Topic: The Printer, it's Working | |
They are cranking back the Printer
![]() The Bank of Japan and the US Federal Reserve is printing money’ to cut the cost of credit and stimulate demand, says Christine Lagarde, the French Lady in Washington |
dear members,
Now before you pat yourself on the back and say ‘phew’, this is what happened in India. Yes, IMF is the world’s biggest lender, but the money comes with ‘strings attached’. Last time we borrowed in the seventies; IMF insisted we devalue the rupee; heavily. The Rupee to Dollar which was at around 30 shifted to 50 plus. We never recovered after that. This is not an isolated case “Through loans, often to governments whose constituents suffer the most under the global economy, and "structural adjustment" policies, the World Bank (WB) International Monetary Fund (IMF) has kept most nations of the global south in poverty”. Now they are doing it right in your back yard. Man buy those homes; prices are just going to shoot through the roof. |
They are cranking back the Printer ![]() The Bank of Japan and the US Federal Reserve is printing money’ to cut the cost of credit and stimulate demand, says Christine Lagarde, the French Lady in Washington damn she Ugly! ![]() |
Understand what you mean.
Never marry an accountant. ![]() |
Yai lets go print some counterfeit money & use it in Mexico
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Yai lets go print some counterfeit money & use it in Mexico ![]() ![]() lol, the bells and alarms are going off at the NSA now.... ![]() ![]() |
you keep useing the word we, as in the USA, but your not from the US, not sure how to take your last to threads,,liking us or not,,hmmm either way, carry on,
dear members, Now before you pat yourself on the back and say ‘phew’, this is what happened in India. Yes, IMF is the world’s biggest lender, but the money comes with ‘strings attached’. Last time we borrowed in the seventies; IMF insisted we devalue the rupee; heavily. The Rupee to Dollar which was at around 30 shifted to 50 plus. We never recovered after that. This is not an isolated case “Through loans, often to governments whose constituents suffer the most under the global economy, and "structural adjustment" policies, the World Bank (WB) International Monetary Fund (IMF) has kept most nations of the global south in poverty”. Now they are doing it right in your back yard. Man buy those homes; prices are just going to shoot through the roof. This really makes zero sense. The US is the largest contributor to the IMF. We are not going to be loaned money by the IMF. And as far as being in our backyard they are headquartered in Washington DC.. The last time I was in India there were open trash piles the size of mountains. Bangalore is a phucking disgrace. I suggest you spend your time cleaning up your own backyard...LITERALLY.. |
The IMF is being replaced by the Bank of China... less strings attached.
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Edited by
Sat 04/18/15 06:25 AM
This really makes zero sense. The US is the largest contributor to the IMF. We are not going to be loaned money by the IMF. And as far as being in our backyard they are headquartered in Washington DC.. The last time I was in India there were open trash piles the size of mountains. Bangalore is a phucking disgrace. I suggest you spend your time cleaning up your own backyard...LITERALLY.. You say two things & both are legitimate points. At the risk of being called a fundamentalist I’ll clarify my stand on part 1. Part I Financial Institutions the world over have same objectives. The Great Depression: Was it not the banks taking over? How do I know? We had John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath in our Indian School. The Sub-Prime: Wall Street. There is no other street in the world that could have reshaped the economy. Should I not talk about it? We have Goldman Sachs underwriter for some of the biggest industries owned by the Indian government now going public. Why? Because our governments has more faith in the American system and the American management expertise than on our own. Moreover we can’t stand watching one of our own banks take on the job; our DNA and internal politics stalemates any such moves. IMF? It is a bank and nothing is free. I’ve already explained how the Rupee was devalued to get the loan It’s quite serious here. Quite recently, the WTO wanted us to open up our agro to foreign imports. We have a 120 billion population of whom 80% are in farming; mostly marginal land holders. We also have the highest suicide rate among farmers in the world. Yet, the West was prepared to apply a trade embargo unless we agreed to allow American / Ukrainian grain into India. On the other hand, our own farmers are hurting us with pesticides / getting hurt with grain damaged without pesticides; so we experimenting with Monsanto; hoping the suicide rate will come down. Permit me to point out that in today’s world, a bank does not care for nationalities. Whether an American Bank or Indian or European. They survive by their books of accounts and their survival is the first priority of any government. Why? Because Banks print money. And the lady has cleverly endorsed this act of the Japanese and the US governments before the media catches on. She has visited India & China (her assistant did) to confirm to us that she will boost the on going GDP growth rates with dollar inflow. That’s fine. But where does the maximum dollar circulate? What happens then? May be you guys will get your raise. Similar thing happened in Germany before the Nazis took over. So this was what I was pointing at. Printing money for the short term ok. But when you have two of the worlds largest economic powers do so; it’s a heist. Ultimately the Japanese people will survive because they maintain savings as part of life. But for the large spending American; it could be a major shift in lifestyle. May be I’m wrong, but quite willing to learn. Please, someone explain where? Regarding the garbage pileup in Bangalore; we still don't have a system that makes a pile of money out of garbage, though some changes are on the horizon. you keep useing the word we, as in the USA, but your not from the US, not sure how to take your last to threads,,liking us or not,,hmmm either way, carry on, I guess, a few members are asking similar questions. Reminds me what the Korean engineer said to us subcontractors in a power plant. “You are either with us or you are the enemy”. Huh? Maybe in another thread, meantime lets say, I'm an easy guy. ![]() |
