Topic: addictions Opinions... | |
I haven't had an addiction to drugs, drink or smoke. Wow reading what you have written shows you guys have been through some hard stuff. My ![]() If I was to think about it mine would be my job. Sometimes I forget to eat because I'm to busy working. I have to be careful not to over to it or I will hit the wall and crash. |
Well I know someone who would smoke when smoke cigarettes. She would do this and well the reason she called quit. It wasn't going to some shrink that help cause her quit. It was a watching my grandmother smoke she would do more pack then her. That is she developed lung problem and the health problem. She watch this women become unable to do thing she would drink yes. But my mom never drink and as she was watching the whole thing go on. She vow to a called it quit because she was a watching herself kill herself true. And so she work hard on tried to quit well she succeeded in doing just that quit it.She was able to quit you have drive and the will power to a do so and she did.
I haven't had an addiction to drugs, drink or smoke. Wow reading what you have written shows you guys have been through some hard stuff. My ![]() If I was to think about it mine would be my job. Sometimes I forget to eat because I'm to busy working. I have to be careful not to over to it or I will hit the wall and crash. When I get like that I'm over tired and I can't sleep. ![]() |
why do you think some people can beat addictions and some do not have the will power to ...
Because even the slightest difference in brain makeup and chemistry can alter a persons personality, self image, abilities, intelligence, etc. to a hugely significant degree. Mix in the whole idea of their "nurtured" self and it just compounds the difference. I think "willpower" is a huge shortcut word that glosses over a lot in the idea of addiction or overcoming it. I mean addiction requires treatment,
There isn't really all that much evidence, and none that's really worth a damn, that any kind of treatment of addiction is any better than any other, nor that it's all that effective. At best certain treatments of addiction can help someone lessen the consequences of a particular or specific addiction. our mind is a very powerful source and we should be able to
Our "mind" is ultimately responsible for any addiction in the first place. we know addictions can be very harmful
Some specific addictions can be very harmful. Crack addiction is going to be more "harmful" than an addiction to social attention or the internet. Sex addiction with strangers is going to be more harmful than sex addiction to your spouse or supported, accepted, and possibly enabled with your spouse. what is your opinion..
People can be addicted to something due to some sort of twist in biochemistry. Some can be addicted simply due to social/behavioral issues. People are different. Some are addicted and harm others, some are addicted and only harm themselves, people handle "harm" differently on an individual level as well as group level, some addictions don't cause harm, or may cause no harm then become harmful as life situations change, or vise versa. i.e. People are different. Situations are different. Addictions are different even though the same identifying labels are used. |
I can only hope the one's that said pain is only in your head or just sleep it off never no's what its like to have a long turm inury, or be on pain meds for a long term,I myself have not needed to use a pain med for a while,but i can tell you,ANYBODY can be hooke on pain meds if on them for any given time,,
I think that some of us just find that what ever our "addiction" may be, it's a way to feel that little bit of happiness,..that is our own choice and within our control to achieve..even if it's not true happiness... it is an escape from the disappointment of what you may never have...
firstly yes I believe we all have the willpower.. to quit anything... .. and we are all addicted... To something! the problem is.. you do not know what it is! until you come across it... but by then it is too late.. . that could be... and always thought we had to go or change one addiction for another ... and no I do not believe ... we all have the will power to quit anything ...but thanks for your opinion ... |
Opinion doesn't have a lot to do with it. The predisposition to addiction is genetic.
