Topic: deadly force? | |
milwaukee county sheriff david clarke says cops should be able to use deadly force for protestors throwing rocks. why the hell not they use deadly force for alot less. you gotta be kidding me, shoot someone for throwing rocks? and the cops wonder why people cant stand them! people should be arrested for burning buildings and throwing rocks no doubt, but to say they should be able to open fire on people for throwing rocks is just ridiculous IMO. he referred to the protesters as lawless thugs, hmmmm those 2 words kind of make me think of someone else, maybe THE COPS! IF THE PIGGYS WERENT MURDERING PEOPLE ON A DAILY BASIS NONE OF THESE RIOTS WOULD BE HAPPENING!
Edited by
Tue 04/28/15 07:21 AM
My words from a different topic seem to apply to a bunch of posts here.
Don't you all see what's happening here? We are being set up for a police state. The abuse of power escalates deliberately --> setting up the people to fight back --> the power abusers cry that they need to beef up their control --> police state. The game works and we play right into their hands. Psychological warfare. Men, people are really stupid sheep. The powerful have us exactly where they want us, hanging by the b a lls. The masses are so easy to manipulate and control. We think we are one up on them. It's the other way around. They are always 2 steps ahead of us and sinisterly laughing their heads off. Depressing. I will also add that we need to find a clever way of fighting back besides peaceful protests. The higher ups are testing us and messing with us right now. And violent protests only make us play into their hands so not the way to go. |
My words from a different topic seem to apply to a bunch of posts here. Don't you all see what's happening here? We are being set up for a police state. The abuse of power escalates deliberately --> setting up the people to fight back --> the power abusers cry that they need to beef up their control --> police state. The game works and we play right into their hands. Psychological warfare. Men, people are really stupid sheep. The powerful have us exactly where they want us, hanging by the b a lls. The masses are so easy to manipulate and control. We think we are one up on them. It's the other way around. They are always 2 steps ahead of us and sinisterly laughing their heads off. Depressing. I will also add that we need to find a clever way of fighting back besides peaceful protests. The higher ups are testing us and messing with us right now. And violent protests only make us play into their hands so not the way to go. dont forget though, the government sends agents in to deliberately start violence. they have done it many times. |
Yes, so are we doomed to a police state? We need to find a mastermind who can beat the corrupt powers at their own game, like Neo. Lol
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![]() hahah nice pic... its getting scary though that theyre talking about using deadly force against people throwing rocks and looting, whatever happened to a cop having to fear for their life to use deadly force. these guys are in full riot gear and theyre afraid for their life from someone throwing rocks at them? theyre setting us up for something, i dont know what but it feels like we're being set up. if these protesters had any balls, they would start using deadly force against the police. the police are the ones that started this by them killing people day after day after day, and it gets ruled justified when everyone knows it wasnt justified. |
We are doomed, my man. Time to build that underground shelter. Did Tom Cruise have it right all along?
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We are doomed, my man. Time to build that underground shelter. Did Tom Cruise have it right all along? ![]() tom cruise? what movie are you referring to? but yea we are in for some $hitty times in the future. im glad im atleast somewhat prepared if **** was to hit the fan. scary though, if they want to be able to use deadly force for people throwing rocks at them, where does the line get drawn? i thought a cop had to be in fear of their life to use deadly force, how in full riot gear are you in fear of your life from someone throwing rocks at you>? |
It's just another way to take power away from the people, like the way our constitutional rights have been under attack.