JaiGi stated>>>
dear members, Now before you pat yourself on the back and say phew, this is what happened in India. Yes, IMF is the worlds biggest lender, but the money comes with âstrings attached. Last time we borrowed in the seventies; IMF insisted we devalue the rupee; heavily. The Rupee to Dollar which was at around 30 shifted to 50 plus. We never recovered after that. This is not an isolated case Through loans, often to governments whose constituents suffer the most under the global economy, and "structural adjustment" policies, the World Bank (WB) International Monetary Fund (IMF) has kept most nations of the global south in poverty. Now they are doing it right in your back yard. Man buy those homes; prices are just going to shoot through the roof. This is what I found from the links and data that I rely on when looking at past countries GDP and how they compare to the USA >>> 1970 STATS India United States Consumer price 8.5% 22.55% index Ranked 46th. Ranked 15th. 3 times more than India Consumer 75.23 63.27 spending Ranked 24th. Ranked 63th 19% more than United States Currency > GDP > $273.26 $21,164.56 Constant 2000 Ranked 109th. Ranked 9th. 77 times more than India ************************************************************ Not that I don't appreciate your concern for our general welfare and financial crisis that we are struggling to correct the apples to oranges scenario that you present just doesn't make prudent sense! Especially since those days of exporting so many telemarketing job to India during those Bush era years that have afforded your nation with such wonderful technology and wages! That has to have been a huge boon for everyone that those jobs sustain - RIGHT??? I grit my teeth and say a special prayer each and every time that I endure a phone call to 'SERVICE' that I end up with a call center that bounces back into India and the English Speaking Human on the other end of my phone call is so aptly trying to help me with their printed answer card and is not making any rational sense! But they do try and they maintain their pleasant personality which is more than I can say for many of the service customers here in my own country! Currently my country is busy selling/trading off our mineral rights to the Bank of England and the Queen Mother >>> Sen. John McCain did this to his own Native Americans...snuck it into the DOD bill after he was voted down 2 other times! TY - TY - TY Sen. McCain! Defense Bill Passes, Giving Sacred Native American Sites To Mining Company
Posted: 12/12/2014 7:19 pm EST WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Senate passed a measure authorizing the nation’s defense programs Friday, and along with it managed to give lands sacred to Native Americans to a foreign company that owns a uranium mine with Iran. The $585 billion National Defense Authorization Act of 2015 is one of the must-pass pieces of legislation that Congress moves every year. But like they did in attaching extraneous riders to the must-pass government funding bill, lawmakers used the defense bill as a vehicle to pass a massive public lands package. The bill sailed through on a vote of 89 to 11. Many of the land measures were popular. But one, the Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Conservation Act, had twice failed to win support in the House of Representatives, blocked both by conservationists and conservatives. The deal gives a subsidiary of the Australian-English mining firm Rio Tinto 2,400 acres of the Tonto National Forest in exchange for several other parcels so it can mine a massive copper deposit. |
Dearest Madam,
What 2o2M said >> this is what I found from the links and data that I rely on when looking at past countries GDP and how they compare to the USA >>> 1. This data is mixed with data on the Indian Nation (Reservation) somewhere within US? A good try. ![]() Not that I don't appreciate your concern for our general welfare and financial crisis that we are struggling to correct the apples to oranges scenario that you present just doesn't make prudent sense! Especially since those days of exporting so many telemarketing job to India during those Bush era years that have afforded your nation with such wonderful technology and wages! 2. US National issues? I do agree we may have to draw a line between National & International issues. Wiki states "International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization headquartered in Washington, D.C." ![]() "Formed in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference, it came into formal existence in 1945 with 29 member countries and the goal of reconstructing the international payment system." (today most of the world banks through IMF for reasons of currency exchange ![]() "As of 2010, the fund had SDR476.8 billion, about US$755.7 billion at then-current exchange rates" So its like discussing the UN, head quartered in NYC. The whole point is IMF ![]() Now why should I be interested in 2 Presidents in Washington? One for us because when your president sneezes, we seem to catch cold here. President Obama was our Chief Guest during recent Republic Day. Next day he flew to Pakistan and assured them continued military aid. At this level of international power re-alignments; US Presidential elections are world influencing affair. Like Roman affairs of old. I think Nixon did a great management job when Kissinger broke ice with Red China. Maybe a war was averted. But with Mrs Clinton not much was achieved. It takes two to achieve; we didn't have a government with majority either. A new topic has been opened: Regarding call center in India, the decision to do so is taken by American corporations; not Indians heading American corporations. Now some of the business is shifting to South East Asia (cheaper than India). Who benefits? American Corporations next, Indian Corporations. The call center guy disturbing you is just a low paid graduate working in WWII switchboard conditions. Interestingly when Congress wanted to restrict entry visa (90s) it was Bill Gates who presented to Congress that US would loose leadership in software to Europe. Overnight, Congress changed the quota from 60,000 to 120,000. So that was how, Windows 5,7, NT, SQL, Win 8 all were rolled out. including the now Cloud technology. There is hardly any credible software from Europe. How did they get dusted out? My point here is at the level of macro-economics; Big Business interest takes precedence over National interests. ![]() |
Naaaa, there were 2 different links provided for you!