It can still be beat with help, therapy, will, determination, love, drugs, ... what have you, MOST of the time. Some simply cannot. |
"The way of a man is not in himself,its not in man to direct his path" Behind every addiction is a spirit or demon.No,you CANT stop obeying the evil master within.The victim needs spiritual help Man Oh Man,let the Exorcism begin! ![]() Dogbert is here to help. ![]() |
I think it all boils down to what is the addiction and what is it solving in your life. I can buy that many people have a predisposition to addiction weather it is genetic or environment or both but I have never seen someone beat an addiction without actually deciding themselves they wanted to. I am not sure it has anything to do with hitting bottom because I have seen many who make living at rock bottom a life choice. But seems many addictions are rooted in one or repeated stupid choices until you fix your choosing process, or at least interrupt it long enough for someone to get past the physical addiction so they can make a choice, beating any addiction is going to be hard. I Can't really say why I am not a hard core alcoholic given the number of "excuses" I could have claimed but maybe I just didn't like being sick or saw the choice as dumb *** from the start. Doesn't take rocket scientist intelligence to know you put certain addictive substances in your body you are going to crave it. Of course I never felt invincible so I didn't need anymore strikes against me than I had. What does kind of knock me out is I I have seen a lot of people just substitute one addiction for another like AA programs of one type or another for various addictions but they are still saying they are powerless until they choose NOT to be powerless. What really seems sad to me is the amount of damage that addictions can do not only to the primary victim but everyone else who is affected. To me there are no way you can claim it doesn't affected others being addicted. Yea if we let someone self implode with out help it may shrink the pool of people effected but it is still going to be a loss on some level so I can see at least trying to slow many of the various addictions down by not promoting them or making justifications for them.
"The way of a man is not in himself,its not in man to direct his path" Behind every addiction is a spirit or demon.No,you CANT stop obeying the evil master within.The victim needs spiritual help Your right!!!... I was watching the preacher on T.V just last week talk about the same exact thing!!!.. He said, if we send $19.99 he would send holy water.. to wash away those demons. For $29.99 ( plus S&H) You get the clip on the belt holy water spray bottle... for when you are walking around He sold me!!!.. I am going to spray the hell out of those demons.. as soon as my shipment arrives |
hi....i had a 12yr addiction & only managed to stop after losing everything (rock bottom) but i know friends in the same situation who just can`t stop....i think it depends on you as a person....some people want a better life even when addicted to drugs or drink & others are content with there lives.....i was jealous of everyone living there day to day lives while i was a slave to heroin...morning noon & night i was taking it or getting money for it etc...i tried to stop afew times but never really gave it 100% (not sure why) but when i lost my family..home & job my life became a sad lonely place where the only people in your life are people who use & abuse you & drugs at that point you need to man up & sort it out.....6yrs later i still think about that euphoric feeling but it`s nice to wake up & get on with your day without having to have a fix before you can even get out of bed....if i can stop then anyone is capable of it...just need the right incentive....i still use recreational stuff as i enjoy clubbing & having a laugh but would never go back down the road of everyday habits....good luck to anyone who has addictions & they can be beat ;)
hi :)
i agree & disagree.....your 100% on people form these habits as it`s comforting & you enjoy it as it takes you away from the everyday stresses but that`s not really an addiction (it`s a habit). Addiction is when it controls your life & interferes with other aspects of your normal life (what ever normal is :p)...when it`s the first thing you think off when you wake up & the last thing on your mind at night & you start to lie or make excuses for you behaviour as you know it`s wrong then you need to take control before it controls you....the trouble is the mind is a powerful thing & getting your head in the right place is not easy :/ |
sleep thru it huh,,thats even funnyer,,so iam laying in host bed with a broken feemer hip and jaw and i should just sleep it off,your klling me girl,,and now you no something the docls dont huh? WOW how interesting..tell some one that been in a bad car crash,,hey just sleep it off, having your hole left side crushed and in pain is all in you head,,sure your not on pain meds yourself? not trying o be an a hole but yor sooooo off on this one..JMHO lol, I had an IV drip and pushed my button every 6 minutes. I know. ![]() |
firstly yes I believe we all have the willpower.. to quit anything... .. and we are all addicted... To something! the problem is.. you do not know what it is! until you come across it... but by then it is too late.. . that could be... and always thought we had to go or change one addiction for another ... and no I do not believe ... we all have the will power to quit anything ...but thanks for your opinion ... yep,we can even swallow a whole Package of EXLAX(TM),and stay away from that Bathroom on Willpower! ![]() |
We all can pass on Exlax.