Tom Cruise reportedly built an underground shelter and was ridiculed for it. Who's laughing now, hey? |
It's just another way to take power away from the people, like the way our constitutional rights have been under attack. Tom Cruise reportedly built an underground shelter and was ridiculed for it. Who's laughing now, hey? smart of him, if i had the money i would definitely do the same. $h!t is gettin crazy. |
Edited by
Tue 04/28/15 09:33 AM
tomato86 stated >>>
milwaukee county sheriff david clarke says cops should be able to use deadly force for protestors throwing rocks. why the hell not they use deadly force for alot less. you gotta be kidding me, shoot someone for throwing rocks? and the cops wonder why people cant stand them! people should be arrested for burning buildings and throwing rocks no doubt, but to say they should be able to open fire on people for throwing rocks is just ridiculous IMO. he referred to the protesters as lawless thugs, hmmmm those 2 words kind of make me think of someone else, maybe THE COPS! IF THE PIGGYS WERENT MURDERING PEOPLE ON A DAILY BASIS NONE OF THESE RIOTS WOULD BE HAPPENING! I understand your angst and yet it's perplexing to me how this grinds your teeth and the topic about that egotistical Maricopa Sheriff left you with no problem ![]() As of June, 2014, costs to Maricopa County taxpayers related to Arpaio's and Thomas's failed corruption investigations exceeded $45 million, not including staff time! I know - I know...I'm your mothers age and that maybe be my 'disconnect' in following your thought process; but seriously as a tax payer all it takes is one over bearing department being allowed to get away with abuse: physical/mental/financial/racial and then the problem escalate and the entire neighborhood and community suffers! IMHO --- many of these incidents became serious issues when Richard Nixon
Although Nixon declared the War on Drugs public enemy number one in 1971, the policies that his administration implemented as part of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 were a continuation of drug prohibition policies in the U.S., which started in 1914. And the National Guard Army start parting out military equipment that was to be retired from combat to the local police & sheriff departments just for that exact purpose --- 'The War On Drugs' became the new 'War On Our Communities' and we the people that were still operating under the assumption that they were there to 'Protect & Serve' were never told any different ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 04/28/15 10:41 AM
It's just another way to take power away from the people, like the way our constitutional rights have been under attack. Tom Cruise reportedly built an underground shelter and was ridiculed for it. Who's laughing now, hey? smart of him, if i had the money i would definitely do the same. $h!t is gettin crazy. I have "stashes" because other than taking cover from any initial "event" (natural disaster not necessarily included) I would rather be mobile than pinned down. Then too, I don't have a family unit to consider. There are advantages to both, but someone will always seek to obtain what they don't have, and shelters do mean supplies, therefore, targets. In chaos it is also hard to know who you can trust. Just look at the riots over simple shite that really effects nobody but the families of the victims. Fear triggers actions in people that many wouldn't consider under normal circumstances If you were ever in a war zone you would understand my point. Rules, laws, morals and ethics take a back seat to survival. Riots are child's play in a true catastrophe of life and death. The "greater good" becomes survival of the fittest A real enemy doesn't have to defeat our armies, just take down our power grid and we will do ourselves in! They want to take away our guns, but what will you do when there is no electricity, no phone, no gasoline, no stores, no 911..... throw a law book at them? Will police be protecting you or worrying for their own family's safety? How many could face an armed attacker with only a knife or club and hope to survive? Just points to consider whether there is a chance of it happening or not. A wise person always plans for the unexpected |
Brilliant comment about the power grid, Sojourning. I was thinking about posting that but you beat me to it. That is another weapon that can be used against us: no electricity, no running water, no ability to transport food. People would die within days. We are living in a matrix. The higher ups also control the monetary system so they are able cripple the masses with debt and overwork, not to mention the fiat monetary system where our currency is worthless. Gold and silver and precious metals are king. We are under their control already in so many ways. We are still slaves. From slaves to peasants to field workers to office workers to slaves. Nothing has really changed, only evolved. The best solution is to buy your own island. You will need running water and electricity. All that adds up. So only the rich survive in the end. The rest of us are collateral damage. I don't know if I would want to live in a post-apocalyptic world, like Mad Max, anyway. I hope when the world explodes, I just die quickly and painlessly.
The ones who will survive once the axe comes down will be the super rich, the tribal colonies and the Amish, who are all self-sufficient and don't rely on governments for their survival. I even heard about the Amish getting hassled by the government because they felt threatened by the independence of the Amish community. Also, I believe the roaches will survive. They always seem to. And the old man in the woods. I subscribed to a bunch of newsletters about world events and survival but there were a lot of fearmongering articles in them. They also kept advertising survival kits and personal generators at steep prices to turn a profit by preying on people's fear so that turned me off. But I learned a lot about world events. I also received a bunch of e-mails from people about the true state of the world. That is where I gained my knowledge about these matters. |
Tom Cruise isn't the only one doing that.
Family says, Milw is getting way outta hand. Having police in our background, this is ridiculous....the police state. The military Power Grid, will STAY UP! That has already been secured. It is the public's elec power grid that will go down. Get out of the cities. |
We are also forced to rely on technology for everything. This is another deliberate attempt by the higher powers to control us, besides spying on us. Once our cell phone batteries run out, for example, we are pretty much helpless because we have been programmed to rely on technology for all our needs. We will have no communication, no goods, no services. Then what will we do? We have no survival skills. That is why I bought the survival guidebook, just in case. It explains about potable water, water purification, edible plants, all types of survival skills. I think everyone should have a copy. It may seem ridiculous now but you never know. Better safe than sorry.
be shooting people like zombies....
Gun control is another deliberate attempt to control the masses. If we have guns, we can fight back against the system. The government sees this as a threat. The Texans and the Irish are the smartest people ever. I always see them in the news fighting the government. They know what's going down. Brilliant, brilliant people. They are tough too.
not sure I have a real problem with it. protestors throwing rocks are committing a physical assault & endangerment
Not too many woods to hide in or underground in TX...member Wacko?