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Topic: Why are men and women so incompatible?
mightymoe's photo
Mon 04/13/15 04:00 PM

You 2 guys above reread my question..children do exist, we all used to be children remember? Also remember, children are almost always made through sex between a man and a woman. Children do take prolonged amounts of time to be grown, this is why my question about the compatibility of men and women baffles me. If children are made by man and woman, and they really do best having mom and dad together, why can't mom and dad love each other?

women be crazy... best answer i have for ya... were happy sitting around playing video games, and yall want to go shopping... guess who's not going to play video games that day?

no photo
Mon 04/13/15 04:02 PM
You said it's nurture, now you say it's nature.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 04/13/15 04:04 PM

You said it's nurture, now you say it's nature.

i've said neither one of those words...

TMommy's photo
Mon 04/13/15 04:05 PM
Edited by TMommy on Mon 04/13/15 04:06 PM
whoopsy double post

TMommy's photo
Mon 04/13/15 04:06 PM

You 2 guys above reread my question..children do exist, we all used to be children remember? Also remember, children are almost always made through sex between a man and a woman. Children do take prolonged amounts of time to be grown, this is why my question about the compatibility of men and women baffles me. If children are made by man and woman, and they really do best having mom and dad together, why can't mom and dad love each other?

women be crazy... best answer i have for ya... were happy sitting around playing video games, and yall want to go shopping... guess who's not going to play video games that day?
they sell new video games in the store
and you can stop at that restaurant you liked so much last time
and I promise I am only going into one store..two tops and we will done by lunch

no photo
Mon 04/13/15 04:07 PM

You 2 guys above reread my question..children do exist, we all used to be children remember? Also remember, children are almost always made through sex between a man and a woman. Children do take prolonged amounts of time to be grown, this is why my question about the compatibility of men and women baffles me. If children are made by man and woman, and they really do best having mom and dad together, why can't mom and dad love each other?

women be crazy... best answer i have for ya... were happy sitting around playing video games, and yall want to go shopping... guess who's not going to play video games that day?

Do you mind if I sit and play video games with you? I don't like shopping and yes, though very few and far between, some women don't like shopping or make up or talking about clothes, shoes, hair and all that stuff. We don't all fit the stereotypes.

Ladywind7's photo
Mon 04/13/15 04:08 PM
It is complicated for many reasons and it works for many, so its hard to pinpoint any one thing such as nature or nurture.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 04/13/15 04:09 PM

You 2 guys above reread my question..children do exist, we all used to be children remember? Also remember, children are almost always made through sex between a man and a woman. Children do take prolonged amounts of time to be grown, this is why my question about the compatibility of men and women baffles me. If children are made by man and woman, and they really do best having mom and dad together, why can't mom and dad love each other?

women be crazy... best answer i have for ya... were happy sitting around playing video games, and yall want to go shopping... guess who's not going to play video games that day?

Do you mind if I sit and play video games with you? I don't like shopping and yes, though very few and far between, some women don't like shopping or make up or talking about clothes, shoes, hair and all that stuff. We don't all fit the stereotypes.

shoot yea, as long as the talk is mostly about the game...:wink:

mightymoe's photo
Mon 04/13/15 04:11 PM

You 2 guys above reread my question..children do exist, we all used to be children remember? Also remember, children are almost always made through sex between a man and a woman. Children do take prolonged amounts of time to be grown, this is why my question about the compatibility of men and women baffles me. If children are made by man and woman, and they really do best having mom and dad together, why can't mom and dad love each other?

women be crazy... best answer i have for ya... were happy sitting around playing video games, and yall want to go shopping... guess who's not going to play video games that day?
they sell new video games in the store
and you can stop at that restaurant you liked so much last time
and I promise I am only going into one store..two tops and we will done by lunch

uh huh...i've heard that before... can't catch me with that whopper again...laugh

no photo
Mon 04/13/15 04:20 PM
Video games vs shopping. It's like hunting and gathering. Compatible right?

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/13/15 04:26 PM
Edited by yellowrose10 on Mon 04/13/15 04:27 PM
Men and women can be compatible but still have different hobbies. They don't have to spend every minute together.

Many kids do great even from broken homes.

Mom raised me and my sis alone after my dad died when I was 7

no photo
Mon 04/13/15 04:26 PM

Video games vs shopping. It's like hunting and gathering. Compatible right?

Estell!!!! ^^^^ That is the meaning of life! noway

SitkaRains's photo
Mon 04/13/15 04:50 PM

Men and women can be compatible but still have different hobbies. They don't have to spend every minute together.

Many kids do great even from broken homes.

Mom raised me and my sis alone after my dad died when I was 7
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
This makes so much sense to me. When my husband passed away my youngest wasn't even quite two.
I have four wonderful, grounded,contributing adult children that are wonderful parents. 2 boys. 2 girls,.

I honestly believe people can be compatible if they choose to be... I have as many or more male friends as I do female. It is real interesting in this house during football season. I we are all rooting for our teams and usually there is several going againest opposing sides.

Bottom line find people that common interests and have fun

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Mon 04/13/15 05:36 PM
I never am sure anymore what to think when people get on to conversations based around "life used to be better in the old days."

I know two main things:

1. When I was a kid, the world around me was censored in every way you can imagine. Not just sexually, either. Private lives of politicians was taboo on the news, except in the most extreme situations. Handicapped people were kept hidden. So were unmarried pregnant women.

So if you ask me if things were really better back then, I have to say, I have no idea. I was certainly told that the world worked as designed.

2. My actual life experience has all been a constant opposite to those days of what I now realize were idealized fantasies. From the time I was a small child, I discovered again and again, that the rarity wasn't the people with problems and the people with less than pure motives. The rarity has ALWAYS been the people who were honorable; who were faithful; who were unselfish; and who stood up for the principles the censorship was supposedly based upon.

So I don't know that it HAS changed all that mich, except that everything gets published now.

Way back in the Sixties, a famous artist said "in the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes." He was apparently talking about his recognition of the then just beginning to get wild technology of rapid communication. We're waaaay past what he was talking about now. Social media doesn't make everyone famous all the time, but now everyone has to deal with the fact that a vastly greater portion of what used to be private lives, is now posted online every few minutes.

It means for one thing, that when your mate thinks something negative about you, instead of it taking a few weeks before a rumor from his or her friends bubbles into the open (during which time you might accidentally repair things), you now find out almost instantly, and have to deal with it in public.

On another side of things, there seems to have been a dramatic shift in the business world in just the last twenty years, wherein the idea of a "career" is now gone. Worse than gone, business leaders actually look down their noses at any one who remains in the same career or business for more than a few years. It helps their profit margin, but I think it bleeds over into every other aspect of life.

Spend half your waking hours at a job where you are thought of as an easily replaced commodity with a short shelf life, and it's bound to eat away at your associated relationships.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 04/13/15 06:00 PM
Most men and women relationships are very difficult to prolong.

huh Most? You know this how?

no photo
Mon 04/13/15 11:13 PM
How do we know anything? I'm not going to get into a philosophical debate about what is knowing.

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