doesn't phase us. It may pique curiosity though. Civilian clothes... Many of the states listed, also have " stand your ground" laws in place. An armed "civilian", crossing onto someone else's land, especially after dark, is very much putting their own life in danger. From a current legal standpoint, in this area, home occupants can legally 'shoot to kill', an armed trespasser. yupp, here in PA we have stand your ground law and castle doctrine. any blue helmets or other unfamiliar helmets come my way i will defend myself and my property. When the time comes that you feel the need to 'go to ground', to hide out and survive, to fight. Please tell me, that you were bright enough to cache your survival gear and weapons in several different locations? If you have but one hide out, and its discovered, you've lost everything. Multiple caches, improve your odds of survival. |
Well... if there are any weapons left & if Government Domain isn't an override. And the Patriot act was NEVER abolished, just suspended. I don't think, OUR OLD ORIGINAL Constitution & Bill of Rights is going to matter to anyone pointing a gun at us. Hell the ' original' has changed& taken away so much already. Our constitution means nothing to the u.n.. On another note... Both, the soviet union and Chinese governments have claimed, they could take the u.s., without firing a single shot. Putin, former head of the KGB... President obonzo has been suckin' Putin's @ss pretty hard. |
![]() ![]() Make me the handcuffed woman that you get to... ummmm, shoot. ![]() hahaha sounds about right. |
![]() ![]() Make me the handcuffed woman that you get to... ummmm, shoot. ![]() hahaha sounds about right. Kiss kiss bang bang, Sheriff. ![]() |
I'm not discounting, or questioning what anybody has posted... A large military presence... Some of us, grew up in military families. Grew up on, or very near military bases, posts, forts, camps, stations. My point? A large military build up, or "presence", simply doesn't phase us. It may pique curiosity though. Civilian clothes... Many of the states listed, also have " stand your ground" laws in place. An armed "civilian", crossing onto someone else's land, especially after dark, is very much putting their own life in danger. From a current legal standpoint, in this area, home occupants can legally 'shoot to kill', an armed trespasser. yupp, here in PA we have stand your ground law and castle doctrine. any blue helmets or other unfamiliar helmets come my way i will defend myself and my property. When the time comes that you feel the need to 'go to ground', to hide out and survive, to fight. Please tell me, that you were bright enough to cache your survival gear and weapons in several different locations? If you have but one hide out, and its discovered, you've lost everything. Multiple caches, improve your odds of survival. as of right now i have 1 bag packed in my home and 1 other bag stashed out in the sticks a short distance from my home. not super close to my house not crazy far either tho. |
![]() ![]() Make me the handcuffed woman that you get to... ummmm, shoot. ![]() hahaha sounds about right. Kiss kiss bang bang, Sheriff. ![]() hahah |
phuck the U.N., they been trying to get our guns for the longest time. they will get mine only after i stop breathing. they want to disarm everyone for a "peaceful world" yet their soldiers are running around raping people.
