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Topic: what would u do if u found the person above u in your bed - part 7
vencedore's photo
Sun 06/07/15 09:30 PM
Commmonnnn what day is it. You can say it. Come. On come. On.


Ddddaaayyyy:laughing: :laughing:

Annierooroo's photo
Sun 06/07/15 09:31 PM
Try not stay awake from their snoring

no photo
Sun 06/07/15 09:31 PM
Edited by realcarebear on Sun 06/07/15 09:32 PM
My snoring wakes me up too....

no photo
Sun 06/07/15 09:32 PM

Commmonnnn what day is it. You can say it. Come. On come. On.


Ddddaaayyyy:laughing: :laughing:

Hump day is Wednesday......today is Sunday.......silly man

regularfeller's photo
Sun 06/07/15 09:45 PM
:banana: count my blessings!

vencedore's photo
Sun 06/07/15 09:47 PM
Doooggss calendar silly lady. Thought you knew that.tongue2

regularfeller's photo
Sun 06/07/15 09:49 PM
Be confused...very confused!

no photo
Sun 06/07/15 09:59 PM
Give him a clue so he's not confused.....

regularfeller's photo
Sun 06/07/15 10:08 PM
Stare at her in wonder and awe

mcarr91's photo
Sun 06/07/15 10:09 PM
check under the sheets to be sure.

regularfeller's photo
Sun 06/07/15 10:11 PM
blushing shucks, what you peeking at lil ol me for?


mcarr91's photo
Sun 06/07/15 10:13 PM
well you here all these stories...laugh

regularfeller's photo
Sun 06/07/15 10:16 PM

well you here all these stories...laugh


2469nascar's photo
Sun 06/07/15 10:22 PM
just smile at blondie,,hoping we did moor then sleep,,lol

regularfeller's photo
Sun 06/07/15 10:27 PM
Sleep on the couch. He's a swell feller but i ain't a spoonin' with him.

How YOU doin, Blondie?


vencedore's photo
Sun 06/07/15 10:28 PM
Wow..i was getting a little happy there until I read cheeky smile..flowers biggrin

2469nascar's photo
Sun 06/07/15 10:32 PM

Flashes NASCAR a cheeky smile and winks .. Hi gorgeous :-)
hey beautiful,been awile,,

dreamerana's photo
Mon 06/08/15 12:52 AM
woo hoo enjoy the company

regularfeller's photo
Mon 06/08/15 04:47 AM
nudge her and tell her that guy from the party is on the phone

Annierooroo's photo
Mon 06/08/15 04:59 AM
Wake him up because a girl is asking for him. Ok bro i get the message. I will sleep on the couch

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