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Topic: Opinions of this site
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Sun 04/26/15 09:41 PM
i'll book the bagpipes.

no photo
Sun 04/26/15 09:43 PM
There goes our Creamy White Goddess. sad

no1phD's photo
Sun 04/26/15 09:47 PM

At the rate I'm going, most likely.
Oh fear not I will not let you. fall into the. molten hot chasm below..
hold tight my.. wait a minute..
What's that Mommy Dearest..
you have cookies and milk...ok

.hmm.. you're on your own I have to go..lol

no photo
Sun 04/26/15 09:52 PM
My hero ohwell

Mon 04/27/15 08:25 AM
D_U_B stated >>>
2 old...yes. yes they are. googler of the evening award to you.

red...almost. partly, but not quite. thanks for playin. tongue2

No...just happen to have an aunt & uncle that live out there! Visited once when I was in high school --- rang an old memory for me!

no photo
Mon 04/27/15 08:47 AM
well, I did just google it further so i'll reclaim my trophy and keep it for meself. :P

the late great william claude dukenfield just happened to like the sound of certain names and phrases and so, oft repeated them for the enjoyment of others.

'run for the grampian hills' was one such phrase.

being that he was once listed among the worlds greatest entertainers and better known as w.c. fields, the phrase lived on until it found me some years ago.

i don't believe he ever needed to be in a setting where the phrase was actually practical to utter it for it to escape his lips... it just conveyed a thought easily understood by those that heard it; which is how i like to borrow and use it as well.
to me the idea of fleeing to the grampian hills is a humorous notion applicable to any situation or locality one may have use of it.

coincidentally, as i discovered moments ago when refreshing my memory, i actually have been in the grampian hills of oregon and i can say that i found them to hold some of the most breathtaking sites i've ever seen.

no photo
Mon 04/27/15 08:50 AM
Is this like over the hills and far away?

no photo
Mon 04/27/15 08:50 AM
Run Forrest, Run!

no photo
Mon 04/27/15 09:01 AM
well, kinda like this but far more spectacular than you can see in this tiny pic, or in real life.

i highly reccommend seeing it for oneself, but until you can, get on the biggest screen you can find and google some larger images of crater lake.

oh, and have a nice safe landing place for your jaw for when it drops. you're gonna need it.

TMommy's photo
Mon 04/27/15 09:57 AM

At the rate I'm going, most likely.
Oh fear not I will not let you. fall into the. molten hot chasm below..
hold tight my.. wait a minute..
What's that Mommy Dearest..
you have cookies and milk...ok

.hmm.. you're on your own I have to go..lol
not sure you deserve cookies and milk grumble

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