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Topic: If Your House Caught Fire
SitkaRains's photo
Thu 04/23/15 02:00 PM

you got it rains for me that stuff is all in the clothes i was wearing last night.

well Mr. Eric... I dont' carry all that stuff with me. I would have to stop and grab it on my way out the door and let the rest burn down...

Rock's photo
Thu 04/23/15 02:04 PM

Hell! If my house caught fire,
I'd be out in my yard,

We don't need no water,
let the mutha****** burn .


Its insured.

Awatersign's photo
Thu 04/23/15 02:23 PM


Hell! If my house caught fire,
I'd be out in my yard,

We don't need no water,
let the mutha****** burn .


Its insured.
rofl drinks

CallMeMB's photo
Thu 04/23/15 02:31 PM
My purse, cell and my Jericho 941

Awatersign's photo
Thu 04/23/15 02:40 PM

My purse, cell and my Jericho 941
The same with the cell,I honesty don't even chit without it!:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

no photo
Thu 04/23/15 02:55 PM
Edited by WonderWoman48 on Thu 04/23/15 02:57 PM
My sex doll, Justin.

lynnleeds's photo
Thu 04/23/15 02:56 PM

no photo
Thu 04/23/15 03:15 PM
If my house caught on fire, I would be sure to drag back inside the stalker who lit the fire. bigsmile

no photo
Fri 04/24/15 02:25 AM

My dog, myself and my purse and what ever else I could grab on the way out...

that must be a valuable purse.
i'magonna steal it. :angel:

no photo
Fri 04/24/15 04:06 AM

what would be the one thing you would rescue and take with u before the place went down?


no photo
Fri 04/24/15 04:41 AM

^^I was thinking the same thing...if I have enough time.

But my dog comes first.

no photo
Fri 04/24/15 05:07 AM

It may sound silly to some since He was cremated....Late Hubbys urn and the pics :heart:

I think that is one of the nicest things I ever heard

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