United Nations “peacekeeping” troops deployed on a UN “peace” mission in the Central African Republic were systematically raping and sexually exploiting starving young children, according to a leaked internal report that the global organization was seeking to conceal. Because UN leadership failed to take action against their soldiers’ widespread sexual abuse of children — some of whom were less than 10 years old — an aid worker with the organization in the war-torn African nation handed the document to French authorities. As has become the norm when UN military forces are exposed raping, abusing, and murderingthe populations they are ostensibly supposed to “protect,” the UN responded to the leak by suspending the whistleblower from his post and trying to cover it all up rather than dealing with the savagery. On April 29, though, despite the ham-handed effort to quash the news, the explosive UN report documenting the organization’s crimes was making headlines around the world after first being reported by the U.K. Guardian. According to the British newspaper, which cited sources close to the case and other information, the whistleblower who first alerted French authorities about the problem was Anders Kompass. The Geneva-based director of field operations for UN programs, a Swede working in humanitarian missions for three decades, was reportedly suspended from his post and is now being investigated by the UN Office for Internal Oversight Service (OIOS). He could be fired for leaking the material, and the official inquiry of his case is “severely restricted,” according to reports. The Guardian also reportedly obtained a copy of the internal report from the Obama-backed MINUSCA mission in the African nation. Entitled “Sexual Abuse on Children by International Armed Forces,” every page of the document was stamped “Confidential.” According to media reports, the investigation documented “rape and sodomy” of “starving and homeless young boys” by UN troops from France. Some of the victims interviewed for the report were as young as nine years old. The abuse documented in the investigation reportedly took place at a UN-run center for internally displaced people in the Central African Republic’s (CAR) capital city Bangui, which has suffered from years of war as Islamist militants sought to take over the nation. Top UN officials, including the self-styled “High Commissioner for Human Rights,” are fully aware of the grotesque crimes and the retaliation against the man who exposed them. Interviews with the child victims raped and abused by UN troops were conducted last year by various bureaucrats from different agencies, according to news reports. “The children identified represent just a snapshot of the numbers potentially being abused,” reported Sandra Laville at the Guardian on April 29. “The boys, some of whom were orphans, disclosed sexual exploitation, including rape and sodomy,… at M’Poko airport in Bangui. The children described how they were sexually exploited in return for food and money.” |
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![]() hahahaha great pic, couldnt be more true. |
Edited by
Sat 05/02/15 12:24 PM
Those damn big bad cops should have stood there and gotten shot
![]() What kills me is some would rather complain about cops when I posted a topic about good cops and they go silent. Things that make you go hmmmm |
Those damn big bad cops should have stood there and gotten shot ![]() What kills me is some would rather complain about cops when I posted a topic about good cops and they go silent. Things that make you go hmmmm nobody said 100% of cops are bad, but even if its 10% its way too much. cops have the ability to ruin peoples lives through false arrests, drug planting etc. they murder people, everyday. beat people, everyday. this has been a huge problem in this country and other countries for a long time. its because we all have cameras on our phones that its finally coming to light. notice how these videos of "good cops" only seem to surface when a bunch of other cops get caught doing bad things. |
Edited by
Sat 05/02/15 12:40 PM
Those damn big bad cops should have stood there and gotten shot ![]() What kills me is some would rather complain about cops when I posted a topic about good cops and they go silent. Things that make you go hmmmm nobody said 100% of cops are bad, but even if its 10% its way too much. cops have the ability to ruin peoples lives through false arrests, drug planting etc. they murder people, everyday. beat people, everyday. this has been a huge problem in this country and other countries for a long time. its because we all have cameras on our phones that its finally coming to light. notice how these videos of "good cops" only seem to surface when a bunch of other cops get caught doing bad things. Of course they do. Just like tge criminals out there. Seems people (even media) focuses on the small percent while ignoring the good ones. That's why I posted my topic. Very sad. I stand behind the blue because it's better than the thugs. Blame the media. There are good cops doing goid every day but people want to focus on the bad Shame |
Look at these riots. Good cops doing theit jobs are being injured by these thugs. A few bad cops give the good ones a bad name and makes thwir jobs more dangerous. Would you do their job? I doubt it.