FIRST LINK >>> had to do with you overly hyped up info from 1970 about your India's economy and nothing held true to what we were doing here in America circa that very same year! So while you seem to want to clang the 'Fire Alarm' you can't compare Apples to Oranges and come out with the same scenarios --- mathematically it just doesn't equate! SECOND LINK >>> Was my supporting documentation for what land & with WHOM we are giving it away too! Jolly OLE' England via Queen Mother and her well vested mining interest in copper. And there have been several other land acquisitions by Chinese representatives that are purchasing some commercial real-estate places around the USA. We owe money to China and Japan; they are our two largest lenders! But your concern and worry about our land/real-estate value may come to pass but it's going to take another 50+ years or more for those to rebound from this past debacle---there were just far too many people that got burnt to deeply to get FOOLED again by quick scheme money when people were driving prices up and then dumping the land on a quick sale! Your economy in India has bounced & bounced & bounced quite a few times and the movement of services and technology into your land of warm bodies has bolstered that BOUNCE so it wasn't such a SHARP decline - RIGHT? So why are you still crying 'THE SKY IS FALLING' when it's so far from the truth? I just don't get it? |
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Sat 04/18/15 10:55 AM
I agree with you on the comparison between US & Indian economy; the scales are different: apples & oranges Looked up Wiki - History of the rupee; quite an eye open-nor. ![]() So the sky has been falling steadily over our heads, & we poor blokes didn't even know it. ![]() Seems like you are putting me through a steep learning curve here. Great & Thanks. ![]() |
I agree with you on the comparison between US & Indian economy; the scales are different: apples & oranges Looked up Wiki - History of the rupee; quite an eye open-nor. ![]() So the sky has been falling steadily over our heads, & we poor blokes didn't even know it. ![]() Seems like you are putting me through a steep learning curve here. Great & Thanks. ![]() No's never a wasted discussion when to adults are able to agree to disagree or at least share what information that they have available! And from your eye's within your country isn't the same for my Point Of View for just reading about it from a text book and thinking that - Aw, yes; I deed in do fully grasp what India has been doing! I would be a total fool to think that! But I think we both come from a point of concern that there are entirely too much LARGE MONETARY DECISIONS being made over seas that impact our nations currency and job markets that we {we the middle/lower class} have little say so in what deals shaken on! The money makers have been able to rule the world and my country is just a 'newbie' to all this and we still have much to learn - and our repeat mistakes are making us look really foolish and inept on the world stage! |
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Thu 04/23/15 10:06 AM
This is too good to pass.
Came across a January edition of The Letterman Show with Donald Trump as guest and was fairly surprised to see him highlight some of the same points which is posted here as commonsense. He was pretty confident that the Chinese debt could be renegotiated but I'm fairly sure that having the Printer take off is not the approach unless one is prepared to de-link world currencies from the dollar & have the Chinese Yuan as the new benchmark (The Brits are of course hoping that Pound will come back to significance). Trump Industries is bidding to build ‘smart cities’ in India and they have already built: The Trump Towers in Pune. ![]() For decades people have been talking of a single global economy which transcends national barriers. Now with the real estate Moghul right at our doorstep I'm beginning to feel it. As a construction professional I ask myself, where does the American border end and India’s begin? The only answer that comes back is Welcome to the new border-less world; (as far as the economy goes). The computer i'm typing on is a Dell (wiped out Indian PCs) Coke Pepsi wiped out local fruit drinks (Pepsi owns farmlands in India) Ford has a major manufacturing base in India. So does Japan's Suzuki, Toyota. (Indian cars are gone) Monsato has a pilot project ongoing. The tea is Liptons & BrookBond, biscuits Nestles, cigarettes, Imperial Tobacco Company (ATC acquired a chunk of it) What remains truly Indian is rice, veggies, mangoes and pickles. And before some clown flags this is an anti-American post let us remind ourselves that this is a dating site with a rare vintage community of members and hidden agendas couldn't survive. And more importantly, the world just shrank & we didn't notice it. |
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Thu 04/23/15 10:12 AM
The future: The world just shrank and continues to shrink further.
Seems obvious to some. Now when someone sneezes on Wall Street, we catch the cold here. |