Topic: Throw a random object at the person above you [GAME] | |
Toss her a jelly bean.
A Frisby
A beach ball
Party favors from my birthday party 🥳
A bottle of her favorite wine
I’ll be sure to catch it!
A water balloon |
A llama (using a catapult) don't worry llama safety is our greatest concern, it gets a category five helmet and full body poly carbon protective gear. The llama will be safe, the person... well, that's what insure is for folks XD
100 marshmallows sling shot to your head! |
Nickelodeon slime
I throw the internet at you. |
Bubble wrap
Fishing pole
A Key Lime pie
a snowmobile...
Diet Coke
A voucher for a massage
I’ll throw you another and we can go together
Marshmallow peeps, the pink ones |
Some popcorn to go with the marshmallow peeps