Even this story. A woman that almost killed a cop once fited on cops a 2nd time but the cops are bad? They shpuld have taken the bullets huh? |
Those damn big bad cops should have stood there and gotten shot ![]() What kills me is some would rather complain about cops when I posted a topic about good cops and they go silent. Things that make you go hmmmm nobody said 100% of cops are bad, but even if its 10% its way too much. cops have the ability to ruin peoples lives through false arrests, drug planting etc. they murder people, everyday. beat people, everyday. this has been a huge problem in this country and other countries for a long time. its because we all have cameras on our phones that its finally coming to light. notice how these videos of "good cops" only seem to surface when a bunch of other cops get caught doing bad things. Of course they do. Just like tge criminals out there. Seems people (even media) focuses on the small percent while ignoring the good ones. That's why I posted my topic. Very sad. I stand behind the blue because it's better than the thugs. Blame the media. There are good cops doing goid every day but people want to focus on the bad Shame the cops are the thugs, and the media just keeps trying to make it a race issue. go on youtube and type in police brutality, theres enough videos to watch for days. if its sucha small percentage of cops doing this it wouldnt happen every day. sure theres some good cops but theres alot of bad ones too. screw the cops they deserve what they get. (bad ones of course) |
Those damn big bad cops should have stood there and gotten shot ![]() What kills me is some would rather complain about cops when I posted a topic about good cops and they go silent. Things that make you go hmmmm nobody said 100% of cops are bad, but even if its 10% its way too much. cops have the ability to ruin peoples lives through false arrests, drug planting etc. they murder people, everyday. beat people, everyday. this has been a huge problem in this country and other countries for a long time. its because we all have cameras on our phones that its finally coming to light. notice how these videos of "good cops" only seem to surface when a bunch of other cops get caught doing bad things. Of course they do. Just like tge criminals out there. Seems people (even media) focuses on the small percent while ignoring the good ones. That's why I posted my topic. Very sad. I stand behind the blue because it's better than the thugs. Blame the media. There are good cops doing goid every day but people want to focus on the bad Shame the cops are the thugs, and the media just keeps trying to make it a race issue. go on youtube and type in police brutality, theres enough videos to watch for days. if its sucha small percentage of cops doing this it wouldnt happen every day. sure theres some good cops but theres alot of bad ones too. screw the cops they deserve what they get. (bad ones of course) A small percent are thugs! The others are good trying to bust thugs! The media portrays the bad because the public wants that. Not the good. These posts bashing cops are the reason I made mine that not many people bothered with because it's more fun to bash |
Those damn big bad cops should have stood there and gotten shot ![]() What kills me is some would rather complain about cops when I posted a topic about good cops and they go silent. Things that make you go hmmmm nobody said 100% of cops are bad, but even if its 10% its way too much. cops have the ability to ruin peoples lives through false arrests, drug planting etc. they murder people, everyday. beat people, everyday. this has been a huge problem in this country and other countries for a long time. its because we all have cameras on our phones that its finally coming to light. notice how these videos of "good cops" only seem to surface when a bunch of other cops get caught doing bad things. Of course they do. Just like tge criminals out there. Seems people (even media) focuses on the small percent while ignoring the good ones. That's why I posted my topic. Very sad. I stand behind the blue because it's better than the thugs. Blame the media. There are good cops doing goid every day but people want to focus on the bad Shame the cops are the thugs, and the media just keeps trying to make it a race issue. go on youtube and type in police brutality, theres enough videos to watch for days. if its sucha small percentage of cops doing this it wouldnt happen every day. sure theres some good cops but theres alot of bad ones too. screw the cops they deserve what they get. (bad ones of course) A small percent are thugs! The others are good trying to bust thugs! The media portrays the bad because the public wants that. Not the good. These posts bashing cops are the reason I made mine that not many people bothered with because it's more fun to bash thats because cops doing good things is the way its supposed to be, so theyre not going to get any special recognition for doing good things. because theyre supposed to be doing good things to begin with. |
Edited by
Sat 05/02/15 01:13 PM
Doing good isn't special? Wtf! Many cops go above and beyond! I don't see you or any other basher doing that. Yes they have a job. My steo dad and friends picked that job because they are good people and care!
Sorry but that is more outstanding. Just like my dad that died active duty in the military. No they aren't looking for a pat on the back but doesn't mean others shouldn't appreciate them! And sure as hell doesn't mean their lives should be extra in danger for the few bad ones that people capitalize on and the thugs out there! And you don't see how twisted it is? |
Edited by
Sat 05/02/15 01:16 PM
I will never say all of something is good or bad. I can separate them. But I will back the blue vs the criminals
I would love to see the bashers try to do the job. They would go home crying to mom |