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Topic: partiot? really?
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Mon 04/20/15 09:49 AM
Edited by IamwhoIam1 on Mon 04/20/15 09:58 AM

this post has nothing to do with race anyway, this post is about hillary so quit being trolls and go somewhere else. of course both people attacking me are probably hillary supporters.

Whatever, Adolf.

What is partiot in your topic title? Did you mean patriot?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 04/20/15 09:49 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Mon 04/20/15 10:02 AM

tomato86 stated >>>
Tea Party Patriot Says He May Vote For Hillary Clinton
A Tea Party conservative may be about to do what many in his movement consider unthinkable: vote for Hillary Clinton for president in 2016. - yahoo.com

Sadly, if my first choice of Sen. Warren can't be convinced to run I would hope that there would be others that could be convinced to step up as an Independent such as >>>

Lincoln Chafee
He was a: Republican (Before 2007)
then he switched to Independent (2007 - ��2013)
Now he's =Democratic (2013 - ��present)

Fiscal policy

Chafee opposes eliminating the federal estate tax. Chafee also voted against both the 2001 and 2003 congressional budget bills that cut and/or rebated individuals' federal income taxes. He pointed out that tax cuts reduce revenue to the federal government, thereby worsening the federal budget deficit and increasing the amount of money it has to borrow in order to operate. On November 17, 2005, he was the only Republican to vote in favor of reinstating the top federal income tax rate of 39.6% (which last existed under President Bill Clinton in the 1990s) on the highest-income taxpayers. Chafee was one of the few Republicans to vote against allowing drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and was a member of the Republicans for Environmental Protection. He has been endorsed throughout his career by the Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters.Chafee favors increased federal funding for health care, and supports an increase in the federal minimum wage. In 2003, Chafee voted against the Medicare Part D prescription drug expansion. However, Chafee also cast a crucial procedural [disambiguation needed] vote against a Democratic attempt to kill that bill, which failed by only two votes.

Chafee also co-sponsored the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005, which expanded federal jurisdiction over class-action lawsuits, and voted against a wholesale ban on gifts from employees of lobbying companies.

Some Chafee's positions considered to be within the mainstream of the current Republican Party include his support of free trade agreements (e.g., North American Free Trade Agreement and Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA); Bankruptcy Reform; the partial privatization of Social Security; and the USA Patriot Act.Social policy Chafee was a member of the Republican Majority for Choice and Republicans for Choice. Chafee was also a member of the Republican Main Street PartnershipChafee is pro-choice.[19]

In 2003, Chafee was one of the three Republican Senators to oppose the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. His 2005 senatorial re-election bid was endorsed by NARAL Pro-Choice America. He also supported federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. Chafee is a supporter and was one of three Republican senators to come out for same-sex marriage. He supports affirmative action and gun control, and was one of only two Republicans to vote against the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (which prevents firearms manufacturers and dealers from being held liable for crimes committed with their products.


But it's great to read how all of you are able to go from confused mean spirited posts right back to friendly/joking before this topic gets locked and posts get pulled --- TY for that!

And as a Independent voter; I don't want anything but the best we have to run...but sadly that's not what we have presented --- it's what the MOST MEGA BUCKS are buying the media time! Sure wish we did this more like the French...they run their election process something like 2 weeks and each candidate are allowed 15 minute segments of TV air time; that is it --- surprised Quite the shocker for an election process and yet they still manage to elect a top dog!

Sadly, Warren is a shill and liar like most seem to be in the Demoncrapic party.

She screams of the evils of "too big to fail" banks and yells "Audit the FED" but when it comes up for vote she is against it for some reason or another. Then, because someone in her family said her grandfather had "high cheek bones" she claims (falsely) to be an American Indian.

Real candidates for meaningful change NEVER have a chance. TPTB in the 2 party system will pull out their big dollar PACs, their media pundents, and tell America lies about them which they are never given airtime to refute until after the election and one of the 2 party "choices" we are "allowed" are elected as the "lesser of 2 evils"!

Let's face it. The Dems have no one anybody knows to put forward but Biden or Hitlery. Nobody likes Biden, not even his own party, and Hitlary is so corrupt and the subject of so many scandals she won't even face her own liberal press corps to answer questions 8 days into her campaign!

And those "red blooded Americans" she has done the promos with so far? It comes to light that they are actually supporters and PAC workers and not "the man on the street" as they claim, with scripts, and Hitlary doing most of the talking.....like Lerner did before Congress..... and then claimed the 5th

Of course nobody knew a one term senator from Chicago either that was shielded from the press and hard question about himself or his polices.....which he lied about anyway

no photo
Mon 04/20/15 09:56 AM
Then, because someone in her family said her grandfather had "high cheek bones" she claims (falsely) to be an American Indian.

Bahahahaha rofl

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 04/20/15 10:07 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Mon 04/20/15 10:13 AM

Then, because someone in her family said her grandfather had "high cheek bones" she claims (falsely) to be an American Indian.

Bahahahaha rofl

That was a funny bit huh? True, but funny. bigsmile

Like Hitlary's claim during one of her infamous campaign promos that her grandparents were immigrants? Guess there are at least 2 states of the 56 on the Demoncrapic map that aren't actually part of the United States.....

no photo
Mon 04/20/15 10:14 AM
HillaryUS (hilarious)

^^ Okay, I have to stop. I'm trying to be too clever. laugh

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 04/20/15 10:19 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Mon 04/20/15 10:21 AM

HillaryUS (hilarious)

^^ Okay, I have to stop. I'm trying to be too clever. laugh

It works. bigsmile Sad part is, there is nothing even remotely funny, or good, about the possibilities of a Hitlary presidency!

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 04/20/15 11:49 AM

I'm agnostic. However, this country was founded on "christian" principles.

With the recent attacks to religion one has to wonder the purpose.

If you remove the "christian" aspect of our Constitution do you then make our founding documents and the rights guaranteed under them passe'?


Mon 04/20/15 11:51 AM
Edited by 2OLD2MESSAROUND on Mon 04/20/15 12:02 PM
Warren first listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools Directory of Faculty in 1986, the year before she joined the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania Law School. She continued to list herself as a minority until 1995, the year she accepted a tenured position at Harvard Law School.

And despite the consistent regurgitation from the Republican opponent he still lost and she's still kick'n butt in the Senate and it really burns the GOP back side in many - many ways --- especially when she goes after BIG MONEY and their tax breaks! Gotcha...it's a real irritating thing! :wink:

Unlike this no brainer from a 'BUSH' >>>

The New York Times reports that Jeb Bush identified himself as Hispanic on a 2009 voter registration application in Florida. oops

On the part of the form that asks for the applicant��s race and ethnicity, Bush marked ‘Hispanic.�� It is well-known that Jeb Bush speaks Spanish fluently, lived in Venezuela for two years and his wife, Columba, was born in Mexico. When asked by the Times, a spokeswoman for the former Florida governor couldn’t offer an explanation for why he checked ��Hispanic.��

On Monday, Bush tweeted that it was a mistake.


Now that was such a colossal brain dead stunt to pull --- especially with his GOP screaming about Voter Fraud happening nation wide! But being married to a Mexican lady does not a Mexican make you! rofl

But the line up from the GOP side of the isle just seems to be a lower bar then expected and if this is all they have - I'll expect HRC to win spock
Because getting the GOP to remove their arses off the sofa and out the door to vote has been a problem the past two presidential elections and I don't see that changing any - DO YOU?

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